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  • 1.
    Andersson, Edla
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Bronsålderns våtmarksoffer i Uppland: Om lokaler med deponerade djur- och människoben - en korologisk analys2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper I will research whether or not bone depositions in water from the bronze age have a common feature in purpose of identifying undiscovered depositions. I will study six different places in Uppland, Sweden and go through the amount and the different types of ancient monuments adjacent to the depositions to try to find a pattern. With the knowledge I gather I will discuss how the results can help archeologists to identify new potential deposition locations. The result of this paper was that the studied locations were too few to find a real pattern to identify new depositions. I’m hopeful with a larger study done on a wider geographical area with more locations that a pattern will be identified.

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  • 2.
    Andersson, Kenneth
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Myntbruk i det medeltida Falsterbo: En topografisk studie2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 3.
    Andréasson Sjögren, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Arkeologin blottar medeltidens trädgårdar2016In: Lustgården: årsskrift, ISSN 0349-0033, p. 65-72Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Vad vet vi om medeltidens trädgårdar? Tanken att trädgårdskulturen kom till Norden med "munkarna" är djupt förankrad men blir allt mer ifrågasatt. Fanns det inga trädgårdar före munkarna? Var munkarna verkligen de enda som bedrev avancerad trädgårdsodling? Ny forskning gör att vår bild av äldre tiders trädgårdar blir allt tydligare.

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  • 4.
    Andréasson Sjögren, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Fanns det trädgårdar vid domkyrkan 1123?2023In: Lunds domkyrka: Idéer och världsbilder / [ed] David Dunér, Göteborg: Mackadam Förlag , 2023, p. 209-215Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 5.
    Andréasson Sjögren, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Medeltidens trädgårdsodling2021In: Svensk trädgårdshistoria: Förhistoria och medeltid, Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 2021, p. 53-99Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kapitlet Medeltidens trädgårdsodling behandlas dagens kunskap om trädgårdarnas utformning och bruk i Sverige ca. 1050–ca. 1500. Svensk trädgårdshistoria – förhistoria och medeltid är första bandet av tre i en kulturhistorisk studie av trädgårdens historia i Sverige. Genom arkeologiska fynd, lämningar av växter, skriftliga källor och bilder följs människans trädgårdsodling från förhistorisk tid fram till år 1500. Såväl trädgårdens kulturväxter som mystik och magi är pusselbitar i vår förståelse av människans trädgårdsodlande. Trädgården står för arbete och försörjning, men är också en symbol för det goda livet. 

  • 6.
    Andréasson Sjögren, Anna
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Nygamla gatuträd i våra städer: Ginkgo, korstörne och platan2020In: Lustgården: årsskrift, ISSN 0349-0033, p. 94-105Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Sökandet efter ett nytt sortiment av gatuträd för innerstadsmiljöer satte fart på 1980-talet och 1990-talet, då almsjukan hade orsakat stora hål i städernas grönska och följdes av nya sjukdomar på ask, lind och hästkastanj. De nya trädsorterna väcker uppmärksamhet och upplevs som exotiska. Men hur nya är de egentligen?

  • 7.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Archaeology2020In: The Pre-Christian religions of the North. History and Structures: Basic Premises and Consideration of Sources / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 135-160Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Overview of archaeological sources for the study of Old Norse religion

  • 8.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Archaeology2018In: Handbook of pre-modern Nordic memory studies: interdisciplinary approaches, volume 1 / [ed] Jürg Glasur; Pernille Hermann; Stephen A. Mitchell, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2018, p. 135-150Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Memory in archaeology is above all about cultural memory, or about how the past was constructed and apprehended in the past. This role of the past in the past has attracted a growing interest in archaeological research in recent decades. Memory studies can be found in archaeology in general, as well as in Scandina­vian archaeology. Memory or the role of the past in the past, however, is not pos­sible to understand without reference to time, which means that the construction of time in archaeology is crucial for any discussion of memory (cf. Andrén 2013a, 2015).

  • 9.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies. Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Archaeology of a densely documented time2009In: Zwischen Tradition und Wandel: Archäologie des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts / [ed] Barbara Scholkmann, Sören Frommer, Christina Vossler, Markus Wolf, Büchenbach: Faustus , 2009, p. 3-6Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Survey of the specific problems in the archaeology of late medieval and early modern Europe

  • 10.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Arkeologi2015In: Forskningens framtid!: ämnesöversikt 2014: humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet , 2015, p. bil. 1-5Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En kritisk översikt över svensk arkeologi under de senaste 30 åren

  • 11.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Bengt Thordeman (1893-1990)2020In: Svenska arkeologer / [ed] Anne-Sofie Gräslund, Uppsala: Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien, 2020, p. 247-254Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kort biografi av Bengt Thordeman (1893-1990)

  • 12.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Borgare såväl i staden som på landsbygden? Relationen mellan Visby och Gotland cirka 1250-13752020In: Land og by på tværs: 1000-1800: festskrift til Bjørn Poulsen i anledning af 65-årsdagen / [ed] Mikkel Leth Jespersen, Mikkel Thelle, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2020, p. 203-215Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A study of the relationship between Visby and Gotland circa 1250-1375

  • 13.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Carl Georg Brunius (1792-1869)2020In: Svenska arkeologer / [ed] Anne-Sofie Gräslund, Uppsala: Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien, 2020, p. 29-34Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kort biografi av Carl Georg Brunius (1792-1869)

  • 14.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Dalby bortom Heligkorskyrkan: Ett kejserligt landskap i Skåne2012In: Locus Celebris: Dalby kyrka, kloster och gård / [ed] Stephan Borgehammar, Jes Wienberg, Göteborg: Makadam Förlag, 2012, p. 351-359Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En analys av Dalby klosters omgivningar under medeltiden

  • 15.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Dalby bortom Heligkorskyrkan: Ett kejserligt landskap i Skåne2012In: Lunds historia - staden och omlandet: 1. Medeltiden - en metropol växer fram / [ed] Peter Carelli, Lund: Lunds kommun , 2012, p. 204-207Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies. Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    De stora berättelsernas återkomst2009In: Arkeologisk framtid: Arkeologmötet 2008 / [ed] Tore Artelius, Anna Källén, Stockholm: Svenska arkeologiska samfundet , 2009, p. 69-77Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A survey of the discussion on narrative forms in archaeology

  • 17.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Det medeltida Gotland: En arkeologisk guidebok2017 (ed. 2)Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 18.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Det osyrade brödet mellan kärlek och hat2020In: Eros, philia, agape: Kärlekens kulturhistoria: en vänbok till Inga Sanner / [ed] John Björkman, Victoria Fareld, Anna Källén, Lund: Ellerströms förlag, 2020, p. 165-180Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En fallstudie av några judeförföljelser i det medeltida Europa

  • 19.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Divine Twins2020In: The pre-Christian Religions of the North. History and Structures: Conceptual Frameworks. The Cosmos and the Collective Supernational Beings / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 1453-1463Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An overview of traces of divine twins in Old Norse religion

  • 20.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    En fråga om tid2015In: Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademiens årsbok, Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 2015, p. 177-186Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    En realiserad utopi2013In: Renässansstaden i Vattenriket: Kristianstad 400 år / [ed] Ingemar Ottosson, Kristianstad: Kristianstads kommun , 2013, p. 31-35Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Översikt över stadsplaneidéer bakom grundläggningen av Kristianstad 1614

  • 22.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    En tolkning av det historiska landskapet runt Dalby kyrka och kloster2015In: Kyrkan i landskapet / [ed] Ulf Sporrong, Stockholm: Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien , 2015, p. 99-111Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    From Sunset to Sunset: An Interpretation of the Early Gotlandic Picture Stones2012In: Gotland´s Picture Stones: Bearers of an Enigmatic Legacy / [ed] Maria Herlin Karnell, Visby: Fornsalens förlag, Gotlands museum , 2012, p. 49-58Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    An iconographic interpretation of the early picture stones on Gotland

  • 24.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Från solnedgång till solnedgång: En tolkning av de tidiga gotländska bildstenarna2012In: Gotlands bildstenar: järnålderns gåtfulla budbärare / [ed] Maria Herlin Karnell ; svenska översättningar: Bertil Sjöblom, Visby: Fornsalens förlag, Gotlands museum , 2012, Vol. 84, p. 49-58Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En ikonografisk tolkning av de tidiga gotländska bildstenarna

  • 25.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Historical and Social Contexts2020In: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North. History and Structures: Social, Geographical, and Historical Contexts, and Communication between Worlds / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 391-443Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Overview of the historical and social background of Old Norse religion

  • 26.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Images2020In: Pre-Christian religions of the North. History and Structures: Basic Premises and Consideration of Sources / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 161-193Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Overview of pictorial sources for the study of Old Norse religion

  • 27.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Is it possible to date a fornaldarsaga? The case of Star-Oddi´s Dream2014In: Nordic Mythologies: Interpretations, Intersections, and Institutions / [ed] Timothy R. Tangherlini, Berkeley and Los Angeles: North Pinehurst Press , 2014, p. 173-183Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An archaeological attempt to date an Icelandic Fornaldarsaga about ancient Gotland.

  • 28.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Jüdische Friedhöfe im mitteralterlichen Reich, by Susanne Härtel2019In: English Historical Review, ISSN 0013-8266, E-ISSN 1477-4534, Vol. 134, no 570, p. 1270-1271Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This book by Susanne Härtel is not a comprehensive survey of all 150 medieval Jewish graveyards in the Holy Roman Empire, although the title may create such expectations in the reader. Instead, it is an in-depth study of the complex relationships between the Jewish minorities and the Christian majorities in five German-speaking cities—Magdeburg, Dortmund, Speyer, Regensburg and Zürich. The investigation is a methodological ‘experiment’, based on five different aspects of the graveyards in these cities, namely their location, spatial demarcation, the dead themselves, the gravestones and the visitors. These aspects are in turn analysed from three phenomenological perspectives: visuality, practice and semantics. Through this grid of fifteen viewpoints, Härtel discusses religious differences and similarities between Jews and Christians, and to what extent the religious categories were more important than other distinctions in medieval urban culture, such as gender, professions and social status. By using cemeteries as a starting point, the author aims to study the everyday encounters between Jews and Christians, instead of the more well-known outbreaks of prosecution and expulsion of Jews from medieval cities.

  • 29.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Kommentarer2021In: Gutasagan: En gotländsk krönika / [ed] Cathrin Emdén, Visby: Gotlands Museum, Fornsalens förlag , 2021, p. 21-79Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Kommentarer till Gutasagan

  • 30.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Landscape and settlement as utopian space2016In: Medieval Archaeology: Volume 1: Defining Medieval Archaeology / [ed] Roberta Gilchrist, Gemma L. Watson, Routledge, 2016, p. 236-253Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An interpretation of the mental and ideological perspectives of landscape and settlement in medieval Svandinavia.

  • 31.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Mats P. Malmer (1921-2007)2020In: Svenska arkeologer / [ed] Anne-Sofie Gräslund, Uppsala: Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien, 2020, p. 435-442Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kort biografi om Mats P. Malmer (1921-2007)

  • 32.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Medieval and Neo-Medieval Buildings in Scandinavia2013In: Manufacturing Middle Ages: Entangled History of Medievalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe / [ed] Geary, PJ; Klaniczay, G, Brill Academic Publishers, 2013, p. 139-158Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 33.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Ole Harck, Archäologische Studien zum Judentum in der europäischen Antike und dem zentraleuropäischen Mittelalter2016In: Germania, ISSN 0016-8874, Vol. 94, p. 421-424Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Ragnar Blomqvist (1901-1983)2020In: Svenska arkeologer / [ed] Anne-Sofie Gräslund, Uppsala: Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien, 2020, p. 281-288Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kort biografi av Ragnar Blomqvist (1901-1983)

  • 35.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Searching for new central places: An experiment2020In: Re-Imagining periphery: archaeology and text in Northern Europe from Iron Age to Viking and Early Medieval periods / [ed] Charlotta Hillerdal, Kristin Ilves, Philadelphia: Oxbow , 2020, p. 71-77Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A discussion regarding central places in Skåne during the Iron Age

  • 36.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Servants of Thor? The Gotlanders and Thier Gods2012In: News from Other Worlds: Studies in Nordic Folklore, Mythology and Culture / [ed] Merrill Kaplan and Timothy R. Tangherlini, Berkeley and Los Angeles: North Pinehurst Press , 2012, p. 92-100Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A study of the main pre-Christian god on Gotland

  • 37.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Stafgarþar Revisted2020In: Making the profane sacred in the Viking age: essays in honour of Stefan Brink / [ed] Irene García Losquino, Olof Sundqvist, Declan Taggart, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 109-120Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A discussion of the ritual places called stavgardar on Gotland

  • 38.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Sun and Moon2020In: The Pre-Christian religions of the North. History and Structures: Conceptual Frameworks. The Cosmos and Collective Supernatural Beings / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 1465-1480Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Overview of ideas about the sun and the moon in Old Norse religion

  • 39.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    The Importance of Foreign Young Men2013In: Counterpoint: Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen / [ed] Sophie Bergerbrant & Serena Sabatini, Oxford: Archeopress, 2013, 1, p. 565-571Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A discussion of the role of enrolled foreign warriors in early state organizations

  • 40.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    The Judensau in Uppsala2021In: Myth, magic, and memory in early Scandinavian narrative culture: Studies in honour of Stephen A. Mitchell / [ed] Jürg Glauser; Pernille Hermann, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, p. 351-370Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    En tolkning av den medeltida judesuggan i Uppsala domkyrka

  • 41.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    The Spatial and Temporal Frame2020In: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North. History and Structures: Basic Premises and Consideration of Sources / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 205-214Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An overview of the spatial and temporal frames of Old Norse religion

  • 42.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Tomhetens arkeologi: spår av judarnas medeltida fördrivning2015In: I utkanter och marginaler: 31 texter om kulturhistoria: en vänbok till Birgitta Svensson / [ed] Marianne Larsson, Anneli Palmsköld, Helena Hörnfeldt, Lars-Eric Jönsson, Stockholm: Nordiska museets förlag, 2015, p. 217-227Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Tracing Old Norse Cosmology: The world tree, middle earth, and the sun in archaeological perspectives2014 (ed. 1)Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An archaeological investigation of three cosmological elements in Old Norse religion, namely the world tree, Midgard and the sun. The changing character of these elements are investigated via different forms of material representations from the Bronze Age to the Viking Age.

  • 44.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Ullr2020In: The Pre-Christian religions of the North. Histiry and Structures: Conceptual Frameworks. The Cosmos and Collective Supernatural Beings / [ed] Jens Peter Schjødt, John Lindow, Anders Andrén, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, p. 1363-1370Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An overview of the Old Norse god Ullr

  • 45.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies. Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Un jardin parisien à Lund au XIVe siècle?2009In: Regards sur la France du Moyen Age: Mélanges offerts à Gunnel Engwall / [ed] Olle Ferm, Per Förnegård, Stockholm: Runica et Mediævalia , 2009, p. 10-19Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Interpretation of a medieval garden in Lund as inspired by contemporary gardens in Paris

  • 46.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Upptäck Visby ringmur: Din guide till ringmurens spännande historia2023Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Guidebok till Visby ringmur

  • 47.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Vad var Vandilsvé?2022In: The wild hunt for numinous knowledge: perspektives on and from the study of pre-Christian Nordic religions in honour of Jens Peter Schjødt / [ed] Karen Bek-Pedersen; Sophie Bønding; Luke John Murphy; Simon Nygaard; Morten Warmind, Aarhus: Department of the Study of Religion, Aarhus University , 2022, p. 513-524Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Tolkning av ortnamnet Vandilsvé

  • 48.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Visby som en stadsarkeologisk utmaning2015In: Inn i fortida - ut i verden - i museet! / [ed] Jon Anders Risvaag, Ragnhild Berge, Terje Brattli, Trondheim: Museumsforlaget , 2015, p. 28-34Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 49.
    Andrén, Anders
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Öresund som en medeltida och tidigmodern stadsregion2021In: Øresundsbyerne fra urbanisering til renæssance / [ed] Liv Appel; Anders Reisnert; Anders Bank Lodahl, Helsingør: Gransk , 2021, p. 16-20Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Översikt över medeltida städer i Öresundsregionen

  • 50.
    Andrén, Anders
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Archaeology.
    Jennbert, KristinaLunds universitet.Raudvere, CatharinaKöpenhamns universitet.
    Hedendomen i historiens spegel: bilder av det förkristna Norden2009Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Eight articles, in Swedish, on the modern reception of Old Norse religion

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