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  • 1.
    Weurlander, Maria
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education.
    Flodin, Veronica S.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Att undersöka och utveckla den egna undervisningen på ett etiskt medvetet sätt: En guide för universitetslärare2024Report (Other academic)
  • 2.
    Lidén, Anne
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Recension: Vad folkets kultur är och kan vara.: Antologi av Folket i Bild/Kulturfronts avd. Västmanland-Dalarna2023In: Tidskriften Förr och Nu, E-ISSN 2003-329X, no 3, p. 1-12Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Antologin Vad folkets kultur är och kan vara är utgiven av Västmanland/Dalarnas avdelning av Folket i Bild/Kulturfront. Ett planerat seminarium 2020 och ett 10-års- jubileum med rapporter av föreningens verksamhet kring olika kulturprojekt fick på grund av corona ställas in och ersattes av detta bokprojekt. Boken är uppdelad i fem delar kring olika estetiska uttryck, som teater, folkmusik, körsång, dans och foto, och den ger en historisk tillbakablick på många olika kulturprojekt alltsedan starten av Folket i Bild/Kulturfront 1972. Här redovisas en lång rad teaterprojekt, där berättelser och gestaltningar har utgått från folkets historia och lokalsamhället, likt "living history". Till de mer kända hör Spelet om Norbergsstrejken med spelplatsen med spelplats vid Klackbergs gruva. I flera artiklar förs en diskussion kring begreppet folkets kultur och en rad kulturbegrepp belyses, såsom folklig kultur, arbetarkultur, kvinnokultur och demokratisk kultur samt vardagskultur. Minoriteters kultur behandlas och man problematiserar borgerligt kulturarv och kulturrelativism. Boken är en inspiration för att starta lokala kulturprojekt och den ger också förslag på hur tidningen Folket i Bild/Kulturfront kan stödja de officiella kulturorganisationerna och kulturarbetare som får minskade anslag.

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    Anne Lidén 2023, Recension : Vad folkets kultur är och kan vara.
  • 3.
    Cedervall, Sofia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    ”Våra elever blev stärkta i att få komma till tals”. Utvärdering av Fryshusets utvecklingsprojekt Vänd oss inte ryggen - ur lärarnas perspektiv2023Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Samverkan mellan kultur och skola har i flertalet rapporter och forskningsprojekt beskrivits som olika världar som möts (Hald, 2015, Creative Partnerships, 2011, Lund, 2008, Hall, Thomson & Russell, 2007, Bamford, 2006 m.fl.) Olikheterna kan å ena sidan leda till frustration som riskerar att välta ett projekt eller att en kulturupplevelse faller platt. Å andra sidan kan olikheter leda till nyfikenhet och ligga till grund för både lärande och skapande. Skolor uppskattar externa kulturaktörer och ser dem som komplement till den egna verksamheten (Lindqvist & Blomgren, 2016). Olikheterna behöver alltså inte utgöra ett problem i sig. Med acceptans för andra sätt att närma sig ett område och med kunskap om vad som utgör skillnaderna kan flertalet missförstånd undvikas. Att kultur och skola upplevs som olika världar är inte heller något konstigt när en betänker att det på många sätt är helt skilda verksamheter, med sina egna syften och arbetssätt. Den obligatoriska skolan bygger till stora delar på en teoretisk kunskapstradition medan konsten bygger på praktiska kunskapstraditioner (Carlgren, 2015, Cedervall, 2020).

    Flertalet professionella kulturaktörer i Sverige idag som vill samverka med skolan är väl medvetna om dessa olikheter. De har lärt sig om skolans mål, verksamhet och behov och varit måna om att kommunicera och planera tillsammans med lärare och skolledare. Projektledare och koordinatorer i Vänd oss inte ryggen är exempel på dessa väl medvetna aktörer som vill hitta en samverkan som fungerar på skolans villkor. De har på flertalet sätt genom hela projektet varit lyhörda för skolans, lärarnas och elevernas villkor för att hitta framkomliga vägar i utprövandet av en metod som innefattar skapande och estetiska verktyg.  Förhoppningen med en lärande utvärdering är att stödja dessa redan erfarna och skickliga kulturaktörer att ta ytterligare steg med ökad förståelse för lärares behov.

    Denna rapport från utvärderingen av utvecklingsprojektet ur lärarnas perspektiv är en del av ett större material som innefattar den modell som projektet utmynnade i, samt den digitala plattformen för spridning. Estetiska lärprocesser är en viktig del av skolans uppdrag. Projektet Vänd oss inte ryggen har visat på flertalet intressanta verktyg och arbetssätt för att ge elever möjlighet att uppleva och skapa, vilket kan bidra till att uppnå de mål som läroplanen föreskriver. På så sätt är en ytterligare förhoppning att lärare, skolledare och annan skolpersonal ska finna beskrivningen av erfarenheterna i den här rapporten intressanta och få inspiration till att i större utsträckning arbeta med estetiska uttryck.

  • 4.
    Cedervall, Sofia
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Thorgersen, Ketil
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Widén, Anna
    Lydiga kliv och subversiva samarbeten2022In: Book of abstracts – Cutting Edge 2021 (2022), Kristiansand: Universitetet i Agder , 2022, p. 4-5Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Kulturskoleklivet är en statlig satsning på kompetensförsörjning till kulturskolor. Målgruppen är dels konstnärer som vill ha en pedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning och som erbjuds utbildningspaket över tre terminer, dels pedagoger i kulturskola som erbjuds kortare fortbildningskurser. Satsningen är koncentrerad till fyra storstadsregioner i Sverige; Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm och Umeå och utförs av sex utbildningsanordnare; Lunds universitet (LU), Göteborgs universitet (GU), Stockholmsuniversitet (GU), Stockholms konstnärliga högskola (SKH), Stockholms musikpedagogiska institut (SMI) och Umeå universitet (UU). Kulturskoleklivet sjösattes höstterminen 2018, men merparten av utbildningarna kom igång under 2019.

    När de berörda vid de sex aktuella lärosäten fick beskedet om att de hade fått beviljat att bedriva utbildning inom Kulturskoleklivet uppstod ett behov av att synkronisera utbildningarna och dela med sig av tankar och idéer. Initiativ till möten där alla berörda lärosäten var inbjudna mottogs med entusiasm och har genomförts med kontinuitet. I Stockholm tog SU, SKH och SMI kontakt med varandra redan under ansökansförfarandet och anförde där ett samarbete om ett bra utbud i regionen som argument för att just dessa institutioner skulle få utbildningarna. I synnerhet har SKH och SU utvecklat ett tätt samarbete där studerande inom kurspaketet studerar vid båda lärosäten. SMI anordnar också en kurs som riktar sig mot alla som studerar inom Kulturskoleklivet: Konstarter i samverkan. Umeå universitet har i sin tur flera samarbeten med Stockholmsregionen inom ramarna för Kulturskoleklivet, dels genomutbyte av lärare med SMI och SU, dels genom ansökan om utvecklingsmedel tillsammans med SU och publicering av en rapport (Tilde, 2020). Lärosätena har även gjort ett antal gemensamma presentationer av satsningen och kursutbudet, t.ex. vid informationsträffar, konferenser och kompetensdialoger.

    En oförutsedd bieffekt av Kulturskoleklivet är med andra ord en mängd samarbeten på nationell och regional nivå; på såväl praktiska som på mer ideologiska och principiella plan. Det vi kommer att presentera i detta paper är en analys av hur dessa samarbeten kan förstås utifrån de minnesanteckningar, presentationer, rapporter och korrespondens som genererats genom dessa tre år. Trots den geografiska spridningen på materialet är det endast ett tiotal aktiva deltagare som utgör kärnan i samarbetet. Analysen görs utifrån Gert Biestas teorier om neoliberalistiska och demokratiska lärandeorganisationer (2010, 2017) samt Jonna Bornemarks teorier om förpappringssamhället (2018). Vi vill se hur samarbeten kan förstås dels som pragmatiska initiativ för att lösa problem utifrån den ekonomiska realitet som uppstått, dels som ett subversivt motstånd mot neoliberala värden genom en gräsrotsrörelse av enskilda individer som hittar vägar runt de utstakade för att skapa en utbildning som håller måttet

  • 5. Tväråna, Malin
    et al.
    Jägerskog, Ann-Sofie
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education. Fryshusets gymnasium, Sverige.
    Björklund, Mattias
    Sex bärande principer för god forskningssamverkan: utvärdering av Stockholm Teaching and Learning Studies som modell för samverkan mellan skola och akademi2021Report (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Cedervall, Sofia
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Teaching and Learning.
    Grip, Kerstin
    Drama och teater i kulturskolan: med fokus på berättare och berättelse men sällan rum2020In: Kulturskoleklivet: ett kliv för lärarkåren / [ed] Hans Örtegren; Anna Widén, Umeå: Umeå universitet: Institutionen för estetiska ämnen , 2020, no 18, p. 53-57Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Nyman, Martin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    What do students’ feel about mathematics?: Compulsory school students’ emotions and motivation towards mathematics2020Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This licentiate thesis deals with compulsory school students’ expressed emotions and motivation towards mathematics. Theoretically, it has been guided by Hannula’s meta-theory on affect (e.g., 2012), of which emotion and motivation are part. In this thesis, emotion is defined using models from Schirmer (2015), and motivation correspondingly by Shunk et al. (2010). In the analysis, a model for emotion developed by Lövheim (2012), and models for motivation proposed by Ryan & Deci (e.g., 2000) and later further developed by Sumpter (2012), were adopted.

    This thesis focuses on two studies. In the first study, in search of nuanced knowledge about students’ experiences of mathematics, a primarily qualitative approach was adopted in interviews conducted with 19 primary school students. The results reported in Paper I (Nyman & Sumpter, 2019) confirm previous research which found that students express both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for doing mathematics. But the results also indicate further motivational nuances, and I propose a division of each dimension into six subcategories. The results reported in Paper II (Nyman, in press) indicate that students’ negative emotions towards mathematics are directed towards themselves, as shame or distress, and not externally as anger. The results also indicate that there are connections between emotion and other affective concepts such as motivation and social dimensions, but also more technical aspects, for example, being allowed to listen to music.

    The second study, reported in Paper III (in preparation), gathered questionnaire data from 222 grade 8 and grade 9 students, and aimed to compare differences between the two grades as well as between boys and girls. The results show that the only significant difference between boys and girls is on issues relating to motivation: Girls generally express being more extrinsically motivated to doing mathematics than boys.

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  • 8.
    Fred, Jenny
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Att etablera och upprätthålla ett algebraiskt arbete i årskurs 2 och 3: En undervisningsutvecklande studie med matematiska mönster som innehåll2019Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study the aspects of the teaching that enable students of younger ages to be engaged in algebraic work. Learning study has been used as the method to produce data. A research team consisting of two primary school teachers in mathematics and a teacher researcher worked collaboratively, designing interventions iteratively during the learning study process. 

    In the design as well as analysis, Davydov's learning activity theory, Variation theory and Radford's definition of algebraic pattern generalizations have been used as theoretical starting points. The empirical data consists of (1) video-recorded interviews with eight students as well as transcriptions thereof; (2) video recordings of three research lessons; (3) lesson plans; (4) synopsis of video recordings of three research lessons; (5)  transcriptions of parts of video recorded research lessons.

    Results consists of three identified critical aspects that students may need to discern in order to express and justify for a pattern generalization algebraically: (a) to discern the relationship between the position of an element and the number of components; (b) to discern how to use the relationship between the position of an element and the number of components to predict an arbitrary element in the pattern; (c) to discern the constant (the component that does not change but is the same in all elements) in the pattern.

    Results give examples of what functions the theoretical principles of Davydov´s learning activity, problem situation, learning model and contradictions, may have for algebraic work to be established and maintained. Furthermore, the results may contribute to a deepened understanding of what it means to be able to express and justify for pattern generalizations algebraically at younger ages. The results may also contribute to knowledge that can be used by teachers to stage and carry out a teaching within the frame of early algebra.

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  • 9.
    Danckwardt-Lillieström, Kerstin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Drama i kemisalen: En designbaserad studie av hur kreativt drama kan stödja gymnasieelevers lärande av kemisk bindning2019Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A major challenge for chemistry education is to develop the students' understanding of chemical bonding. In upper-secondary school, the challenges are commonly expressed as difficulties for students to distinguish between intra and intermolecular bonding and to understand chemical bonding in terms of electronegativity. The aim of this thesis is to investigate in what ways creative drama can support the students' learning of non-spontaneous chemical concepts related to electronegativity and chemical bonding. Drama has previously been suggested to support science learning, but studies in science education are limited and the potential of using drama to afford student theoretical reasoning in chemistry needs further scrutiny and design development. In the study which forms the basis of the thesis, socio-cultural theory of learning is combined with multimodal social semiotic analysis. The study was conducted as a design-based study with interventions in three cycles in two schools. The interventions, including the drama activity and students group discussions before and after, were video-and audiotaped. In Article 1, data from cycle 2 was analyzed with respect to what kind of semiotic work students were engaged in. In Article 2, the data from cycles 1, 2 and 3 were analyzed on the basis of thematic content analysis resulting in themes regarding in what ways the students explored electronegativity and chemical bonding and in what ways creative drama afforded collective student agency. The main findings point to the importance of meaning-making through transduction to develop students' conceptual understanding of chemical bonding. In the students' semiotic work, it was possible to create relations between electronegativity and the polarity of molecules and to link the polarity of the molecules to intermolecular bonding in the collective whole class interaction, which in turn is a prerequisite for understanding phase changes. The interaction between the student groups was pivotal for linking the chemistry's sub-micro and macro levels. Further, the results show that the students' bodily formations of molecules in certain groups prompted semiotic work in other groups, which got consequences for the students’ collective agency. The visualization of the students' bodily formations created opportunities for students to pay attention to differences in representations of chemical bonding. A notion called epistemic dissonance is introduced to account for the emergent epistemic tensions/contradictions that become recognized by the students in the creative drama. Emergent epistemic dissonances constitute opportunities for collective work concerning the conceptual relations where students act as learning resources for oneanother. This thesis points to the importance of designing creative drama in such ways that both the material and social structure may support the students' collective agency.

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  • 10.
    Eriksson, Cecilia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Elevers diskurser och lärares respons i undervisning i naturvetenskap med koppling till sociovetenskapliga frågor2019Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Jons, Lotta
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Trepartssamtal i lärarutbildning: En studie av nio samtal på en gymnasieövningsskola2017Report (Other academic)
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  • 12.
    Gerholm, Verner
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Matematiskt begåvade ungdomars motivation och erfarenheter av utvecklande verksamheter2016Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This licentiate thesis deals with some influencing factors to develop mathematicalabilities among mathematical gifted adolescents. Krutetskii’s structureof the mathematical abilities and Mönks’ triadic model of giftedness isused as a theoretical framework.The thesis consists of two articles with different aims. The first aim is toinvestigate to what extent the students had participated in various mathematicalactivities during their years in school and what impact the students attachto these activities. The second aim was to examine some aspects of the importanceof motivation for the mathematically gifted adolescents.To answer the research questions data was collected with a questionnaireand an interview study of a total of 27 finalists in a national mathematicalcompetition for students in Swedish upper secondary schools.Generally the students were positive about the activities they had participatedin. Specifically acceleration in the subject and mathematical competitionsstand out as particularly significant activities according to the students.The study shows the significance of mathematical activities providing aframework to relate to, which will make the progression more visible for thestudents. Such activities could be mathematical competition problem solvingor acceleration in the subject.The results of the study indicates that intrinsic motivation together withextrinsic motivation with integrated or identified regulation are the most importanttypes of motivation. All students in the study had both intrinsic motivationand some type of extrinsic motivation.

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  • 13.
    Eriksson, Helena
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Rationella tal som tal: Algebraiska symboler och generella modeller som medierande redskap2015Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this study the teaching of mathematics has been developed in relation to rational numbers and towards a learning activity. At the same time topic-specific mediated tools have been studied. The iterative model for learning study has been used as research approach.

    The purpose of the study was to explore what in an algebraic learning activity enables knowledge of rational numbers to develop. The specific questions answered by the study are how an algebraic learning activity can be formed in an otherwise arithmetic teaching tradition, what knowledge is mediated in relation to different mediated tools and what in these tools that enable this knowledge.

    The result of the study shows how an algebraic learning activity can be developed to support the students to understand rational numbers even in an arithmetic teaching tradition. The important details that developed the algebraic learning activity were to identify the problem to create learning tasks and the opportunity for the students to reflect that are characteristic of a learning activity. The result also shows that the mediating tools, the algebraic symbols and the general model for fractional numbers, have had significant importance for the students' possibilities to explore rational numbers. The conditions for the algebraic symbols seem to be the possibilities for these symbols to include clues to the meaning of the symbol and that the same symbol can be used in relation to several of other mediated tools. The conditions in the general model consisted of that the integer numbers and the rational numbers in the model could be distinguished and that the students could reflect on the meaning of the different parts. The general model consists of the algebraic symbols, developed in the learning activity. The algebraic symbols make the structure of the numbers visible and the general model mediates the structure of additive and multiplicative conditions that are contained in a rational number.

    The result of the study contributes in part to the field of mathematics education research by examining Elkonin's and Davydov's Mathematical Curriculum in a western teaching practice and in part to a development of the model of Learning study as a didactical research approach by using an activity-theoretical perspective on design and analysis.

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  • 14.
    Fermsjö, Roger
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Rekonstruktion av logaritmer med tallinjer som medierande redskap2014Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of the research reported in this licentiate thesis was to create an environment that could support students’ learning about logarithms. To develop such a learning environment, Davydov’s ‘learning activity’ was used as a theoretical framework for the design. A new tool was created, that was used by the students to unfold and single out some of the unique properties of logarithms when solving different learning tasks. The construction of the model was inspired by Napiers original idea from 1614, i.e. exactly 400 years ago, by using two number lines; one arithmetic (i.e. based on addition) and one geometric (i.e. based on multiplication).

    The research approach used was learning study where teachers and researcher worked collaboratively in an iterative process to refine the research lesson. The study was conducted in six groups with six teachers in upper secondary school in a major city in Sweden. The sample comprised about 150 students and data were collected by filming lessons and by interviews with some of the students. The data were analysed using an analytic framework derived from ‘learning activity’ and the results show what supports, but also what does not support, the creation of an environment for supporting students’ learning of logarithms.

    The results from the study are related to former research regarding instrumental/procedural vis-à-vis relational/conceptual understanding and also about research about students’ ‘errors and misconceptions’. It is argued that the formal definition of logarithms, y = 10x <-> x = lgy (y > 0), should not be used to introduce the concept, instead a new way is proposed. One conclusion is that it is possible to reconstruct logarithms without using the definition as a tool. The results from the analysed lessons show how students looked for ways to solve learning tasks using the new tool. The definition and the identities regarding logarithms appear as bi-products of the students learning activity. When analysing students actions, they rarely over-generalised mathematical rules, e.g. used the distributive law, or separated log-expressions, e.g. adding log expressions part by part, that seemed to be an issue according to former research.

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  • 15.
    Szabo, Attila
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Matematiska förmågors interaktion och det matematiska minnets roll vid lösning av matematiska problem2013Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The thesis deals with the interaction of mathematical abilities and the mathematical memory's role in problem-solving. To examine those phenomena, I analyzed the expression of mathematical abilities for high achieving students from upper secondary school. The study shows that the mathematical memory accounts for a relatively small proportion of time of the problem-solving process and that the mathematical memory emerges mainly during the initial phase of the process. Although the mathematical memory accounts for a small percentage of the time of the problem-solving process, the mathematical memory has a decisive role for the choice of problem-solving methods, because the students choose their solution methods in the initial phase of their problem-solving activity. The study shows that the choice of problem-solving method has significant consequences for the students' problem-solving activity; if the chosen methods did not lead to the desired outcome, so the students found it very difficult to change their initially chosen problem-solving methods. The study also shows that students who use general problem-solving methods perform better than students who use numerical methods.

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  • 16.
    Persson, Lena
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    En aktionsforskningsstudie om undervisning och lärande för hållbar utveckling2011Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Researchers in environmental education and education for sustainable development (ESD) have discussed in what way young people’s experience impact their action competence (e.g. Almers 2009; Schnack 1996; Breiting &Mogensen 1999; Lundegård 2007). In my research I wanted to study if and how action research (AR) including the students’ reflections may contribute to a pluralistic education in ESD. The AR was made together with a teacher at a secondary school in year 9. We worked on equal level in planning and often during the lessons, but I, as the researcher, was making the Analysis and the Questions of the interviews.

    I made three group interviews with five students. The other students were answering questions in logbooks. I also interviewed the teacher.

    Early on the class visited an exhibition at the National Museum of Science in Stockholm. During the next lesson the students wrote in their logbooks about their thoughts after visiting the museum, and I interviewed five students. The teacher and I read their reflections and observed what we had to pay attention to during the next lesson. Many students had been afraid of the future and started thinking that their children might not have a future; everything on the globe is spoilt, ice flows everywhere. The teacher and I decided to talk more about whose responsibility it is (Öhman 2006; Lundegård 2007). We found support in Ojala’s (2007) thesis.This was the first question we had to deal with in our Action Research. The teacher and I planned a new cycle of action, where we talked about the environment and whose responsibility is it.We talked about society, economy and politics, because we had noticed that the students were thinking that they were guilty for the global situation.

    Further on the students got more action competence and were more motivated and interested in environmental problems, and also critical in many ways about how societies and politicians were dealing with the environment issues.

    The next time the students were reflecting, they were not talking about worries for the future. Instead they had started to think about constructive actions favoring the globe’s future. Other things we took care of were when the students needed help with their studies about life-styles.

    They were working in groups, 3-5 members in each group, and they were taking initiatives, planning and acting and after the study they made presentations of their work in front of the whole class. I found that the Pluralistic way of education worked fine together with my action research and the students were able to take their own decisions in the environmental questions. They had gained action competence now and for the future.

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  • 17.
    Flodin, Veronica
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Epistemisk drift: Genbegreppets rörelser i några av forskningens och undervisningens texter i biologi2011Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall aim of this paper is to promote understanding of the relationship between the knowledge produced in research in biology and the knowledge that is then to be taught in courses at the university. The work in this thesis is limited to that part of research and teaching that use of scientific concepts in texts, and what meanings the uses are leading to. The work is based on two studies.

    The first study demonstrated that in a single, widely used textbook in Biology, one can find (at least) five different meanings of the gene concept used. What is interesting is that these different meanings can be associated with the emergence of different biological disciplines. It may seem obvious when you see it as a result, but the fact is that the gene concept is not defined as context-dependent. This should in turn lead to that an understanding of the gene concept is made more difficult because the meaning varies with context, and moreover, different meanings are mixed in the same context. The learning problems that earlier studies have shown may in this case be based on a content problem. That is, the content itself is vague and unclear.

    The second study is a case study of the use of the gene concept in five scientific papers. Different meanings of the gene concept are to be found in the same way as the first study argues for in a textbook in Biology. But also new categories are described. In the textbook the different meanings were attached to various sub-disciplines. In the scientific articles the new categories are linked to different knowledge projects. The gene and the gene concept perform different functions in relation to research problems, issues and methods. You could say that various aspects of the gene are used in different knowledge projects. But both the previously categorized meanings and new categories are used in a mingle way. The mixture is proposed to occur because the knowledge about genes does not disappear but survives and is used side by side with newly developed knowledge, which leads to a gene concept that is exposed to an epistemic drift.

    The transformation of content between research and textbook is then discussed from the results of the study 1 and study 2 in terms of recontextualization. When the content is "transformed" to the textbook, there are variations of the gene concept left, but not the scientific context in terms of questions and methods. The different ways to knowing about genes exist mixed in research texts, but the researchers are proposed to use their discipline-based knowledge to deduce the relationships. This could mean that what appears to be fuzzy, mixed and unclear to an outsider, is not to a specialist who works in the current practice.

  • 18.
    Lindahl, Camilla
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Molander, Bengt-Olov
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Kemiförsök i en tvåspråkig miljö: Ett samarbetsprojekt mellan en specialskola för döva och hörselskadade och Stockholms universitet om NO-undervisning med skolutvecklingsprogrammet NTA2011Report (Other academic)
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    Kemiförsök i en tvåspråkig miljö
  • 19.
    Anderhag, Per
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Wickman, Per-Olof
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    An evalutation of how NTA is helping schools to attain the Science Studies syllabus goals at the grade 5 level2007Report (Other academic)
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