Background: This essay focuses on the importance of the work environment for our well-being in the workplace. According to the Swedish Environment Agency, there are different classifications of work environment: Organizational work environment, social work environment and psychosocial work environment. The psychosocial work environment is the combined organizational and social work environment. If there are shortcomings in the work environment, this can mean that the employee does not feel at ease in his workplace (AV, 2015). Previous research shows that working alone is common for drama educators. Furthermore, they meet other professions that have no in-depth understanding of drama or theatre, which can be perceived as a problem (Grip, Cedervall & Österlind, 2018), and aesthetic school subjects lack the weight that other more academic subjects have (Rasmusson, 1995).
The purpose: This study investigated how professional drama pedagogues experience their work environment while working with other professionals.
Theoretical framework: The study's theoretical framework was Herzberg et al.'s theory of job satisfaction (1993), the model of demands, control, and support (Karasek and Theorell, 1990), and KASAM (Sense of context), which has three central components: comprehension, manageability, and meaningfulness (Antonovsky, 1987).
Material and method: The study is quantitative with qualitative elements, and the respondents, via survey questions, were required to estimate their experiences according to the Likert scale (Denscombe, 2017). Inclusion criteria were that the respondents were members of the Organization for Authorized Drama Teachers (RAD) and worked in the municipal sector in Sweden with colleagues from other professions. Data has been collected via questionnaires and distributed by email from (RAD) to its members. The survey was created using Google Forms. The data was analyzed in Excel for Microsoft 365, and descriptive statistics were used to present the results.
Results: The results showed that the 33 drama pedagogues who responded to the study and work in the municipal sector in Sweden were fairly or very satisfied with their work environment based on the theories mentioned above.