For immigrants, intermarriage with natives is assumed to have an assimilating role due to the
enhancement of local human capital such a union creates in the form of improved knowledge
about host country institutions, language and customs as well as access to native spouses’
networks and contacts. However, marriage choice is endogenous, unobserved factors
influence who we marry and our labor market outcomes. This study uses panel data on
immigrants and their spouses in Sweden to estimate marriage premiums taking into account
individual heterogeneity. This is done for three types of marriages; intermarriage to natives
and intra-marriage with immigrants from home countries or other (non-Swedish) countries. A
staggered fixed effects model is estimated separately for each marriage type to further
disentangle a causal effect of intermarriage (intra-marriage) on annual income from any
remaining positive selection effects into respective marriage type. Results from fixed effects
estimation indicate that all types of marriage (with one exception) yield positive marriage
premiums of similar magnitude. Significant pre-marriage income growth and a lack of postmarriage
income growth for those that marry natives suggest that intermarriage premiums are
largely due to selection.