We theoretically examine time-resolved diffraction from molecules which undergo non-adiabatic dynamics and identify contributions from inelastic scattering that indicate the presence of an avoided crossing and the corresponding nuclear configuration.
The resonant states of HeH are computed by combining structure calculations at a full configuration interaction level with electron scattering calculations carried out using the Complex-Kohn variational method. We obtain the potential energy curves, autoionization widths, as well as non-adiabatic couplings among the resonant states. Using the non-adiabatic couplings, the adiabatic to diabatic transformation matrix can be obtained. A strict diabatization of the resonant states will be used to study various scattering processes where the resonant states are involved. These processes involve high energy dissociative recombination (DR) and ion-pair formation (RIP), resonant and direct dissociative excitation (DE), penning ionization (PI) as well as mutual neutralization (MN).