Nominala bisatser i ryskan: En korpusundersökning
2025 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)Alternative title
Complement clauses in Russian : A corpus study (English)
Abstract [en]
This thesis mainly investigates Russian complement clauses in the Uppsala corpus. The clauses are divided into the standard groups described by Švedova 1980 and the Swedish Academy Grammar (Svenska Akademiens grammatik 1999). The latter also constitutes the thesis’ theoretical framework, as is stated in chapter 1. The complement clause groups are quantified and statistics are provided in chapter 2–3. Even marginal subordinators are described with the help of the newer corpus Russian National Corpus ( Five main groups are distinguished. Of these the narrative one turned out to be by far the biggest due to its dominant čto subgroup, followed by the WH group (an interrogative subgroup). The three remaining groups are much smaller. Another facet is binders and domains, two new concepts. The first covers those lexemes of the matrix clauses that the complement clauses are linked to, while the domain concept is semantic and covers the semantic spheres that binders represent (e.g., mental, communication, perception, abstract). For each group of complement clauses their domain mix is presented with corresponding frequent binders, listed in chapter 2. Binders like know (mental), say (communication), see (perception) and depend (abstract) are usually frequent in these domains. Typically, the domain mix differs: in the most dominant čto and WH groups the mental domain dominates, followed by the communication domain. On the other end their perception and abstract domains are small. A totally different domain mix is, e.g., found in the subjunctive group. Another facet of chapter 2 is the comparison of some reference works with the above-mentioned empirical results. It shows that the reference works often do not match the corpus(es). The discrepancies are found both among their exemplified binders and equivalents to domains. Chapter 3 presents statistics on various syntactical aspects, like function in the matrix clauses, clause sequences and TO insertion. One such result is that object clauses very much dominate most nominal groups.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Institutionen för slaviska och baltiska språk, finska, nederländska och tyska, Stockholms universitet , 2025. , p. 389
Stockholm Slavic Papers, ISSN 0347-7002 ; 34
Keywords [en]
Russian syntax, corpus studies, Uppsala corpus, Russian National Corpus, complement clauses, expressive group, query group, WH group, subordinators, clause markers, binders, binder groups, domains, domain models, explicative, volution, deontic, epistemic, hortative, optative, prototypical, facticity, TO insertion
National Category
Specific Languages
Research subject
Slavic Languages
URN: urn:nbn:se:su:diva-237572ISBN: 978-91-8107-070-5 (print)ISBN: 978-91-8107-071-2 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1925051
Public defence
2025-02-21, hörsal 9, hus D, Universitetsvägen 10 D, Stockholm, 13:00 (Swedish)
2025-01-292025-01-072025-01-20Bibliographically approved