In this paper I will research whether or not bone depositions in water from the bronze age have a common feature in purpose of identifying undiscovered depositions. I will study six different places in Uppland, Sweden and go through the amount and the different types of ancient monuments adjacent to the depositions to try to find a pattern. With the knowledge I gather I will discuss how the results can help archeologists to identify new potential deposition locations. The result of this paper was that the studied locations were too few to find a real pattern to identify new depositions. I’m hopeful with a larger study done on a wider geographical area with more locations that a pattern will be identified.
Vad vet vi om medeltidens trädgårdar? Tanken att trädgårdskulturen kom till Norden med "munkarna" är djupt förankrad men blir allt mer ifrågasatt. Fanns det inga trädgårdar före munkarna? Var munkarna verkligen de enda som bedrev avancerad trädgårdsodling? Ny forskning gör att vår bild av äldre tiders trädgårdar blir allt tydligare.
Kapitlet Medeltidens trädgårdsodling behandlas dagens kunskap om trädgårdarnas utformning och bruk i Sverige ca. 1050–ca. 1500. Svensk trädgårdshistoria – förhistoria och medeltid är första bandet av tre i en kulturhistorisk studie av trädgårdens historia i Sverige. Genom arkeologiska fynd, lämningar av växter, skriftliga källor och bilder följs människans trädgårdsodling från förhistorisk tid fram till år 1500. Såväl trädgårdens kulturväxter som mystik och magi är pusselbitar i vår förståelse av människans trädgårdsodlande. Trädgården står för arbete och försörjning, men är också en symbol för det goda livet.
Sökandet efter ett nytt sortiment av gatuträd för innerstadsmiljöer satte fart på 1980-talet och 1990-talet, då almsjukan hade orsakat stora hål i städernas grönska och följdes av nya sjukdomar på ask, lind och hästkastanj. De nya trädsorterna väcker uppmärksamhet och upplevs som exotiska. Men hur nya är de egentligen?
Overview of archaeological sources for the study of Old Norse religion
Memory in archaeology is above all about cultural memory, or about how the past was constructed and apprehended in the past. This role of the past in the past has attracted a growing interest in archaeological research in recent decades. Memory studies can be found in archaeology in general, as well as in Scandinavian archaeology. Memory or the role of the past in the past, however, is not possible to understand without reference to time, which means that the construction of time in archaeology is crucial for any discussion of memory (cf. Andrén 2013a, 2015).
Survey of the specific problems in the archaeology of late medieval and early modern Europe
En kritisk översikt över svensk arkeologi under de senaste 30 åren
Kort biografi av Bengt Thordeman (1893-1990)
A study of the relationship between Visby and Gotland circa 1250-1375
Kort biografi av Carl Georg Brunius (1792-1869)
En analys av Dalby klosters omgivningar under medeltiden
A survey of the discussion on narrative forms in archaeology
En fallstudie av några judeförföljelser i det medeltida Europa
An overview of traces of divine twins in Old Norse religion
Översikt över stadsplaneidéer bakom grundläggningen av Kristianstad 1614
An iconographic interpretation of the early picture stones on Gotland
En ikonografisk tolkning av de tidiga gotländska bildstenarna
Overview of the historical and social background of Old Norse religion
Overview of pictorial sources for the study of Old Norse religion
An archaeological attempt to date an Icelandic Fornaldarsaga about ancient Gotland.
This book by Susanne Härtel is not a comprehensive survey of all 150 medieval Jewish graveyards in the Holy Roman Empire, although the title may create such expectations in the reader. Instead, it is an in-depth study of the complex relationships between the Jewish minorities and the Christian majorities in five German-speaking cities—Magdeburg, Dortmund, Speyer, Regensburg and Zürich. The investigation is a methodological ‘experiment’, based on five different aspects of the graveyards in these cities, namely their location, spatial demarcation, the dead themselves, the gravestones and the visitors. These aspects are in turn analysed from three phenomenological perspectives: visuality, practice and semantics. Through this grid of fifteen viewpoints, Härtel discusses religious differences and similarities between Jews and Christians, and to what extent the religious categories were more important than other distinctions in medieval urban culture, such as gender, professions and social status. By using cemeteries as a starting point, the author aims to study the everyday encounters between Jews and Christians, instead of the more well-known outbreaks of prosecution and expulsion of Jews from medieval cities.
Kommentarer till Gutasagan
An interpretation of the mental and ideological perspectives of landscape and settlement in medieval Svandinavia.
Kort biografi om Mats P. Malmer (1921-2007)
Kort biografi av Ragnar Blomqvist (1901-1983)
A discussion regarding central places in Skåne during the Iron Age
A study of the main pre-Christian god on Gotland
A discussion of the ritual places called stavgardar on Gotland
Overview of ideas about the sun and the moon in Old Norse religion
A discussion of the role of enrolled foreign warriors in early state organizations
En tolkning av den medeltida judesuggan i Uppsala domkyrka
An overview of the spatial and temporal frames of Old Norse religion
An archaeological investigation of three cosmological elements in Old Norse religion, namely the world tree, Midgard and the sun. The changing character of these elements are investigated via different forms of material representations from the Bronze Age to the Viking Age.
An overview of the Old Norse god Ullr
Interpretation of a medieval garden in Lund as inspired by contemporary gardens in Paris
Guidebok till Visby ringmur
Tolkning av ortnamnet Vandilsvé
Översikt över medeltida städer i Öresundsregionen
Eight articles, in Swedish, on the modern reception of Old Norse religion