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  • Glemsjö, Victoria
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Forsberg, Louise
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Gynnsamma läsutvecklingsmetoder för elever med läsinlärningssvårigheter i låg- och mellanstadiet.2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Arbabzadegan Hashemi, Gilda
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Borghay, Mona
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Problemlösningsundervisning och matematiklärarens kunskapi mellanstadiet: En kvalitativ studie2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Problemlösningar är ett område inom matematiken som innebär många utmaningar för både elever och lärare. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka lärarens kunskaper om problemlösningar och det sätt de utformar undervisningen av problemlösningar. Tio matematiklärare i grundskolor i två olika kommuner deltog i halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Tematisk analys användes för att bearbeta datamaterialet. De teoretiska perspektiv som används i studien för att diskutera resultatet inkluderar Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) och Självförmåga (Self-efficacy). Resultatet visar att det förekommer olika typer av utmaningar hos eleverna, bland annat bristande läsförståelse, begreppsförståelse och förkunskaper samt svårigheter med redovisning och resonemang. Matematiklärarna försöker genom att tillämpa olika metoder och strategier hantera dessa utmaningar. Vidare upplever lärarna att de har tillräcklig med kunskap för att kunna bedriva sin nuvarande problemlösningsundervisning men att ytterligare kunskap i form av olika kompetensforum är önskvärd för att uppdatera sin kunskap och därmed optimera sin undervisning med hjälp av de senaste metoder och strategier. Detaljerad redovisning och diskussion av metodval, etiska överväganden, potentiella tillämpningar och förslag för vidare forskning har tillhandahållits.

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  • Molin Munktell, Emma
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Användandet av videofeedback vid implementering av mångsidiga intensiva inlärningsprogram på förskolan2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Unnis, Anna-Lena
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Stödjer Skolövergripande positivt beteendestöd nivå 1 elever som har en autismdiagnos i grundskolan? Personalens upplevelse.2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Hjortsberg, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Skolvardag med autism, sett ur förälderns perspektiv, hinder och möjligheter2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Lindbäck, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Skolövergripande positivt beteendestöd och desspåverkan på lärmiljön, sett ur pedagogers perspektiv2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Zhang, Mengling
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, Centre for Research on Bilingualism.
    Highly educated Chinese immigrants’ integration in Sweden: How language and other forms of capital shape immigrants’ perceptions of possibilities for integration2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Under contemporary conditions of globalisation, immigration is not a new phenomenon,and an increasing number of Chinese people are moving to Sweden to study and work.However, how and to what extent these Chinese immigrants integrate into Sweden isunclear, as there is little research on this. This study aims to fill this gap by studying agroup of highly educated Chinese immigrants in Sweden and exploring how languageand other forms of capital influence their perceptions of possibilities for integration inSweden. It also seeks to investigate these participants’ investment in learning Swedish.Using a mixed-method approach, 29 participants were recruited to complete thequestionnaires, and 5 participants were selected for the follow-up semi-structuredinterviews. The analysis is grounded in Bourdieu's framework of practice as capital, field,and habitus, complemented by Norton's concept of investment. The findings indicate thatthe integration potentials for these participants are complex. The questionnaire resultsshow that there is a positive relationship between the participants’ Swedish proficiencyand their perception of their level of integration in society. In addition, the interviewresults suggest that Swedish as linguistic capital is seen as essential by most participantsto integrate professionally and socially in Sweden. However, most participants hardly useSwedish in any field, whether professional or social. Moreover, the results of this studydemonstrate that the transferability of institutionalized cultural capital in the labor marketalso shapes participants’ perceived integration. In this regard, participants whoanticipated greater return of economic capital and social capital by learning Swedishtended to invest more in learning it, while participants who expected minimal return ofcapital invested less. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of Chineseimmigrants’ integration processes in Sweden. While some aspects require furtherresearch, it has relevance for other Nordic countries as well as the broader discourse onmigration, integration and language.

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  • Winther, Ellen
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology.
    Otrygghet i Stockholms stad: En kvantitativ studie om otryggheten i Stockholms stad kopplat till utsatta områden2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I den föreliggande studien undersöks utvecklingen av och skillnader i otrygghet mellanområdestyper i Stockholms stad. Områdestyperna baseras på polismyndighetens klassificeringav särskilt utsatta-, utsatta- och övriga områden. Tidigare forskning visar att den generellaotryggheten och oron i Stockholms stad varit stabil 2008-2014, för att sedan öka 2014-2017.Nivån och till viss del utvecklingen av oro/otrygghet skiljer sig åt mellan stadens stadsdelar.Tidigare forskning kring sambandet mellan otrygghet och stadsdelar i Stockholms stad stannar2017. Den föreliggande studien ämnar bidra med en uppdaterad bild av utvecklingen avotryggheten i Stockholms stad. Eftersom Stockholms stads trygghetsmätning förändrats genomåren, begränsas studiens jämförande analys. En fördjupad analys av 2023 utförs i syfte att bättreförstå skillnaderna i otrygghet mellan områdestyper. Tidigare studier och studiens teoretiskaperspektiv visar att individ- och hushållsfaktorer som kön, ålder, utbildning, etnicitet, utsatthetoch områdesfaktorer som boendestabilitet, kollektiv förmåga och oordning påverkarsambandet mellan otrygghet och områden. Även stämpling av områdestyper som utsatta kanbidra till upplevelsen av otrygghet i området.

    Studien grundar sig på sekundärdata och består av material från Stockholms stadstrygghetsmätning 2014-2023. Materialet har samlats in genom ett stratifierat sannolikhetsurvalför en representativ bild av populationen. En övergripande analys av utvecklingen av otrygghetmellan områdestyper har utförts genom korstabeller som visualiserats i stapeldiagram.Resultatet visar att oron och otryggheten ökar för utsatta- och övriga områden medan denminskar för särskilt utsatta områden. Den fördjupade analysen av 2023 har utförts med linjäraregressionsmodeller. Resultaten visar att individ- och hushållsfaktorer samt områdesfaktorertill viss del förklarar sambandet mellan otrygghet/oro och områdestyper. De skillnader somfinns vid kontroll för studiens samtliga variabler kan bero på stämpling av utsatta områden somotrygga, det kriminalpolitiska och mediala uppmärksammandet av gängvåldet men även detfaktiska gängvåldet som ökat och spridits från särskilt utsatta områden till andra områdestyper.Skillnaderna kan även bero på andra faktorer som inte ingår i analysen.

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  • Gustafsson, Emil
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm Business School.
    Gustav, Johansson
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm Business School.
    Ludvig, Löfvenhaft
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm Business School.
    Risk-free Rates and Sector Valuations: How Risk-free rate Fluctuations Affect Stock Price in Various S&P 500 Sectors2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between changes in risk free rate and returns across various sectors within the S&P 500. It employs the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Vector Autoregression (VAR) models to investigate to what extent the beta in CAPM can predict changes in stock prices according to responses in changes in the risk free rates. The analysis is extended to an examination if the prediction capacities of beta are varying among different sectors, thereby addressing the sector specific dynamics. The result is indicating that beta consistently predicts the direction of stock price variations relative to the risk free rate adjustments but its ability to determine the magnitude of that named changes is limited and varies by sector.

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  • Public defence: 2025-02-07 13:00 Lilla Hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm
    Lähteenaro, Meri
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology.
    Diversity, speciation and evolutionary history of the twisted-winged parasite genus Stylops (Strepsiptera): A genomic approach2025Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Despite their captivating peculiarity, the insect order Strepsiptera, commonly known as twisted-winged parasites, remains relatively poorly known. Advancements in molecular methods have provided researchers with new tools to address evolutionary questions about the order previously difficult to resolve due to the challenging morphology of Strepsipterans. Stylops, one of the largest genera of Strepsiptera, has had its fair share of these challenges. Stylops are obligate endoparasites of Andrena mining bees, and taxonomists working with the genus have used species concepts with varying degrees of host specificity. This has led to conflicting species hypotheses and unresolved phylogenetic relationships. Furthermore, key evolutionary processes, such as host coevolution and drivers of speciation, have largely remained unexplored. In this thesis, I use genomic-scale data to both clarify the taxonomy of Stylops and to investigate the evolutionary history and processes within the genus. In chapter I, we apply whole-genome sequencing to produce a comprehensive molecular data set focused on West Palaearctic Stylops species. Over 2000 genes were used in species delimitation analyses to evaluate existing and conflicting species hypotheses. We found justification for synonymization of multiple species, indications of undescribed species, and confirmed new host-parasite relationships, clarifying the West Palaearctic species diversity of Stylops. In chapter II, we infer a phylogeny of the genus based on thousands of loci, including newly sequenced Nearctic species. Additionally, we assess the biogeographic history and coevolutionary patterns with their host. The used inference methods produced fully resolved phylogenies with high support values and only minor topological differences between the methods. We found Stylops to originate in the West Palaearctic or West Palaearctic and Nearctic in the early Neogene or late Palaeogene and diversification of Stylops to be shaped by both coevolution and host-shifting. In chapter III we investigate what drives divergence in six species or species groups of Stylops using a genome-wide SNP dataset. We found that, depending on the species, both geographic distance and host association each play important roles for genetic differentiation, highlighting how contrasting processes may shape speciation even in closely related species. In chapter IV, we review the Nordic Strepsiptera fauna based on the current taxonomic knowledge and describe two new Stylops species that were identified as undescribed species in earlier chapters. Additionally, we gather an extensive species occurrence record set of Strepsiptera from the Nordic countries based on museum and private collections, and online databases. The overall aim of this thesis is to apply genomic data to answer questions of species diversity, host association, drivers of speciation and evolutionary history of the genus Stylops to increase our knowledge and understanding of these fascinating insects.

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    Diversity, speciation and evolutionary history of the twisted-winged parasite genus Stylops (Strepsiptera): A genomic approach
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  • Public defence: 2025-02-07 10:00 Hörsal 5, Södra huset B, Vån 3, Stockholm
    Strömberg, Isabella
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology.
    Uppbrott, avbrott, omstart: En etnografisk studie av disruptivitet i en svensk grundskola2025Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This dissertation explores the concept of disruptivity (disruptivitet) in the Swedish public education system, centering on Nya Tallskolan – a secondary school situated in a suburban area I call Tallskog. Historically shaped by territorial stigma and socio-economic marginalization, Tallskog has been the focus of various government interventions aimed at improving both living conditions and the neighborhood’s reputation. As part of a large municipal initiative to "lift" Tallskog, Nya Tallskolan was built with the goal of fostering positive change in both the school and the surrounding community.

    Drawing on two years of ethnographic fieldwork, this study examines how disruptions —arising from national and local educational reforms, high staff turnover, and modifications to the school's physical environment — shape everyday practices within the school. The fieldwork includes participant observation and interviews with ninth-grade students, teachers, school leaders, youth workers, and community members, as well as active involvement in students' after-school activities, including local youth center initiatives and summer job programs for Tallskog’s youth.

    Disruptivity, as explored in this dissertation, refers to a dynamic and ongoing process in which continuous cycles of change prevent long-term consolidation and perpetuate uncertainty. These disruptions are not isolated events but structural features of the school that interact and overlap with each other, while reinforcing existing inequalities. This study highlights how these recurring cycles influence both pedagogical relationships and the overall educational environment, illustrating the paradoxical effects of reforms that, while intended to improve the system, often exacerbate the challenges they aim to address. Situated within the broader context of the Swedish education system, the dissertation explores how market-driven policies and territorial stigmatization contribute to the persistent instability of Nya Tallskolan. Efforts to create a transparent and collaborative learning environment often resulted in further sources of disruption, as architectural and organizational changes undermined teaching practices and social relationships.

    This dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of how local and structural factors interact in shaping the educational landscape, particularly in marginalized urban areas. It underscores that disruptivity is not merely an obstacle to stability, but a critical lens through which to understand the complexities of institutional change, social inequality, and educational reform in contemporary Sweden.


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  • Public defence: 2025-02-06 10:00 NILAS Library, (hus B, plan 5), Stockholm
    Sánchez Trejo, Laura Azalia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Romance Studies and Classics.
    La crítica de la violencia patriarcal en cinco cuentos de Mariana Enriquez2025Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    La crítica de la violencia patriarcal en cinco cuentos de Mariana Enriquez

    This dissertation explores the representation of patriarchal violence in five short stories by Mariana Enriquez: “Tela de araña”, “Rambla triste”, “El chico sucio”, “El carrito”, and “El aljibe”. Anchored in Rita Segato's theory of structural patriarchal violence and employing conventions of Gothic literature, the study examines how Enriquez critiques societal dynamics that perpetuate systemic oppression. The research identifies a pervasive status system under patriarchy, highlighting how gender, class, race, and age overlap as key determinants of power. A qualitative analysis reveals that Enriquez appropriates Gothic conventions—such as haunted spaces, monstrous figures, and altered mental states—to emphasize the irrationality and inescapability of patriarchal oppression.

    Using a methodological framework that combines literary analysis with feminist and Gothic studies, the thesis demonstrates how Enriquez’s literature questions conventional representations of gendered violence and universalizes this problematic. Each analyzed story offers a localized critique while addressing mechanisms that normalize violence. In this way, the study underscores how Enriquez portrays violence as a pervasive, self-perpetuating structure that infiltrates private and public life.

    This research engages with broader debates on gender and power. The findings emphasize the potential of Enriquez’s writing in exposing and denaturalizing entrenched patriarchal norms in society.

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    La crítica de la violencia patriarcal en cinco cuentos de Mariana Enriquez
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  • Enetjärn, Oskar
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
    Uppfattningens sidoeffekter: En ekokritisk analys av Matias Faldbakkens roman Vi er fem. 2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppsatsen analyserar Matias Faldbakkens roman Vi er fem (2019) utifrån ett ekokritiskt perspektiv. Romanen analyseras utifrån Timothy Mortons begrepp ”agrilogistik” och Donna Haraways teori om ”companion species” samt med hjälp av en ekonarratologisk metod, vilken medför att även romanens språk och berättarperspektiv förstås som förmedlare av ekokritiska frågor och perspektiv. På så vis vill uppsatsen belysa omgivningens och det icke-mänskligas roll i romanen, samt hur romanens intrig och berättarstruktur kan ses gestalta relationen mellan människa och icke-människa. I uppsatsen framhålls hur gestaltningen av icke-mänskliga varelser och människans relation till dessa ses väcka frågor om vilka former av samexistens som är möjlig mellan människa och icke-människa. I analysen av berättar-perspektivet i romanen uppfattas en mänsklig oförmåga att närma sig såväl sin omgivning som icke-mänskliga varelser på ett hållbart sätt. I uppsatsen argumenteras för att denna oförmåga inte bara påverkar människorna i berättelsen, utan även ställer frågor om människans ekologiska samvaro i ett utomtextligt perspektiv.  

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  • Enetjärn, Oskar
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
    Uppfattningens sidoeffekter: En ekokritisk analys av Matias Faldbakkens roman Vi er fem.2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppsatsen studerar Matias Faldbakkens roman Vi er fem (2019) utifrån ett ekokritiskt perspektiv. Romanens berättelse analyseras i relation till Timothy Mortons begrepp agrilogistics och Donna Haraways teori gällande companion species, samt med hjälp av en ekonarratologisk metod, vilken medför att även språk och berättarperspektiv förstås som förmedlare av ekokritiska frågor och perspektiv. På så vis vill uppsatsen belysa omgivningens och det icke-mänskligas roll i romanen, samt hur romanens intrig och berättarstruktur kan ses gestalta relationen mellan människa och icke-människa. I uppsatsen framhålls hur gestaltningen av icke-mänskliga varelser och människans relation till dessa, väcker frågor om vilka former av samexistens som är möjlig mellan människa och icke-människa. I analysen av berättarperspektivet urskiljs en mänsklig oförmåga att närma sig såväl sin omgivning som icke-mänskliga varelser på ett hållbart sätt. I uppsatsen argumenteras för att denna oförmåga inte bara påverkar människorna i berättelsen, utan även ställer frågor om människans ekologiska samvaro i ett utomtextligt perspektiv.  

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  • Neuberger, Almuth
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Decesari, Stefano
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Aktypis, Andreas
    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece;;Institute of Chemical Engineering, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Patras, Greece;.
    Andersen, Hendrik
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe, Germany;;Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Karlsruhe, Germany;.
    Baumgardner, Darrel
    Droplet Measurement Technologies, LLC, Longmont, Colorado.
    Bianchi, Federico
    Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;.
    Busetto, Maurizio
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Cai, Jing
    Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;.
    Cermak, Jan
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe, Germany;;Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Karlsruhe, Germany;.
    Dipu, Sudhakar
    Institute for Meteorology, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany;.
    Ekman, Annica M. L.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Meteorology . Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Fuzzi, Sandro
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Gramlich, Yvette
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Haslett, Sophie
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Heikkinen, Liine
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Joutsensaari, Jorma
    Department of Technical Physics, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland;.
    Kaltsonoudis, Christos
    Institute of Chemical Engineering, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Patras, Greece;.
    Kangasluoma, Juha
    Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;.
    Krejci, Radovan
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Lupi, Angelo
    Institute of Polar Science, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Marinoni, Angela
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Matrali, Angeliki
    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece;;Institute of Chemical Engineering, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Patras, Greece;.
    Mattsson, Fredrik
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Mohr, Claudia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Nenes, Athanasios
    Laboratory of atmospheric processes and their impacts, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland;.
    Paglione, Marco
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Pandis, Spyros N.
    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece;;Institute of Chemical Engineering, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Patras, Greece;.
    Patel, Anil
    Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden;;Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm, Sweden;.
    Riipinen, Ilona
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Rinaldi, Matteo
    Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council of Italy, Bologna, Italy;.
    Steimer, Sarah
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science.
    Stolzenburg, Dominik
    Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;;Institute for Materials Chemistry, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
    Sulo, Juha
    Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;.
    Vasilakopoulou, Christina N.
    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece;;Institute of Chemical Engineering, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Patras, Greece;.
    Zieger, Paul
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI). Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Meteorology .
    From Molecules to Droplets: The Fog and Aerosol Interaction Research Italy (FAIRARI) 2021/22 Campaign2025In: Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS), ISSN 0003-0007, E-ISSN 1520-0477, Vol. 106, no 1, p. E23-E50Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Italian Po Valley is one of the most polluted regions in Europe. During winter, meteorological conditions favor long and dense fogs, which strongly affect visibility and human health. In spring, the frequency of nighttime fogs reduces while daytime new particle formation events become more common. This transition is likely caused by a reduction in particulate matter (PM2.5), leading to a decrease in the relevant condensation sink. The physics and chemistry of fog and aerosol have been studied at the San Pietro Capofiume site since the 1980s, but the detailed processes driving the observed trends are not fully understood. Hence, during winter and spring 2021/22, the Fog and Aerosol Interaction Research Italy (FAIRARI) campaign was carried out, using a wide spectrum of approaches, including in situ measurements, outdoor chamber experiments, and remote sensing. Atmospheric constituents and their properties were measured ranging from gas molecules and molecular clusters to fog droplets. One unique aspect of this study is the direct measurement of the aerosol composition inside and outside of fog, showing a slightly greater dominance of organic compounds in the interstitial compared to the droplet phase. Satellite observations of fog provided a spatial context and agreed well with in situ measurements of droplet size. They were complemented with in situ chamber experiments, providing insights into oxidative processes and revealing a large secondary organic aerosol-forming potential of ambient air upon chemical aging. The oxidative potential of aerosol and fog water inferred the impact of aerosol–fog interactions on particle toxicity.

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  • Kunitz, Silvia
    et al.
    Linköping University.
    Sobarzo Petri, Sara
    Region Gotland.
    Green, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning. City of Stockholm, Sweden.
    Berggren, Jessica
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning. City of Stockholm, Sweden.
    Genre-based instruction in the EFL classroom: Triangulating teaching, collaborative writing, and pupils’ texts2024In: Breaking Boundaries for Language Education: Book of Abstracts, 2024, p. 17-18Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    While cumulative evidence highlights the positive effects of collaborative pupil writing (CPW, Storch, 2019), previous research has not considered younger learners and the potential impact of writing instruction on the pupils’ texts. In turn, research on collaboration during genre-based writing instruction (GBWI, Hyland, 2016) has investigated collaborative genre-analysis (Hakim, 2023) and teacher-led, whole class writing (Caplan & Farling, 2017) rather than CPW. 

    To address these gaps, our research team designed an intervention for younger learners (8 pairs of high-school pupils taught by two teachers in an English as a second language class) articulated in two phases: a GBWI-based genre analysis, followed by a computer-mediated CPW task. The target genre consisted of online explanatory texts; specifically, the pupils were instructed to write a text publishable on an online magazine for foreigners living in Sweden on How to survive Stockholm’s public transport system. In this genre, the text is structured in body paragraphs, each preceded by a question-formatted subheading and starting with a sentence that answers the question in the subheading and functions as a topic sentence anticipating the paragraph content. 

    The analysis focused on this genre-specific feature and was conducted through data triangulation combining video-recordings of the genre analysis, screen-recordings of the CPW task, and the pupil- written texts. A preliminary content-based analysis of genre-related episodes (Tardy & Gou, 2021) in the paired interactions shows that the pupils negotiated both content and text structure when proposing questions to be used as subheadings. Text analysis indicates that most pupil pairs formulated subheadings as questions; however, the first sentences in the body paragraphs were not always formulated as topic sentences answering the question in the subheading. Our work-in- progress plans to analyze whether differences among the pupils’ texts may be attributed to the teacher-led genre analysis. Overall, this study sheds light on the process-product interplay in GBWI- informed CPW in the EFL classroom. 

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  • Osman, Dina
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    IS US/WESTERN CULTURAL HEGEMONY ERODING?: An Analysis of African Newspapers2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Roe, Étáin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    Pawning Dutch Farmers for International Legitimacy: A Study of the Dutch Government’s Framing of Green Policy in the Netherlands2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The adoption of environmental policy sits high on most legitimacy-seeking governments’ agendas. However, the implementation of environmental policies is not always a straightforward process and can lead to disputes in regards to both who is responsible and who will be affected by the measures, such as the case in the Netherlands. This study analysed the Dutch government’s green frames in communication regarding the agriculture sector between 2010 and 2022, in order to determine what caused the farmer’s discontent and led to their ongoing protest in 2019. What the study found is that the Dutch government allowed the farmers to take the blame for intensive farming practices which it had encouraged, so that it could gain legitimacy, both at home with the Dutch population, and internationally with powerful institutions such as the EU. This enabled the government to pursue its ambition of becoming the global leader in the fight against climate change, unhindered.  

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    Étáin Roe 2022
  • Lidén, Gustav
    et al.
    Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Mid Sweden University (Mittuniversitetet) Sundsvall Sweden.
    Holmqvist, Emma
    Uppsala universitet .
    Jacobsson, Joel
    Jutvik, Kristoffer
    Linköpings universitet .
    Nyhlén, Jon
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    Grindvakt för de oönskade: En kunskapsöversikt kring länken mellan kommunal bostadspolitikoch bosättningen av utsatta grupper2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    En god bostadssituation är grundläggande för alla och enmänsklig rättighet. Samtidigt visar vår analys att kommuner,i Sverige och i andra länder, använder sin bostadspolitikför att utestänga utsatta grupper och försvåra för dem attfå tillgång till bostäder. Betydande lokala variationer finnsi den förda bostadspolitiken vilket innebär att individerbehandlas olika inom och mellan kommuner.

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  • Löf, Alexander
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies.
    Fatburen: Tvätt, fiske eller mittemellan?: En analys av människans bruk av en förlorad tre tusen år gammal sjö i stadsmiljö på Södermalm, Stockholm.2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this essay is to investigate the historical uses and significance of Lake Fatburen in pre-industrial Stockholm. The essay explores what the archaeological remains in the lake can reveal about its historical purposes and examines what the name may indicate about the lake's practical uses. Drawing inspiration from "Fatburen 3000 år," the paper incorporates theories of human activity, cultural heritage, and environmental changes. Employing the triangulation method, information from diverse sources, including historical documents like maps and literary works, archaeological reports and diatom diagrams.

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    Löf, Alexander – Fatburen
  • Klevnäs, Alison
    et al.
    Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Ljung, Cecilia
    Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Noterman, Astrid
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Brownlee, Emma
    Girton College, United Kingdom.
    Groundbreakers: Human Remains and Radiocarbon Dates from the First Burials in Churchyards on Gotland2024In: Current Swedish Archaeology, ISSN 1102-7355, Vol. 32, p. 65-98Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper presents osteological analyses and radiocarbon dates from human remains found in early churchyards on the Baltic island of Gotland. Graves from the first phases of burial have been discovered beside churches on Gotland on many occasions since the late nine-teenth century, usually during preparations for new interments. Previous work has focused on the artefacts found with many of them, which suggest that the early churchyard dead were buried in costume closely resembling that worn in the last phases of the traditional grave fields. These finds have been a key source for research into the chronology and process of the Christianization of Gotland during the late Viking Age and early medieval period. Neglected, however, are the human remains which were sometimes recovered alongside the artefacts, but until now escaped research attention. Here we present analyses of the remains of 26 individuals recovered from Garda churchyard, with smaller numbers from Stånga, Havdhem and Fardhem. The results contribute osteological characterization of the early adopters of churchyard burial, along with new absolute dates for the establishment and use of the new Christian burial sites, and demonstrate that the practice of furnished burial was maintained in churchyards for an extended period.

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  • Public defence: 2025-01-31 10:00 Albano, Auditorium 4, House 2, Floor 2, Stockholm
    Boldis, Beáta Vivien
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Public Health Sciences.
    Follicular fallacies or where should we begin?: Polycystic ovary syndrome from a life course perspective2025Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is among the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, and is associated with several burdensome comorbidities. Around half of women with PCOS are either unaware of their condition or only become diagnosed a considerable time after symptoms initially manifest. PCOS presents significant challenges for both healthcare professionals and the women affected by the condition. Due to its multifaceted nature, there is currently no straightforward treatment available, and this has been the status quo for decades. Further investigation is needed to understand the etiology of PCOS and how PCOS contributes to socioeconomic and health inequalities. 

    This PhD thesis aims to generate new knowledge on intergenerational and early life drivers of PCOS, while contributing to a better understanding of the mechanisms that generate social inequalities in PCOS. The four individual studies are based on register data for large population samples of Swedish women born between 1962 and 1995. 

    Study I investigated associations of intergenerational and early life factors with PCOS. Maternal PCOS diagnosis, maternal diabetes mellitus, maternal obesity and heavy maternal smoking (10+ cigarettes/day) were strongly associated with PCOS among offspring. Additionally, lower (<7) one-minute Apgar score and post-term birth were associated with diagnosis of PCOS.

    Study II investigated associations between PCOS and several comorbidities, exploring the extent to which these associations are sensitive to familial confounding by exploiting variation between biological sisters. After controlling for some shared familial environmental, social, and genetic risk factors, the findings indicated that women with a PCOS diagnosis had a fourfold increase in the odds of being diagnosed with obesity, a 1.4-fold higher likelihood of experiencing depression or anxiety, and a twofold greater likelihood of developing sleep, sexual, or eating disorders compared to their sisters without PCOS.

    Study III focused on labor market attachment trajectories of working age women diagnosed with PCOS. While the majority of women in the study sample entered the labor market with stable employment, those with PCOS were more likely to encounter negative labor market outcomes, such as exclusion from the labor market or prolonged sickness absence. 

    Study IV aimed to quantify educational and income-related inequalities and their relation to PCOS diagnosis. Women with low socioeconomic position had highest risk for being diagnosed with PCOS even after controlling for confounding factors. A modifying effect of education on the association of income with PCOS was also observed. 

    The findings of this thesis highlight the impact of intergenerational factors and early life conditions on the risk of developing PCOS later in life. In addition to its developmental origins, PCOS leads to disadvantaged labor market attachment trajectories later in life. The thesis also explores the link between a disadvantaged socioeconomic situation and PCOS.

    The complexity of working with register data and diagnosed cases of PCOS lies in chronological delays and underdiagnosis. Women whose PCOS diagnosis is not captured by the registries or is only observed later than the onset of the disease may bias estimates obtained from register studies, which is a limitation. Screening for PCOS, particularly among women with risk factors such as obesity, or a family history of the condition, could help identify the disorder earlier. Early detection allows for timely interventions and could also reduce the risk of associated comorbidities such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health disorders. Integrated care models are needed that address the full spectrum of PCOS-related health and social issues.

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    Follicular fallacies or where should we begin?: Polycystic ovary syndrome from a life course perspective
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  • Public defence: 2025-01-31 13:00 Lecture room 7, house 1, Albano., Stockholm
    Fohlin, Lisa
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Teachers’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators in implementing innovations for inclusive education2025Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Implementation of evidence-based innovations in school bridges the gap between research and practice. During implementation, barriers and facilitators for progression and sustainability may arise. When teachers are consulted about their perceptions during the process, various factors can be identified that influence the initiation, execution, and sustainability of innovation implementation.

    This thesis investigated teachers’ perceptions of the barriers and facilitators in implementing innovations for inclusive education in Swedish schools. Using implementation frameworks and questionnaires, teachers’ perceptions of implementation factors were captured at different stages of implementation in three distinct projects.

    Study I used group interviews at three time points over a six month period to investigate six preschool class teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of cooperative learning. The Theoretical Domains Framework was used for deductive thematic analysis. Both barriers and facilitators were identified at each time point. However, an overall positive progression was observed, with initial barriers being overcome as the implementation progressed.

    Study II investigated the perceptions of 127 teachers and school staff after the implementation of the Inclusive Behavioural Support in Schools programme. The Determinants of Implementation Behaviour Questionnaire for School settings was used to assess teachers’ perceived barriers and facilitators regarding this innovation and its implementation. The questionnaire was also tested for theoretical and internal fit. Facilitators included the absence of negative emotions, intentions to continue using the innovation, and the fit between the innovation and the teacher’s professional identity. Barriers included using the innovation under sub-optimal conditions, a lack of positive reinforcement, and an unsupportive socio-political context. Additionally, the study found significant differences in perceptions between teachers in earlier and later school years, as well as between implementation group members and non-members.

    Study III surveyed 930 teachers at the start of the implementation of the programme Inclusive Behavioural Support in Schools, concerning two constructs: collective teacher efficacy and teacher attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. These constructs were measured using the Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale and the Teacher Attitudes to Inclusion Scale. The scales were evaluated for sample fit and a small but significant positive relationship between the constructs was found.

    The thesis demonstrated how the Theoretical Domains Framework and the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour (COM-B) system could be used to identify important factors affecting implementation, both as an analytical framework and as framework for a questionnaire for the school setting.

    Overall, the thesis identified perceptions and attitudes related to the importance of providing structural and social implementation support, ensuring a practical and philosophical fit between innovation and teacher perceptions, and providing opportunities for teachers to build individual and collegial confidence and efficacy in using innovations for inclusive education. Taking teachers’ perceptions into account during preparation and progression can promote an implementation that is perceived as relevant, effective, enjoyable, and useful for all teachers.

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  • Hahn, Thomas
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
    Ituarte-Lima, Claudia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
    CBD voluntary guidelines for safeguards: implementation pathways: Information Document for the 14th Conference of the Parties for the Convention on Biological Diversity, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt2018In: Information Document for the 14th Conference of the Parties for the Convention on Biological Diversity, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / [ed] Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Environment Programme, 2018Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Mainstreaming biodiversity within and across sectors is a critical approach for achieving the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as highlighted in Decision XIII/3 and theCancun Declaration by the high-level segment of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference in 2016(UNEP/CBD/COP/13/24). While numerous policies and tools exist to address the mainstreaming ofbiodiversity, many gaps in their implementation also exist. Resource mobilisation for conservationand sustainable use of biodiversity is needed. Good governance and safeguards in resourcemobilization play a key role in fostering positive social-ecological outcomes in practice. The post-2020 global biodiversity framework provides a window of opportunity for rethinking the role of legalinstruments, principles, standards and safeguards in fostering win-win strategies for people andnature.This policy paper aims to contribute to fostering an informed and interactive dialogue with Parties andother groups on the co-development of a post-2020 strategy for the operationalisation of biodiversityand social safeguards in resource mobilization. It also aims to contribute to current discussions on thedevelopment of a post-2020 specific safeguards framework on indigenous peoples and localcommunities, as part of the integrated programme of work on Article 8(j). It is the result of a lengthy collaborative process, which has benefited from inputs and comments from Parties and other relevantstakeholders, and builds on lessons learned from existing legal and policy processes under variousinternational and national frameworks.The CBD adopted voluntary guidelines for safeguards in Biodiversity Financing Mechanisms at the12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in 2016, under Decision XII/3 on Resourcemobilization, including the Annex III of this Decision with the guidelines. Safeguards in BiodiversityFinancing Mechanisms (BFMs) are measures for addressing the risks and maximizing the protectionof biodiversity and people’s livelihoods, including local communities and indigenous peoples. Thepaper focuses on the implementation of the CBD voluntary guidelines on safeguards at national andlocal levels, and lessons learned from practice in different countries and from international initiatives.The operationalization of safeguards can contribute to mainstreaming biodiversity and human rightsacross international and national institutions.

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  • Hahn, Thomas
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
    Green Economy, economic growth and sustainable development.2014In: Access to Resources: An urban agenda. / [ed] Palmer, Henrietta, Bamberg, Germany: Arthub Publisher, 2014, p. 338-357Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Definitions of sustainable development too often focus mainly on economic growth. But should we be looking at sustaining ecosystems instead? Securing social and natural capital through a Green Economy may be the answer.

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    Hahn 2014
  • Rix, Jonathan
    et al.
    Jovanović, Olja
    Tah, Jude K.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education.
    Introduction: (Why) Should we reimagine special education?2024In: European Journal of Inclusive Education, E-ISSN 2794-4417, Vol. 3, no 2, p. 224-231Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • Hårdänge, Teodor
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Vågesson, Elsa
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
    Demokratibegreppets innebörd: En läroplansstudie av samhällskunskap för år 4-62024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats belyser och förklarar hur demokratiinnebörden har förändrats i kursplanerna inom ämnetsamhällskunskap från år 1994 till 2022. Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ textanalys av kursplaner ochtillhörande kommentarmaterial i samhällskunskap med inriktning för årskurs 4-6. Med hjälp av AgnetaBronäs demokratimodeller har vi analyserat innehållet i styrdokumenten tillhörande Lpo 94, Lgr 11 ochLgr 22, för att undersöka om begreppet demokrati har förändrats och för att bilda oss en djupareämnesdidaktiskt uppfattning. Analysen visar på flertalet skillnader i det som Skolverket beskriver somdemokrati i de tre kursplanerna. Förutom att det aktuella materialet är mer omfattande när det gällerkursbeskrivning och centralt innehåll än vad det var tillhörande Lpo 94, finns skillnader som information,källhantering, barnkonventionen och jämställdhet. Det finns även likheter mellan kursplanerna sombeskrivningen om aktivt deltagande i samhället och politik. Dessa tre kursplaner tillhör enresultatsinriktad skola som tidigare var målstyrd, skiftningen påbörjades från och med Lpo 94, fram tills idag. Resultatet konstaterar att demokratibegreppets innebörd är föränderlig över tid och att varjestyrdokument är präglat av sin samtid. Kursplanernas innehåll är utformade efter politiska kompromisseroch reglering. Eftersom styrdokumenten är textbaserade kan de tolkas och förstås på flertalet sätt, både teoretiskt och praktiskt.

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  • Ferro Guimarães Dos Santos, José Victor
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies.
    The EU-Mercosur trade negotiations: Foreign policy and development models in Brazil and Argentina (1995-2019)2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In 2019, the European Union and Mercosur concluded a trade agreement in principle against all the odds and after 20 years of negotiations. The deal reached was meaningful in its thematic range and commercial weight as it could form the biggest free trade zone in the world. To understand the fluctuations in negotiations from Mercosur's perspective, it is crucial to examine the foreign policy and economic agendas of its leading members, Brazil and Argentina. This thesis aims to explore these dynamics through a theoretical lens that analyzes foreign policy by linking international insertion strategies with development models. Notably, the scientific literature suggests that the positions of both countries towards negotiations with the EU have tended to fluctuate in tandem. We seek to uncover the reasons behind this apparent variation. In line with our theoretical approach, we will test the hypothesis that these seemingly joint fluctuations result from similar orientations in the insertion strategies and development models adopted by their respective governments between 1995 and 2019.  As a conclusion, we observe that the hypothesis is only partially true as development models, insertion strategies, and even general postures towards the negotiations with the EU not always tended to coincide. 

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    The EU-Mercosur trade negotiations Foreign policy and development models in Brazil and Argentina (1995-2019)-JVF
  • Airey, John
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Chang, I-Jy
    National Taiwan Normal University.
    Teaching University Chemistry in English: A Flipped Classroom Approach2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this presentation, we discuss preliminary findings from a study of the introduction of EMI into a university spectroscopy course at National Taiwan Normal University. Earlier work has suggested that EMI requires either more teaching time than L1, or a reduction in content (Airey, 2015). In this particular instantiation of EMI, however, the same content is covered in the same time, by adopting a flipped classroom approach. We describe the initial choices made, the data collected, and the benefits and challenges we observed for both teacher and students. Students were, on the whole, happy with their learning although they did report spending more time working outside class. Unsurprisingly, we find that the lecturer needs to invest a large amount of time in making the videos and planning how to use the flipped classroom time effectively. Moreover, the lecturer needs to have a good, spontaneous command of disciplinary English in order to cope with student questions as they arise “on-the-fly.”


    Airey, J. (2015). From stimulated recall to disciplinary literacy: Summarizing ten years of research into teaching and learning in   English. In Slobodanka Dimova, Anna Kristina Hultgren, & Christian Jensen (Eds.), English-Medium Instruction in European   Higher Education. English in Europe, Volume 3 (pp. 157-176): De Gruyter Mouton.

    Airey, J. (2016). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). In Hyland, K. &   Shaw, P. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. (pp. 71-83) London: Routledge.

    Airey, J. (2017). CLIL: Combining Language and Content. ESP Today, 5(2), 297-302. 

    Airey, J., & Larsson, J. (2018). Developing Students’ Disciplinary Literacy? The Case of University Physics. In K.-S. Tang & K.   Danielsson (Eds.), Global Developments in Literacy Research for Science Education: Springer.

    Airey, J., Lauridsen, K., Raisanen, A., Salö, L., & Schwach, V. (2016). The Expansion of English-medium Instruction in the Nordic   Countries. Can Top-down University Language Policies Encourage Bottom-up Disciplinary Literacy Goals? Higher Education.   doi:10.1007/s10734-015-9950-2

    Airey, J. (2020). The content lecturer and English-medium instruction (EMI): epilogue to the special issue on EMI in higher education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(3), 340–346.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2020.1732290

    Airey, J. (2023). Disciplinary Literacy and English-Medium Instruction. Presented at the Language Issues in English-Medium Instruction 22nd-23rd April 2023 Keynote speaker. https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-216744

    Airey, J. (2025). Disciplinary Literacy and English-Medium Instruction: Multilingual, Multimodal and Multifunctional Considerations. In Language Issues in English Medium Instruction (pp. 48-59). Routledge.

    Kuteeva, M., & Airey, J. (2014). Disciplinary Differences in the Use of English in Higher Education: Reflections on Recent Policy Developments Higher Education, 67(5), 533-549. doi:10.1007/s10734-013-9660-6

    Thøgersen, J., & Airey, J. (2011). Lecturing undergraduate science in Danish and in English: A comparison of speaking rate and rhetorical style. English for Specific Purposes, 30(3), 209-221. 

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  • Warnke, Ingo
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German, German.
    Bonacchi, Silvia
    Seiler Brylla, Charlotta
    Mimicry of Marginality – On Masking Hegemonic Positions Through Discourse2024In: Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung, E-ISSN 2195-867X, no 2, p. 129-142Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • Seiler Brylla, Charlotta
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German, German.
    Språkets vikt (eller vad ska vi med språkstudier till?)2024In: Humanioras betydelse - en idéskrift / [ed] Lovisa Brännstedt, Linus Salö, Kim Silow Kallenberg, Lund: Humtank , 2024, p. 107-113Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • Seiler Brylla, Charlotta
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German, German.
    Gustafsson, Anna W
    Lunds universitet.
    Platsens och tillhörighetens betydelse för Sverigedemokratiska supportrar i sociala medier2024In: Svenskans beskrivning: Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten. Örebro 4–6 maj 2022, del III / [ed] Denny Jansson, Ida Melander, Gustav Westberg & Daroon Yassin Falk, Örebro: Örebro universitet , 2024, p. 81-99Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • Elragal, Jana
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Geological Sciences.
    Chromite Ores Briquetting and H2 Pre-Reduction for Sustainable Ferrochrome2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 180 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Ferrochromium (FeCr) alloy is a critical material in stainlees steel production and other speciality steels. As its production becomes increasingly important and scaled up, there is an urgent need to find sustainable methods that do not contribute to the growing carbon footprint. One potential solution is using biocarbon as a partial replacement for coke. Additionally, maximing the recyling of iron-bearing materials, such as mill scale, and utilizing hydrogen (H2) as a reducing agent for reducing iron oxides can help decrease carbon consumption and mitigate fossil CO2 emissions. Furthermore, exploring the potential for the partial reduction of chromite ores may also contribute to these sustainability efforts.

    In this study, a recipe was developed using chromite ore (FeCr2O4), mill scale (FeO), biocarbon (C), and binders. The composition of this recipe consisted of 39% chromite ore, 30% mill scale, 20% biocarbon, and 10% binder/additives. The reduction process was conducted on a representative sample using thermogravimetric analysis coupled with a quadrupole mass spectroscopy (TGA-QMS) at a maximum temperature of 1100°C, with a gas mixture of 90% Hand 10% Ar. The results indicated that H2 effectively reduces mill scale (mainly FeO) at temperatures between 600°C and 750°C, while biocarbon facilitates the reduction of chromite ore (FeCr2O4) at temperatures above 850°C. Further research is, however, needed to investigate the reduction mechanisms and evaluate the potential of Hreduction and the developed phases.

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  • Public defence: 2025-01-24 14:00 Air & Fire, Gamma 2, Science for Life Laboratory, Solna
    Magoulopoulou, Anastasia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
    Dissecting molecular signatures using padlock probes for deciphering pathological states2025Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Recent technological advances in life sciences have greatly enhanced our ability to address scientific questions at the molecular level with unprecedented depth. Since its introduction, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) enables high-throughput analysis and over time, has become increasingly accessible and affordable, shaping the future of both research and clinical applications. Spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT), particularly in situ sequencing (ISS), provides single-cell transcriptomic data while preserving the histopathological context of the surrounding tissue microenvironment. This thesis explores the application of padlock probes in combination with in situ sequencing (ISS) or next-generation sequencing (NGS), to tackle questions related to specific diseases.

    In paper I, we examined the spatial interactions between Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and immune cells in lungs of tuberculosis-infected mice, mapping immune-related transcripts near bacterial clusters and single bacteria. Our findings indicate macrophage activation close to single bacteria in Mtb-resistant C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, organized granulomas that are dominant in lung tissue of Mtb-susceptible C3HeB/FeJ mice, were not enriched for transcripts of immune activation. This approach provides insights into immune responses to tuberculosis and highlights the power of spatially resolved transcriptomics for studying host-pathogen interactions.

    In paper II, we investigated the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), focusing on the impact of T cell clonality. We related TCR clonality to genetic mutations, tumor immune profiles, and responses to immunotherapy. Our data show that high TCR clonality is associated with a high tumor mutational burden, inflamed tumor phenotypes, and, notably, improved responses to checkpoint inhibitors, suggesting its potential as a biomarker for personalized immunotherapy in NSCLC. 

    In paper III, we spatially explored TCR patterns and immune cell distributions in selected NSCLC tissues with matching unaffected lymph nodes, as well as HER2+ breast cancer cases during neoadjuvant therapy. We noted lower TCR diversity in cancer tissues compared to matched lymph nodes. Our data further revealed regional dominance of expanded clonotypes, predominantly CD8 T cells, located in close proximity to the cancer compartment. Overall, these results demonstrate the utility of ISS in providing crucial, spatial details of the interplay between clonal T cell expansion within the tumor immune microenvironment in diagnostic tissue samples, particularly in the therapeutic context.

    In paper IV, we developed a cost-effective molecular inversion probe (MIP)-based assay for detecting microbial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance markers in blood samples, offering high specificity and sensitivity even in low-resource settings. The MIP approach simplifies pathogen detection without extensive sample preparation or bioinformatics analysis, making it an accessible tool for infectious disease monitoring in under-resourced areas.

    Collectively, this work demonstrates the application of padlock probes and advanced technologies to deepen our understanding of diseases and improve diagnostics and personalized therapies.

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  • Public defence: 2025-01-20 13:30 A3:1003, Stockholm
    Kuk, Natalia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
    Experimental design for trapped Rydberg ions in cryogenic environment2024Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The future of quantum computation with trapped ions depends very strongly on the improvements of the hardware. Some of the biggest technological quests in the field are scaling and miniaturization, fast and efficient gates development, implementation of quantum error correction and development of quantum algorithms. The first problem is addressed by turning to microfabricated surface traps which have a smaller footprint than traditional linear Paul traps. They offer higher possibilities of ion control such as shuttling which would allow for decreasing operations cross-talk by e.g. separating the qubit manipulation and the readout zones and for performing operations between ions in a 2-dimensional grid. Another possibility is the implementation of separate loading zones which would allow for continuous loading of ions without affecting the qubit manipulation zone and for continuous refill of sites from which an ion escaped. Solving this problem will become more important as the number of trapping sites increases. Furthermore, high fidelities of gates operations are essential to implement quantum error correction and their speed is an important practical consideration that determines the ultimate computation speed. With this in mind, Rydberg ions are candidates to decrease gate times thanks to their strong interactions.

    The focus of this work is put on aspects of experimental design and procedures for efficient and reliable operations with ions, achieving single ion resolution and for improvement in working with and controlling Rydberg ions. First, some overview of ion trapping is given with focus on Rydberg ions properties. Later, experimental setup design for trapping Rydberg ions in cryogenic temperature is presented together with characterization of its components. Lastly, a composite pulses method is tested showing a narrowing in spatial excitation profile of an ion in a trap.

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  • Public defence: 2025-01-24 13:00 Lilla Hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm
    Andréasson Sjögren, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies.
    Från kål till Paradis: Medeltidens trädgårdar inom dagens Sverige2025Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    How were gardens shaped, utilised, and viewed in the Middle Ages (c. 1050–c. 1525) in the area that today is Sweden? In the present study historical-archaeological methods inspired by an assemblage perspective are used to approach this question. The source material consists of archaeological remains, written material and images. Only sources that physically originated in, or were made for use within, the studied area are included.

    First, the origins of the popular myth that advanced horticulture and a large group of cultivated plants were introduced to Sweden by monks in the mid 12th century is examined, as well as the developments within Archaeology, Archaeobotany and Garden History that led to these perceived truths being called into question.

    Next, the direct archaeological remains of medieval gardens in 13 towns and 12 rural settings are mapped. The town gardens belonged to burgers, religious and secular aristocracy and religious orders, the rural gardens to five palace and castle environments, four rural monasteries and nunneries, two village farms and one solitary farm. The results are summarised and analysed thematically and chronologically.

    The written sources includes both documents and narrative, normative and instructive written material. Of the first category, mainly diplomas and town books are preserved, but also a few examples of late medieval accounts. Of the second category, the study includes laws, manuscript sections on herbal medicine in Old Swedish, the Revelations of Saint Birgitta, translated literature, and passages on Paradise, Gethsemane and The Garden of the Holy Sepulchre. In the concluding chapter the written sources are summarised, analysed, and compared with the archaeological material and images, both chronologically and thematically.

    The image material consists of almost 650 representations of gardens preserved in Sweden, 100 dated 1100–1400, the remainder 1400–1525. Most depict three Biblical garden environments: Paradise, Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, and the Garden of the Holy Sepulchre. About 20 images dated c. 1425–1525 show scenes in other gardens. In the concluding chapter the garden imagery, and the garden elements depicted, are summarised, analysed, and compared with the archaeological and written sources.

    The last chapter contains a final summary and analysis, relating the findings presented in the three previous concluding chapters to each other, and to current knowledge of medieval gardens within a wider European context. Finally, some suggestions for future research are given.

    The thesis shows that gardens in the Middle Ages within Sweden were complex and ever-changing spaces. Gardens played important roles in food, fiber and medicine production, recreation, as well as social and cultural interaction.

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    Från kål till Paradis: Medeltidens trädgårdar inom dagens Sverige
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  • Germundsson, Nora
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Stranz, Hugo
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Bergmark, Åke
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Reducing administration? Examining the alignment of robotic process automation and social assistance in Swedish Personal Social Services2024In: Nordic Social Work Research, ISSN 2156-857X, E-ISSN 2156-8588, p. 1-14Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In line with the global trend towards digitalization, digital automation has become a politically endorsed strategy to enhance efficiency and transparency in public service delivery. One such example is the adoption of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the context of social assistance (SA) in Sweden. While SA is a municipally organized means-tested subsidy for the most financially vulnerable, RPA functions as highly structured software executing administrative tasks based on predetermined rules. Employing a sociomaterial perspective, this article analyses group interviews conducted in four Swedish municipalities, to explore if and how RPA adoption configures the dynamics of SA casework administration and practice. Findings suggest that RPA adoption does not inherently lead to expected all-encompassing enhancements of faster and fairer eligibility determinations as well as a more client-centric approach in SA casework. Instead, the instrumentalist approach of leveraging digital tools to achieve specific outcomes, combined with the task delineation required by RPA, appears incongruent with the nature of SA casework practice. As caseworkers attest to organizational adjustments and a more instrumental approach towards clients’ situations alongside RPA adoption, this study underscores the inadequacy of the rationalist notion of segmenting SA casework in order to achieve efficiency in casework that, by law, should be based on individual judgements by professional caseworkers.

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  • Stranz, Hugo
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Germundsson, Nora
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Hussénius, Klara
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Bergmark, Åke
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Automatisering av ekonomiskt bistånd: en studie av förutsättningar och utfall på klientnivå2024In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, Vol. 31, no 1, p. 7-27Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, the use of digital support systems in the administration of Swedish social assistance (SA) has become increasingly widespread. Current surveys show that around 10 percent of Swedish municipalities make use of so-called Robot Process Automation (RPA) in their everyday practice. As key arguments for the use of RPA-support, aspects such as unburdening employees of pure administrative tasks, as well as increased transparency and enhanced legal certainty for applicants, are often highlighted.

    The present paper presents results from a larger research project addressing the practical use of RPA-support in Swedish Personal Social Services. The analyses are based on cross-sectional quantitative data from 800 cases collected in four medium-sized Swedish municipalities. Half of the cases reflect assessment outcomes before RPA-support was implemented; the other half show outcomes after implementation. The paper aims, first, to describe the character and contents of the different RPA-tools utilised in municipalities. Second, the paper aims to describe and analyse the outcomes of SA decisions before and after the implementation of RPA-support, respectively.

    Our main findings are as follows: (a) while RPA can partially alleviate the administrative burden on social workers, human involvement remains essential for individual assessments; (b) even though the use of RPA-support does not establish any significant relation to the outcomes of SA eligibility assessments, the assessments are far less generous after the implementation of RPA than before; and (c) the changes in generosity are particularly notable with regard to applications outside of the National Benefit Standard, which is a strong predictor for the rejection of applications.

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  • Germundsson, Nora
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Configuring Social Assistance: Conceptualizations and Implications of the Adoption of Robotic Process Automation in the Swedish Personal Social Services2024In: European Journal of Social Work, ISSN 1369-1457, E-ISSN 1468-2664, p. 1-13Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Many European countries’ public organisations have turned to digital automation as a strategy to enhance the efficiency of their service delivery. One example of this is the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the provision of Social Assistance (SA) in Sweden. Swedish SA is a means-tested subsidy intended as a last resort for the economically most vulnerable persons, and caseworkers exercise a high degree of discretion when deciding on clients’ eligibility for the benefit. Based on semi-structured interviews with stakeholders at the national and local levels, this study explores how these actors conceptualise and rationalise the adoption of RPA in the SA context and discusses how this relates to the mutual configuration of RPA and SA. The results show that RPA is framed as a simple technology to alleviate caseworkers’ administrative workload so that they can instead focus on supporting clients towards self-sufficiency. However, local actors describe RPA adoption as a challenging process with modest outcomes. As such, the study suggests that stakeholders’ simplified conceptualisation of RPA allows them to shift responsibility for its practical adoption to local PSS organisations, which ultimately pushes the PSS organisations towards configuring their SA casework processes around the limited capabilities of the technology.

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  • Dellmuth, Lisa
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economic History and International Relations.
    Bloodgood, Elizabeth A.
    Concordia University.
    Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance: A Theoretical Framework2023In: Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance / [ed] Dellmuth, L.M., Bloodgood, E.A., London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, p. 3-27Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The rise and influence of private advocacy groups in global governance raises important questions about their effects. Advocacy groups can capture and undermine public goals, but they can also provide information that is vital for problem-solving. Large literatures on interest groups and international non-governmental organizations are dedicated to the study of advocacy group effects in global governance, but there is very little cross-fertilization between these two bodies of work. This chapter develops a unified and novel theoretical framework based on both theoretical traditions, conceptualizing advocacy groups as an umbrella concept for both interest groups and international non-governmental organizations. Political opportunity structures, through institutional arrangements, resource configurations, and policy environments, are expected to shape advocacy group effects in global governance.

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  • Bloodgood, Elizabeth A.
    et al.
    Concordia University.
    Dellmuth, Lisa
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economic History and International Relations.
    Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance: A Research Agenda2023In: Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance / [ed] Dellmuth, L.M., Bloodgood, E.A., Heidelberg: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2023, p. 323-337Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The proliferation of the number, types, and activities of advocacy groups within and across countries creates new need for theories to account for their effects on global governance. In particular, we have limited knowledge on how, why, and under what conditions advocacy groups shape the procedures, performance, and distribution of global governance institutions (GGIs). By combining insights from International Nongovernmental Organization (INGO) theories in international relations with interest group theories in comparative politics, we gain new traction on these questions. This chapter reviews the findings of this edited volume on how political opportunities structures at the national and international level shape advocacy groups’ strategies and populations and thus their influence on GGIs operations and policy. It also examines the larger implications of these theoretical and empirical findings for future theory building on advocacy group effects in global governance and the quality of GGIs as well as the interplay of advocacy groups across scales of action.

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  • Ecker-Ehrhardt, Matthias
    et al.
    Dellmuth, Lisa
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economic History and International Relations.
    Tallberg, Jonas
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    Ideology and Legitimacy in Global Governance2024In: International Organization, ISSN 0020-8183, E-ISSN 1531-5088, Vol. 78, no 4, p. 731-765Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    While many scholars expect people’s ideological orientations to drive their legitimacy beliefs toward international organizations (IOs), research has found surprisingly limited support for this common assumption. This article resolves this puzzle by introducing the perceived ideological profile of IOs as a critical factor shaping the relationship between citizens’ ideological orientations and their legitimacy beliefs toward IOs. Theoretically, it develops the argument that citizens accord IOs greater legitimacy when they perceive these organizations as ideologically more congruent with their own orientations. Empirically, it evaluates this expectation by combining observational and experimental analyses of new survey evidence from four countries: Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, and the United States. The results show that citizens indeed perceive IOs to have particular ideological profiles and that those perceptions systematically moderate the relationship between people’s ideological orientations and IO legitimacy beliefs. These findings suggest that political ideology is a more powerful driver of legitimacy beliefs in global governance than previously understood.

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  • Svendsen, Jens Martin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm Business School, Marketing. Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm Business School, Management & Organisation.
    LUX2024In: Journal of Customer Behaviour, ISSN Print ISSN 1475-3928,, Vol. 23, no 4, p. 220-221Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Tis piece was highly influenced by the history of architecture, where light has been an important factor. In many cases such structures were, and are,designed to shape the flow of light. In a broader sense, the piece is also influenced by general art history, where light has been an important factorin paintings at least since the renaissance. The Chiaroscuro-technique (light-shade) of Leonardois one example. But not only that, light plays a vital role in present day consumer life. Still, the light in itself is not a commodity, even if treated as such: candles can be bought, as can light bulbs, windows of different shapes and sizes, multi coloured glass,and the like. The light itself carries no weight, has no colour (or all colours); light is aesthetically inaccessible, only reflections upon objects are; if not reflections, then the filtering devices can be perceived as objects. Light is in many cases holy. These pictures were taken in a 12th century roman cathedral in Lund, at that time part of Denmark, now in the southern-most part Sweden.

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  • Klamberg, Mark
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Law, Department of Law.
    Universal Jurisdiction Under Threat of Hostage-Taking: Sweden’s Release of Iranian War Criminal Nouri2024In: TOAEP Policy Brief Series, no 153Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This policy brief deals with the release on 15 June 2024 of Hamid Nouri from Sweden, a convicted war criminal, in exchange for two Swedish citizens held hostage by Iran.

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    Universal Jurisdiction Under Threat of Hostage-Taking
  • Linder, Gunnar Jinmei
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern studies.
    Are Japanese Pop-music Artists Music-making Cyborgs?2016In: Orientaliska studier, p. 95-112Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • Kojoj, Julia
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Bolincentret för klimatforskning (tills m KTH & SMHI), The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Zieger, Paul
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI). Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Meteorology .
    Pereira Freitas, Gabriel
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Science. Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    Ekman, Annica M. L.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Meteorology . Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI).
    An Arctic Marine Source of Fluorescent Primary Biological Aerosol Particles During the Transition from Summer to Autumn at the North Pole2024In: Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology, ISSN 0280-6509, E-ISSN 1600-0889, Vol. 76, no 1, p. 47-70Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Studying primary biological aerosol particles in the Arctic is crucial to understanding their role in cloud formation and climate regulation at high latitudes. During the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition, fluorescent primary biological aerosol particles (fPBAPs) were observed, using a multiparameter bioaerosol spectrometer, near the North Pole during the transition from summer to early fall. The fPBAPs showed a strong correlation with the occurrence of ice nucleating particles (INPs) and had similar concentration levels during the first half of the expedition. This relationship highlights the potential importance of biological sources of INPs in the formation of mixed-phase clouds during the central Arctic’s summer and early fall seasons.

    Our analysis shows that the observed fPBAPs were independent of local wind speed and the co-occurrence of other coarse mode particles, suggesting sources other than local sea spray from leads, melt ponds, re-suspension of particles from the surface, or other wind-driven processes within the pack ice. In contrast, other fluorescent particles were correlated with wind speed and coarse mode particle concentration.

    A multi-day event of high concentrations of fPBAPs was observed at the North Pole, during which the contribution of fPBAPs to the total concentration of coarse mode aerosol increased dramatically from less than 0.1% up to 55%. Analysis of chemical composition and particle size suggested a marine origin for these fPBAPs, a hypothesis further supported by additional evidence. Air parcel trajectory analysis coupled with ocean productivity reanalysis data, as well as analysis of large-scale meteorological conditions, all linked the high concentrations of fPBAPs to biologically active, ice-free areas of the Arctic Ocean.

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  • Carlhed Ydhag, Carina
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education.
    Osman, Ali
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education.
    Configurations, dynamics, and temporality.: Exploring the social networks of students and their relevance for successful transitions into higher education2025In: International Journal of Educational Research Open, ISSN 2666-3740, Vol. 8, p. 100419-100419, article id 100419Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines social networks' role in high-achieving students' transitions from upper secondary school to higher education. A specific focus is on the configuration of their social network, its' stability over time, and how the students experience the nature of the relationships in the network. The case study is based on three student cases selected from a pool of 52 students, and the data includes three waves of interviews with students over two years, interviews with a significant other to the students, and a subjective mapping of their social network. Analytical tools are the concepts of cultural and social capital and weak and strong ties. The study shows how social and cultural capital works within a social network, experienced from the students’ perspectives. In addition, we conclude that the transition process is fragile for students with low cultural capital regarding network configurations, significantly when changing fields of interest from upper secondary to tertiary education. Here, the importance of having weak ties is illustrated in terms of the need for field-specific influx for a bridging support role in the transition. The active involvement and reciprocal nature of the relationships are vital, and the strength of the network depends on whether it pertains over time. The results have implications for practice due to the emerging interrupted transitions to higher education and how to support students in their apparent situations, which are characterised as being in a state of limbo with no clear resolution.

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  • Public defence: 2025-01-20 13:00 Lärosal 16, Hus 2, vån 2, Stockholm
    Wallin, Sofia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Special Education. Dart, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset.
    Supporting Communication in Schools for Students with Intellectual Disability: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Partner Strategies2024Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Communication is essential for social closeness, educational success, and quality of life. For students with intellectual disability (ID), communication is often challenging due to limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. This thesis explores turn-taking and the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in schools for students with ID. It also examines a communication partner intervention, the AKKtiv ComPal. 

    The participants included 33 students with ID and 30 school staff members from seven schools. Data were collected through video observations of structured (circle time) and unstructured (leisure time) group activities at three time points: pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up. Data were also collected to assess students’ communicative skills and limitations. 

    A cross-sectional design was used to examine classroom communication, and multiple case studies examined intervention applications and changes over time. Turn-taking and communication modes of students and staff were analyzed using a coding scheme developed for this thesis. Teachers’ use of responsive strategies was analyzed using the Responsive Augmentative and Alternative Communication Style (RAACS) scale. The frequency of their augmented input and the number of communication boards were also measured. Non-parametric statistical tests, descriptive statistics, and visual representations were used to analyze and present the findings. 

    Pre-intervention, staff dominated the classroom interactions, and AAC was used less during unstructured activities than in structured and pre-planned activities. Students used AAC more frequently when school staff also did so. Following the intervention, teachers (N = 4) used responsive strategies and augmented input more extensively. Students (N = 10) increased both their number of turns and their use of picture-based communication. 

    Consistent use of communication partner strategies by school staff is critical for enhancing student communication. Regular staff training and support may be necessary to address high turnover rates among support staff and to ensure these strategies are applied consistently over time. Improved access to personalized communication systems and better integration of AAC into daily activities are recommended to support students with ID effectively.

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    Supporting Communication in Schools for Students with Intellectual Disability: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Partner Strategies
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  • Renard, Fredrik
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German, German.
    The Moment Unbound: When Romance Broke Free from Epic2025In: Critical Inquiry, ISSN 0093-1896, E-ISSN 1539-7858, Vol. 51, no 2, p. 268-289Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article puts forth a theory and history of the experiential moment of romance, traced from Homer’s Odyssey to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Differing from other forms of the moment that have been bequeathed by Western tradition—such as kairos, conversio, the Aristotelian pair peripeteia and anagnorisis, or the Romantic Augenblick—the experiential moment foregrounds experientiality within a self-enclosed and atelic temporality: a time that goes nowhere. Building on previous theories of epic and romance that see them as conflicting temporal forms, the first part of the article demonstrates how the experiential moment in traditional romance always exists in tension with the temporality of the epic project of the collective. The second part proposes a new reading of Rousseau by showing how his three works, Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse, Les Confessions, and Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire not only continue this conflict into the modern period but also begin to reverse the old hierarchical relationship between epic and romance or the temporality of the collective and that of the experiencing individual in her individual consciousness. It is argued that Rousseau in his final work the Rêveries strives to liberate the experiential moment from epic temporality altogether and thereby lays the foundation for a wholly new way of approaching the moment in literary modernity.

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    The Moment Unbound
  • Dyplin, Rebecca
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Child and Youth Studies.
    En netnografisk studie om traditioner och religion i förskolan2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to investigate how traditions and religion are perceived within the internet-based group Förskolan.se based on a socio-cultural perspective. Based on this, the research question was formed, what opportunities and challenges are described in relation to traditions and religion within the group Förskolan.se? Previous research shows traditions as closely related to religion and culture, which is perceived as a sensitive area for preschool educators to discuss with the children due to the curricula that mention a non-confessional education (Bergdahl 2022; Reimers 2020; Puskás & Andersson 2023). Reimers (2020), Puskás and Andersson (2023) and Bergdahl (2022) shows this dilemma that preschool educators face, especially around traditions such as Christmas and Easter. The theoretical framework used is a socio-cultural perspective that focuses on an individual's social, historical and cultural experiences and conditions for learning. To examine the purpose and research question of the study, a netnographic method is carried out together with thematic analysis. The study sample includes a Facebook group called Förskolan.se with nearly 40,000 members where an archive data collection has been carried out to understand different experiences and perspectives on traditions and religion in preschool. Ethical considerations have been made according to the guidelines for internet-based research and netnographic studies. Measures have been taken to ensure confidentiality and to minimize harm. The result is based on a thematic analysis from categories produced by processing the collected data. The results of the study show traditions and religion in preschool as a complex area that can be understood from several different perspectives. Traditions are seen as an approach to promote children's interests, inclusion, cultural diversity and the Swedish cultural heritage. It is also seen as an area surrounded by different interpretations of the preschool curriculum and challenges regarding how teaching can be planned to pay attention to various traditions in the preschool.

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