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Publications (10 of 92) Show all publications
Johnen, T. (2014). Da marcação etimológica sef (sefardí) no Dikshonario Papiamentu – Hulandes de Igma van Putte-de Windt e Florimon van Putte. In: XIX Congrès des romanistes scandinaves Université d'Islande 12-15 août 2014: Résumés. Paper presented at XIX Congrès des romanistes scandinaves, Reykjavík, Islande, 12-15 août, 2014.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Da marcação etimológica sef (sefardí) no Dikshonario PapiamentuHulandes de Igma van Putte-de Windt e Florimon van Putte
2014 (Portuguese)In: XIX Congrès des romanistes scandinaves Université d'Islande 12-15 août 2014: Résumés, 2014Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Languages and Literature
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-106712 (URN)
XIX Congrès des romanistes scandinaves, Reykjavík, Islande, 12-15 août, 2014
Available from: 2014-08-18 Created: 2014-08-18 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Do movimento espacial a modalidade, aspectualidade e temporalidade: sobre a gramaticalização dos verbos de movimento ir e vir e os papéis textuais. In: Colóquio Internacional - Livro de Resumos: . Paper presented at Tempo, espaço e identidade na cultura portuguesa, 40 Anos de Estudos Lusófonos na Roménia: Desafios e Perspetivas, Bucareste, Roménia, abril 11-12, 2014 (pp. 52-53).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Do movimento espacial a modalidade, aspectualidade e temporalidade: sobre a gramaticalização dos verbos de movimento ir e vir e os papéis textuais
2014 (Portuguese)In: Colóquio Internacional - Livro de Resumos, 2014, p. 52-53Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Portuguese, gramaticalization, aspect, tense, modality, verbs of movement, ir, vir, português, gramaticalização, aspectualidade, modalidade, tempo verbal, verbos de movimento, ir, vir, Portugiesisch, Grammatikalisierung, Aspekt, Tempus, Modalität, Bewegungsverben, ir, vir
National Category
Specific Languages
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-102677 (URN)
Tempo, espaço e identidade na cultura portuguesa, 40 Anos de Estudos Lusófonos na Roménia: Desafios e Perspetivas, Bucareste, Roménia, abril 11-12, 2014
Available from: 2014-04-14 Created: 2014-04-14 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Frederiks, Bernardus Th. J. (2009 [1859]): Woordenlijst der in der landstaal van Curaçao meest gebruikelijke woorden; alphabetisch neu geordnet mit dem heutigen Sprachstand verglichen und etymologisiert von Johannes Kramer. Hamburg: Buske (Kreolische Bibliothek; 22) [Review]. Lusorama, 97-98, 254-265
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Frederiks, Bernardus Th. J. (2009 [1859]): Woordenlijst der in der landstaal van Curaçao meest gebruikelijke woorden; alphabetisch neu geordnet mit dem heutigen Sprachstand verglichen und etymologisiert von Johannes Kramer. Hamburg: Buske (Kreolische Bibliothek; 22)
2014 (German)In: Lusorama, ISSN 0931-9484, Vol. 97-98, p. 254-265Article, book review (Other academic) Published
Papiamentu, Portuguese, Etymology, Lexicography, Papiamentu, Português, etimologia, lexicografia, Papiamentu, Portugiesisch, Etymologie, Lexikographie, Papiamentu, portugisiska, etymologi, lexikografi, Papiamento, Portugisiska, Etymologi, Leksikografi
National Category
Languages and Literature
Research subject
Portuguese; Linguistics
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-109375 (URN)
Available from: 2014-11-19 Created: 2014-11-19 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Intercultural Learning by Teletandem. In: First International Meeting on Language Learning in Tandem: Past, Present and Future: Using ICTs for transnational, transcultural and transcontinental collaboration; Abstracts I INFLIT. Paper presented at I INFLIT – First International Meeting on Foreign Language Learning in Tandem: Past, Present and Future (27 februari – 1 mars 2014), University of Miami, Coral Gable, FL (pp. 17-18). Coral Gable, FL: University of Miami
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Intercultural Learning by Teletandem
2014 (English)In: First International Meeting on Language Learning in Tandem: Past, Present and Future: Using ICTs for transnational, transcultural and transcontinental collaboration; Abstracts I INFLIT, Coral Gable, FL: University of Miami , 2014, p. 17-18Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Coral Gable, FL: University of Miami, 2014
National Category
Languages and Literature General Language Studies and Linguistics
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-103069 (URN)
I INFLIT – First International Meeting on Foreign Language Learning in Tandem: Past, Present and Future (27 februari – 1 mars 2014), University of Miami, Coral Gable, FL
Available from: 2014-05-01 Created: 2014-05-01 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Les FNA en français et en portugais: considérations théoriques et analyses fonctionnelles dans des débats médiatiques électoraux au Brésil, au Portugal et en France. In: Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni (Ed.), S'adresser à autrui: les formes nominales d'adresse dans une perspective comparative interculturelle (pp. 377-416). Chambéry: Université de Savoie, Laboratoire Langages, littératures, sociétés
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Les FNA en français et en portugais: considérations théoriques et analyses fonctionnelles dans des débats médiatiques électoraux au Brésil, au Portugal et en France
2014 (French)In: S'adresser à autrui: les formes nominales d'adresse dans une perspective comparative interculturelle / [ed] Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Chambéry: Université de Savoie, Laboratoire Langages, littératures, sociétés , 2014, p. 377-416Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Chambéry: Université de Savoie, Laboratoire Langages, littératures, sociétés, 2014
Langages, ISSN 1952-0891 ; 15
Nominal address forms, election debates, discourse analysis, Portuguese, French, France, Brasil, Portugal, Sarkozy, Lula, Alckmin, Mário Soares, Freitas do Amaral, Ségolène Royale, Formas nominais de tratamento, debates eleitorais, análise de discurso, francês, português, Brasil, Portugal, Sarkozy, Lula, Alckmin, Mário Soares, Freitas do Amaral, Ségolène Royale, Formes nominales d'adresse, débats télevisés, portugais, Brésil, France, Portugal, Sarkozy, Lula, Alckmin, Mário Soares, Freitas do Amaral, Ségolène Royale, Nominala tilltalsformer, valdebatter, portugisiska, franska, Brasilien, Frankrike, Portugal, Sarkozy, Lula, Alckmin, Mário Soares, Freitas do Amaral, Ségolène Royale
National Category
General Language Studies and Linguistics
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-111661 (URN)978-2-919732-32-6 (ISBN)
Available from: 2015-01-07 Created: 2015-01-07 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Los africanismos lexicales en el papiamento: comparaciones ibero-románicas y creolísticas. In: Abstracts: . Paper presented at Society for Caribbean Linguistics 20th Bienial Conference, Aruba, West Indies, 5 - 8 August, 2014 (pp. 34-34).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Los africanismos lexicales en el papiamento: comparaciones ibero-románicas y creolísticas
2014 (Spanish)In: Abstracts, 2014, p. 34-34Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Languages and Literature
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-106711 (URN)
Society for Caribbean Linguistics 20th Bienial Conference, Aruba, West Indies, 5 - 8 August, 2014
Available from: 2014-08-18 Created: 2014-08-18 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Nominale Anredeformen in Wahldebatten: ein multilingualer Vergleich. In: : . Paper presented at 15. Kongress des Lateinamerikanischen Germanistenverbandes (ALEG) - Germanistik und Romanistik im Gespräch. Deutsch für Lateinamerika, Curitiba, Brazil, 8 - 12 September, 2014.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Nominale Anredeformen in Wahldebatten: ein multilingualer Vergleich
2014 (German)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Languages and Literature
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-107300 (URN)
15. Kongress des Lateinamerikanischen Germanistenverbandes (ALEG) - Germanistik und Romanistik im Gespräch. Deutsch für Lateinamerika, Curitiba, Brazil, 8 - 12 September, 2014
Available from: 2014-09-10 Created: 2014-09-10 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). Sinais de ouvinte em conversações entre médicos e pacientes: comparações entre conversações intermediadas por intérpretes e conversações monolíngües portuguesas. In: Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/ Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at 9th GSCP International Conference : Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/ Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas”, Stockholm, Sweden, April 9-12, 2014 (pp. 54-54).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Sinais de ouvinte em conversações entre médicos e pacientes: comparações entre conversações intermediadas por intérpretes e conversações monolíngües portuguesas
2014 (Portuguese)In: Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/ Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas: Book of Abstracts, 2014, p. 54-54Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Specific Languages
Research subject
Portuguese; Translation Studies
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-103068 (URN)
9th GSCP International Conference : Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/ Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas”, Stockholm, Sweden, April 9-12, 2014
Available from: 2014-05-01 Created: 2014-05-01 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). "s'otor - hombre - candidato - Madame": formas nominais de tratamento em quatro debates eleitorais brasileiro, espanhol, francês e português. In: Political discourse in the Romance speaking countries: new perspectives at the crossroads of linguistics and social sciences. Paper presented at Political discourse in the Romance speaking countries: new perspectives at the crosroads of linguistics and social sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, october 9-11, 2014 (pp. 29-30).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>"s'otor - hombre - candidato - Madame": formas nominais de tratamento em quatro debates eleitorais brasileiro, espanhol, francês e português
2014 (Portuguese)In: Political discourse in the Romance speaking countries: new perspectives at the crossroads of linguistics and social sciences, 2014, p. 29-30Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Languages and Literature Political Science
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-108154 (URN)
Political discourse in the Romance speaking countries: new perspectives at the crosroads of linguistics and social sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, october 9-11, 2014
Available from: 2014-10-13 Created: 2014-10-13 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved
Johnen, T. (2014). The handling of face-threatening situations in interpreter mediated doctor-patient conversations: comparisons between hospital staff and family members as ad-hoc-interpreters. In: NPIT2: Abstracts. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Germersheim, Germany, May 29-31, 2014 (pp. 22-22).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The handling of face-threatening situations in interpreter mediated doctor-patient conversations: comparisons between hospital staff and family members as ad-hoc-interpreters
2014 (English)In: NPIT2: Abstracts, 2014, p. 22-22Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
General Language Studies and Linguistics
Research subject
Translation Studies
urn:nbn:se:su:diva-104206 (URN)
2nd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Germersheim, Germany, May 29-31, 2014
Available from: 2014-06-04 Created: 2014-06-04 Last updated: 2022-02-23Bibliographically approved

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