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  • 1.
    Adlercreutz, Martin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Enhager, Douglas
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Här är vinnarna och förlorarna på nya spellagen2018Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 2.
    Agurell Swedmark, Linda
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Horrific images in East and West: A qualitative and comparative analysis of the visual representation of Syrian and Ukrainian refugees in three Swedish news outlets2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis compares the visual representation of Syrian refugees during the 2015 refugee crisis and Ukrainian refugees during the Russian invasion 2022 in news outlets Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dabladet and Aftonbladet. The aim of the study is thus to investigate how ethnic groups are framed in a photojournalistic setting. The theoretical concept otherness is used to analyze the selected visual images and the concept of visualities highlight how photographs published in the media communicate political messages and how images reflect immigration discourse. Additionally, photojournalistic regimes of visibility and responsibility are used to illuminate similarities and dissimilarities in the material. In total, 200 images made up the sample for the performed qualitative visual analysis.

    The findings reveal that empathetic portrayals dominate the Swedish narrative. Syrian refugees were overrepresented in imagery alluding to otherness painting a picture of Syrians as ethnic, cultural and dangerous others. Photography triggering social and political engagement were crucial in the forming of visualities, relating visual images to the political and public arena. The sampled images did reflect immigration discourses of intimidation and humanity.

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  • 3.
    Aldsjö, Matilda
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Ahmed, Nada
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Ett (o)frivilligt uppkopplat liv: En kvalitativ studie om individers sociala medier vanor.2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Skulle du kunna leva utan din mobiltelefon? Det var en av frågorna som ställdes när denna studie genomfördes. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur individer reflekterar över sin aktivitet på sociala medier och hur beroende individer är av att uppdatera sig. Detta gjordes i en kvalitativ forskningsstudie. Studien tittade närmare på sociala mediers inverkan på individers liv. I studien diskuterades vilka för- och nackdelar sociala medier har bidragit med, hur stort behov individer känner för att ständigt vara uppkopplade på sociala medier. Känslan ”fear of missing out” var signifikant för vad studiens respondenter känner när det kommer till uppdatering på sociala medier. Studien utgick från teorin uses and gratifications, utifrån den reflekterades det över hur den kan kopplas till dagens sociala medier-samhälle. För att ha möjligheten att se samband och diskutera ett fenomen användes fenomenologi som teoretiskt angreppssätt. Den generella slutsatsen blev att individernas huvudsakliga syfte för att använda sociala medier är för att kommunicera. Det kom inte direkt som en chockande nyhet. Studien bekräftar det tidigare studier sagt men klargör ännu tydligare att mobiltelefonen på många sätt den viktigaste pryl vi äger.

    Den här studien handlar om livet med mobiltelefonen fastklistrad i handen och varför vi är beroende av den. 

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    Ett (o)frivilligt uppkopplat liv: En kvalitativ studie om individers sociala medier vanor.
  • 4.
    Alegria, Maria Alexandra
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Erdogdu, Betul
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Representationer av sexuella övergrepp: - En kvalitativ studie om incest i svensk media2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 60 credits / 90 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie handlar om hur incestfall presenteras i svensk media. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur incest framställs i media under åren 2007–2018 genom att studera hur mediernas språkanvändning påverkat framställningen av incestövergrepp. Med hjälp av forskningsfrågorna: “Hur representeras incest i de valda artiklarna?” och “Hur påverkar språkval i medias representationer tolkningen av sexuella övergrepp med inriktning på incest?”, önskar studien kunna svara på syftet.

    Vid denna studie var det lämpligt att använda diskursanalys och metod Faircloughs tredimensionella modell och med hjälp av den kunna analysera fyra olika artiklar från svenska medier. Resultatet studien kom fram till tyder på att två av artiklarna består av intervjuer av dem utsatta medan i de andra två artiklarna får vi inte ta del av de utsatta personernas uttalanden. Studien kom fram till att det krävs objektivitet vid representationer av incestbrott på svensk media eftersom text skapar diskurs som har en påverkar på samhället.

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  • 5.
    Allen, Axel
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Imagining intelligent artefacts: Myths and a digital sublime regarding artificial intelligence in Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has over the past years become a hot topic for discussion in Sweden, as the technology presents exciting unique possibilities and challenges for the country and its citizens. Coverage of AI in Swedish news media presents imagined scenarios with both current and future AI that contribute to myths about how the technology is able to radically transform life, that spring out of a central digital sublime. Through a mixed-method study of 55 newspaper items about AI from Svenska Dagbladet from 2017 to 2018, the thesis studies what evident AI myths occur in coverage and how such discourses spring out digital sublime regarding AI. A total of four AI myths are found in news media coverage that revolve around existing and future intelligent computers, robots, machines and perceptions with them. Myths and hopes and concerns with them point to digital sublime regarding AI as a force of intelligent digitization that promises to empower a sublime citizen, economy, and welfare state. Emotional values with sublime AI are understood to reflect a general Swedish techno-optimism as digital artefacts have allowed Sweden to become prosperous.   

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  • 6.
    Allern, Sigurd
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK. University of Oslo, Norway; Volda University College, Norway.
    Foreign Correspondents in Norway Covering a Small, Rich Country near the Arctic2014In: Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe / [ed] Georgios Terzis, Abingdon: Routledge, 2014, p. 192-202Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 7.
    Allern, Sigurd
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Journalistiken och kommersialiseringen2012In: Medierna och demokratin / [ed] Lars Nord, Jesper Strömbäck, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2012, 2, p. 233-262Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Bødker, Henrik
    Eide, Martin
    Lauk, Epp
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Introduction: New Nordic Journalism Research2013In: Nordicom Review, ISSN 1403-1108, E-ISSN 2001-5119, Vol. 34, p. 7-10Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    University of Oslo, Norway.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Journalism as a public good: A Scandinavian perspective2019In: Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, ISSN 1464-8849, E-ISSN 1741-3001, Vol. 20, no 11, p. 1423-1439Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The democratic importance of journalism is related to public good aspects of media products, as well as news media’s positive externalities. Journalism of high quality helps ensure we are all better informed and thus benefits democracy. Lack of investigative journalism may incur large social costs. However, journalism as a public good is difficult to fund on a commercial basis. Historically, an economic solution for media companies has been advertising subsidies, plus different types of public and private support. Today, the long-time marriage between news organisations and advertisers is severely weakened, and nothing so far suggests that digital revenues alone can finance a varied, broad and original news production. In the eyes of capitalist investors, news organisations represent the past, not the future. This article discusses, on the basis of Scandinavian media experiences and recent policy reforms, the necessity of a media policy and a funding system that acknowledges quality journalism as societal knowledge production and a public good.

  • 10.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Källkritik! Journalistik i lögnens tid2019Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den digitala revolutionen har under några decennier gjort att tillgången på informationskällor har ökat dramatiskt. Samtidigt har det inneburit mångdubblade möjligheter för felinformation och desinformation, för falska nyheter och för spridning av myter och propaganda. Gränslinjen mellan sanning och lögn har blivit svårare att dra. Utvecklingen är en utmaning för journalistikens informationskvalitet och nyhetsmediernas roll som informationskälla, granskare och forum för samhällsdebatt.

    I den här boken diskuteras källkritikens villkor, principer och betydelse i en tid där desinformation och lögn sprids minst lika snabbt som sanna påståenden. Bokens normativa utgångspunkt är kravet om sannfärdighet och verklighetsförankring i nyhetsmediernas rapportering. Källkritikens begrepp och praxis diskuteras först och främst i förhållande till journalistikens utmaningar, men de generella problemställningarna är också relevanta för andra ämnesområden där kunskap är beroende av trovärdiga källor och kvalitetsgranskat källmaterial. Eftersom medier av olika slag är centrala för kommunikation och kunskapsförmedling i vår samtid, är källkritisk medvetenhet av generell betydelse för alla samhällsmedborgare. Källkritik! Journalistik i lögnens tid är ett bidrag till en mer kvalificerad diskussion på området.

  • 11.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Mediated Scandals2012In: Scandalou! The mediated construction of political scandals in four nordic countries / [ed] Sigurd Allern, Ester Pollack, Göteborg: Nordicom, 2012, p. 9-28Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 12.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Nordic political scandals – Frequency, types and consequences2016In: Mediated Scandals: Gründe, Genese und Folgeeffekte von Medialer Skandalberichterstattung / [ed] Mark Ludwig, Thomas Schierl, Christian von Sikorski, Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2016, p. 146-164Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Investigating powerful institutions and public figures plays an important part in the professional ideology of journalism. Exposing circumstances that create scandals help news organisations strengthen their legitimacy, and sometimes result in journalistic awards.  In certain contexts journalistic investigations provide us with new knowledge about goings on in the hidden corridors of power, insights that can strengthen open, democratic debates. A society without any revelations that voters interpret as scandalous may be symptomatic of authoritarian control and a lack of press freedom. According to the sociologist Jeffrey Alexander (1988), journalists are taking in the responsibility of restoring the moral order of society.

    It would, however, be naïve to interpret any mediated scandal as strengthening democratic processes. Sometimes scandal reports reveal transgressions of norms that from a political point of view are quite trivial and after some time are easily forgotten by the public. The distinction between the important and the irrelevant may then be blurred. Democratic values are not necessarily enhanced when elected leaders, after days or weeks of media hunts, are pressed to resign before those who have elected them have a chance to influence the outcome. Neither do unilateral media campaigns that include tendencies of demonization create an ideal climate for reasoning and public debate.

    For a long time the Nordic region was regarded a scandal-free zone compared with other parts of Western Europe and the US. Commenting well-known political corruption cases in Western Germany in the 1980s, John Logue (1988: 261), for example, added that the Scandinavian labour movements and governments “are virtually free of such embarrassments”. Nobody would award such a political and moral certificate today.

    An analysis of national, political scandals in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland covering the period 1980 – 2009, confirms that political scandals have gradually become a more regular feature in news media coverage, but with a low increase throughout the first two decades. The significant increase comes in 2000-2009, with a level nearly three times higher than in the first two decades (Allern, Kantola, Pollack & Blach-Ørsten, 2012).  In this article we will present some of the results from this Nordic study and compare them with a new analysis of national political scandals in two of the countries, Sweden and Norway, in the following five years (2010-2014). Three questions will be addressed: Is there still an increased incidence of mediated scandals over time? In a societal context, how important are the norm violations? What have been the consequences for scandalized politicians?

  • 13.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, EsterStockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Scandalous: The Mediated Construction of Political Scandals in Four Nordic Countries2012Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Among the questions discussed is how important are the norm violations that have led to political scandals? Have the types of scandals changed over time? How may rivals and political opponents use mediated scandals? Are character assassination and demonization typical traits of a scandalization process? Are male and female politicians treated differently? Scandalous! is based on case studies and content analyses of mediated political scandals in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, including an analysis of the frequencies, types, characteristics and consequences of national political scandals in 1980 – 2010.

  • 14.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Svängdörrarnas förlovade land: Lobbyismens betydelse för klassamhällets eliter2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här texten diskuteras några av de demokratiproblem som är knutna till en samhällsutveckling där privat, kommersialiserad lobbying spelar en växande politisk roll och där politiskt tillitskapital kan utnyttjats kommersiellt.

    Först definieras och diskuteras begreppet lobbyism, därefter dryftas den ekonomiska och politiska bakgrunden till PR-branschens framväxt. Sedan går vi mer konkret in på politiska karriärer i ”svängdörrarnas rike” och ger exempel på politisk påtryckarmakt. Efter det för vi en diskussion om vilken typ av kompetens som är till salu på denna konsultmarknad.

    I slutavsnittet pekar vi på behovet av ökad öppenhet och hårdare reglering av ett politiskt system där politiskt förtroendekapital i rask takt förvandlas till en ordinär vara på marknaden.

  • 15.
    Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Swedish Advocacy Think Tanks as News Sources and Agenda-Setters2016In: Tidsskriftet Politik, ISSN 1604-0058, Vol. 19, no 1, p. 61-76Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The topic of this paper is the media visibility of Swedish advocacy think tanks, as measured by references to these think tanks in leading Swedish print newspapers. Advocacy think tanks are, in contrast with more research-oriented think tanks, characterised by their outspoken ideological and political agenda. In public debates, they often have a partisan role. Four research questions will be answered: How often are these advocacy think tanks referred to in the news? How important are they as commentators and opinion-makers? How are they presented as sources in the news? What is the relative strength of market-liberal and right-wing think tanks versus red/green think tanks, in terms of media representation and agenda-setting?

    The selection criteria, type of newspapers, and time period used in this study of Swedish advocacy think tanks have been coordinated with parallel, national think tank studies by media researchers in Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Several changes in the think tank landscape took place after the turn of the millennium, which motivated us to select two full newspaper years, 2006 and 2013, to better cover these developments. To gain a deeper understanding of the think tanks’ backgrounds, their cooperation with other think tanks, and their media strategies, we conducted background interviews with representatives from four advocacy think tanks. We met with Karin Svanborg-Sjövall, CEO of Timbro; Boa Ruthström, CEO of Arena Idé, and Maja Dahl, communication manager of Arena Idé; Mattias Goldmann, CEO of Fores; and Daniel Suhonen, the leader of Katalys.

  • 16. Allern, Sigurd
    et al.
    Pollack, Ester
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    The Role of Think Tanks in the Swedish Political Landscape2020In: Scandinavian Political Studies, ISSN 0080-6757, E-ISSN 1467-9477, Vol. 43, no 3, p. 145-169Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The term ‘think tank’ represents a heterogeneous concept and is used to characterise a diverse group of organisations. This diversity also characterises the Swedish organisations and institutions that currently fall under the think tank umbrella. In the Swedish political context, most organisations known by the public and news media as think tanks are advocacy organisations with an unambiguous ideological and political profile. Further, during the last decade, we have seen a proliferation of independent, self‐declared think tanks with more specific policy agendas, such as the environment and health care. However, according to the broader understanding used in global rankings, the Swedish think tank landscape includes a range of research institutions in different policy areas. Some receive funding from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, corporations and private donors; others are government‐funded, with Stockholm's International Peace Research Institute as a prominent example. The aim of this article is to map the Swedish think tank landscape and its borders and analyse the roles of different types of think tanks in consensual or confrontational policymaking. Strategic differences among these types are related to historical background and funding. While government‐funded and some policy‐sector think tanks typically represent a tradition of consensual policymaking, those funded by the Corporation of Swedish Enterprise and other business interests represent a post‐corporatist development advocating neoliberal ideas and assuming a confrontational role in the expansion of private ownership and market solutions.

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  • 17.
    Alveborg, Isabella
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Tillit genom hållbarhet: En kvalitativ studie av hur Axfood skapar tillit genom kommunikationen av deras hållbarhetsarbete under 2015.2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    SYFTE: Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga på vilket sätt Axfood kommunicerar sitt hållbarhetsarbete, i avseende att se hur Axfood upprätthåller tillit genom sin kommunikation. Tillit är en viktig komponent i företagsverksamheten och därför vill jag belysa hur olika stilistiska kompositioner både kan främja och hämma tilliten till ett företag. Studien fokuseras till Axfoods avsändarperspektiv med avsikt att strukturera upp och beskriva hur företaget kommunicerar sitt arbete med hållbarhet.

    TEORETISK RAM: Den teoretiska ramen bygger på hur tillit skapas genom kommunikation och utgår ifrån teorier om Corporate Social Responsibility, samt det retoriska begreppet ethos.

    METOD: Övergripande tematisering av materialet, samt en djupgående stilistisk analys av de delar i materialet som kommunicerar Axfoods hållbarhetsarbete.

    SLUTSATSER: Av Axfoods kommunikation är det hållbarhetsarbetet angående miljö som ges störst utrymme. Vidare går det att utläsa vissa stilistiska skillnader beroende på i vilken kommunikationskanal materialet återfinns, samt vilket hållbarhetsarbete som kommuniceras. Det här påverkar de olika tillvägagångssätten att skapa tillit.

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  • 18.
    Amini, Trifeh
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Flexibilitetens konsekvenser: En intervjustudie om tillfälliga anställningar och dess påverkan på svenska journalister2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The media industry has been evolving for several hundred years and this change is still ongoing today, and with it the forms of employment in journalism have also changed. There has been an increase in staffing companies and temporary employment within the flexible labor market. Within the Swedish journalism industry, temporary employment has increased, especially among journalists under the age of 35, where over half do not have permanent employment. The purpose of the essay is to investigate whether temporary forms of employment affect Swedish journalists and whether they feel that such forms of employment affect the journalism they produce. Using John Atkinson's (1984) economic theory of the flexible market and Mark Deuze's (2005) theory of journalism's professional ideology, the results of the study are analyzed and interpreted. The material consists of 14 qualitative interviews with people who work or have worked as journalists and have experience in temporary forms of employment. The results show that the respondents experience stress and worry about finances and career as a direct consequence of the form of employment. The results show that the respondents do not feel that the employment in itself leads to them producing lower quality journalism. However, temporary employment gives them less time to devote to thinking about their professional role and trying to live up to the professional ideals they themselves have. The study indicates that temporary employment within the journalistic field causes stress and insecurity, which in turn can lead to a weaker professional identity. 

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  • 19.
    Andersson, Alexandra
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Reflektionsrapport2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 20.
    Andersson Löwenadler, Elin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Kling Hult, Amanda
    Desperate Genders: en semiotisk analys av genusrepresentationer i Desperate Housewives2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur genus representeras i den amerikanska populärkulturella tv-serien ”Desperate Housewives” med fokus på både kvinnliga och manliga genusframställningar. 

    Frågeställningarna lyder: 

    - Hur representeras de fyra olika kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i deras respektive introduktionsscen?     - Hur representeras kvinnorna och männen i scener som innehåller huvudkaraktär med manlig partner?- På vilka sätt representeras de fyra huvudkaraktärerna i scen där de uppträder tillsammans?

    Teorier uppsatsen utgår ifrån är representation, semiotik samt genus. Tidigare forskning om genusrepresentationer inom populärkultur har vi försökt applicera på vårt egna material,för att se om våra resultat liknar eller skiljer sig de andra studieresultaten.

    Med hjälp av en semiotisk analys, och närmare bestämt analysstegen denotation och konnotation har vi strukturerat upp scenerna och identifierat det vi ansett vara betydelsebärande för vårt syfte och motiverat det därefter. 


    Vi har kunnat identifiera stereotypa genusrepresentationer både hos de kvinnliga och manliga karaktärerna i Desperate Housewives. Några karaktärer skilde sig dock ibland från vissatraditionella framställningar om kvinnlighet och manlighet på olika sätt, och vanligast var detta hos de kvinnliga karaktärerna som oftare bröt mot den ordningen. 

  • 21.
    Andersson, Yvonne
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Bloggarna och döden2012In: Döden i medierna: Våld, tröst, fascination / [ed] Anja Hirdman, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2012, p. 188-212Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under de senaste decennierna har det diskuterats huruvida döden blivit en allt mer offentlig angelägenhet eller om döden, tvärtom privatiserats i det västerländska samhället. Å ena sidan har de existentiella erfarenheterna, exempelvis av döendet, konfiskerats av samhälleliga institutioner, å andra sidan har dessa erfarenheter avkonfiskerats genom en ökad medialisering av dem. I såväl nyheter som fiktion möter vi döden i stora mått, gärna i dess mer dramatiska tappning. Under de senaste åren har dock det vanligare och vardagligare döendet börjat ta plats i det offentliga rum Internet utgör. Bland bloggar om mat, mode, skönhet och allt annat som hör till livets positivare sidor har erfarenheter av svåra sjukdomar och döendet tagit plats. I denna studie analyseras och diskuteras ett urval sådana bloggar, nämligen bloggar av cancerpatienter. I studien undersöks hur det vardagliga livet med en dödlig sjukdom – dödligheten när den inte är ond, bråd eller på annat sätt uppseendeväckande – beskrivs och kommuniceras. Hur förhåller man sig till den egna döden? Och vilken behållning av bloggandet ger patienterna och deras publiker uttryck för? Resultaten visar, bland annat, att bloggarna ger uttryck för en mycket stark livsvilja på så sätt att livet med cancer beskrivs som en kamp man inte får ge upp. Positivt tänkande tycks ha blivit norm, och en konvention, i denna typ av bloggar och i texten diskuteras huruvida trycket att visa upp en positiv attityd i den offentlighet bloggarna utgör ibland kan bli en ytterligare börda. Samtidigt ger bloggarna uttryck för minst fem goda skäl för att blogga i den situation personerna befinner sig i. Bland dessa behållningar finns bloggandets terapeutiska funktion samt gemenskapande funktion, då man menar att bloggandet kan lindra ensamhet och ge tröst. I skarp kontrast till mycket annat nätinnehåll idag fylls cancerbloggarna av medkänsla.

  • 22.
    Andersson, Yvonne
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Med Hitler som slagträ: Hitler och nazismen i nutida dagspress2012In: Hitler für alle: Populärkulturella perspektiv på Nazityskland, andra världskriget och Förintelsen / [ed] Eva Kinsepp, Tanja Schult, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2012, p. 29-49Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Trots att Adolf Hitler varit död i ett drygt halvt sekel är det inte helt ovanligt att den svenska dagspressen än idag gör rubriker på hans namn. En sökning i mediearkiv visar att hans namn förekommer i pressen i betydligt högre grad än andra med honom samtida ledare, och faktiskt i högre grad än dagens tyska ledare Angela Merkel. De frågor som reser sig här, och som föreliggande artikel ämnar besvara, är när, var, hur och varför Hitler nämns. Syftet är att genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys beskriva och karaktärisera hur Hitler (och nazismen) förekommer i ett urval svenska dagstidningar år 2009 och början av år 2010. Fokus ligger på fem större dagstidningar: Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet, Expressen och Metro.

    Resultaten visar att Hitlers förekomst i nutida dagspress inte främst förklaras av ett stort historieintresse i dagspressen. Det är inte många tillbakablickande artiklar. Däremot förekommer allehanda kuriosaartiklar om Hitler, av närmast anekdotisk karaktär, samt recensioner av olika verk (fakta och fiktion i olika medier) där Hitler förekommer.

    Ytterligare en anledning till att Hitler (och nazismen) nämns i så stor utsträckning är att dessa har kommit att bli argument eller retoriska strategier i texter som handlar om helt andra saker än Hitler och nazism. Särskilt i opinionsbildande sammanhang riktas Hitler som argument mot främst enskilda politiker eller politiska partier i Sverige, eller i något annat land, och oftast på ett tämligen oprecist och osakligt sätt. Hitler är främst ett pathos-argument, avsett att väcka känslor, som blivit så töjbart att det används åt såväl höger som vänster på den politiska skalan och riktas mot politisk-religiösa grupperingars protektionister lika väl som mot dess antagonister.

    Att Hitler och nazismen är i högsta grad levande i dagspressen innebär således inte att kunskaperna och resonerandet kring dessa lever i samma utsträckning. Hitler (och nazismen) har snarare blivit ett underförstått ont vilket används som slagträ och mediestrategi: för att få uppmärksamhet och medialt genomslag.

  • 23.
    Andersson, Yvonne
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Med känslan i kroppen: Om maskulinitet, femininitet och muskulinitet i träningsbloggar2015In: Mediernas känsla för kön: Feministisk medieforskning / [ed] Anja Hirdman, Madeleine Kleberg, Göteborg: Nordicom, 2015, p. 75-94Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Artikeln utgår ifrån Vargas (2005) tes att kroppen är det hyperteknologiska samhällets ”nya heliga”. Olika tekniker, bland annat den digitala, har gjort oss mindre begränsade av de biologiska, fysiska kropparnas förmågor och begränsningar men samtidigt ökar kropparnas retoriska funktion. När vi uttrycker oss om, och genom, våra kroppar talar vi om den tid och det samhälle vi lever i. Utifrån detta teoretiska perspektiv analyseras ett urval träningsbloggar, både privata och professionella, i relation till en kultur präglad av entreprenörsideal där (själv-)kontroll är ett centralt värde.  Balanserandet mellan kontroll och acceptans, maskulint och feminint tematiseras och avslutningsvis argumenteras för att träning och träningsbloggar skulle kunna ha politisk potential på så sätt att balanserandet mellan acceptans och kontroll skulle kunna vara en nyckel till omförhandlingar mellan maskulinitet och femininitet framför spegeln i gymmet och i mobilkamerans selfies. För närvarande hålls dock denna potential tillbaka, kanske till följd av en anpassning till rådande ideal inom den sociala och ekonomiska byteshandeln online. 

  • 24.
    Andresen, Ingeborg
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Fetma som underhållningsvärde: Porträtteringen av överviktiga karaktärer i TV-serien Here Comes Honey Boo Boo ur ett klass och genus perspektiv2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats ingår inom det vetenskapliga fältet Fat Studies där målet är att utmana den stigmatisering som överviktiga individer upplever socialt och psykiskt. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur överviktiga karaktärer porträtteras i den amerikanska reality-serien Here Comes Honey Boo Boo samt hur genus och klass representeras i relation till fetma. Mina frågeställningar är följande: 1) På vilket sätt porträtteras de överviktiga karaktärerna i tv-serien Here Comes Honey Boo Boo? samt 2) Hur representeras genus och klass i relation till fetma Here Comes Honey Boo Boo? Mitt metodval ingår inom den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen. Jag har applicerat en textanalytisk metod på mitt studieobjekt där jag kartlagt nyckelscener och huvudteman. Jag har i relation till uppsatsens syfte försökt finna återkommande mönster att bygga min analys på.

    Den teoretiska begreppsramen består av Stuart Halls (2013) representationsteorier samt Bakthins (1984) begrepp carnivalesque. Sedan vävs begreppet panopticism in med understöd av Betterton (1996) och Kristevas (1982) teoretiseringar för att erhålla en allmän bild om hur kvinnan relateras till sin vikt. För att teoretisera begreppen klass och genus i relation till fetma används begreppsförklaringar tagna från Rothblum och Solovays (2009) antologi The Fat Readers studie.

    Studien visar flera intressanta resultat i relation till teoretiseringen. Det mest utmärkande resultatet är att serien Here Comes Honey Boo Boo försämrar den rådande bilden som finns av överviktiga individer genom att porträttera dem på ett förlöjligande, humoristiskt och groteskt sätt. Kroppsliga reaktioner och andra djuriska instinkter är ett genomgående inslag i serien och tyder på att Here Comes Honey Boo Boo är en serie vars handling utgår från begreppet carnivalesques grunder. Ett överraskande resultat är det faktum att överviktiga män och kvinnor porträtteras på olika sätt i serien trots att kroppshyddorna är lika stora. Det var svårt att borste från aspekter som klass och genus i relation till fetma, de är närvarande i form av kroppen som klassbeteckning och skillnader i representationer mellan könen. 

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  • 25.
    Andronaco, Simona
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Strategic Narratives in Media Representations of the Refugee Crisis of 2015: A Comparative Study between RT and BBC World News2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    As immigration turns into the scapegoat of political and social tensions all over the

    world and politicians that seem to be talking about migration flows communicate instead their

    conception of the world and where it should head, this study investigates the refugee crisis of

    2015 as represented in the two global television channels RT and BBCW.

    Widely studied for the depiction the press gives of the refugees, for the first time the

    refugee crisis is analyzed as an arena where competing understandings of international

    relations are constructed, in a media ecology where a myriad of actors have a chance to

    foreground their truth and where wars are fought, and possibly won, through the weapons of

    values, culture and the attraction they exercise (Nye Jr. 1990, 2013). Borrowing the concept

    of strategic narratives from international relations (Miskimmon et al. 2013) and applying it to

    textual analysis, the study employs framing analysis to operationalize it and explores a sample

    of 144 news items (74 from RT and 70 from BBCW) broadcast in August and September

    2015 to retrace the narratives of the two channels.

    It finds out that, although conflicting with each other, both RT’s and BBCW’s

    narratives are strategic and aim at constructing a past, present and future of international

    relations that can influence what we expect, consider acceptable or conceivable on the

    international theater. The channels’ narratives are about the destiny of Europe and countries,

    depicting a reality that still responds to old Cold War dividing lines. An analysis of the actors

    allowed to speak and represented as acting confirms that in RT and BBCW political elites and

    the nations they represent have a greater chance, compared to other actors, to define

    international politics and shape shared understandings of how international relations works

    and where it is heading.

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    Simona Andronaco Master Thesis
  • 26. Appelgren, Ester
    et al.
    Widholm, Andreas
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Myten om datajournalistik2020In: Mellan det hyperlokala och globala: Journalistikens förändringar och utmaningar i en digital tid: Vänbok till Gunnar Nygren / [ed] Ester Appelgren, Andreas Widholm, Stockholm: Södertörns högskola, 2020, p. 39-51Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 27.
    Appelgren, Marlon
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Drömmen om ett naturligt paradis: Mannen bakom Sveriges största konspirationsteorier - därför bygger han en fredsby i Portugal2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    För några år sedan tog Mikael beslutet att ta med sin familj och lämna Sverige för att bygga ett nytt alternativt samhälle på landsbygden i Portugal. En så kallad "fredsby" där flera familjer skulle leva tillsammans som helt självförsörjande och inte längre under något som han själv beskriver som övre maktstrukturer som styr och bestämmer över deras liv.

  • 28.
    Arvidsson, Fanny
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Influencers - vägen till framgång?: En studie om företags arbete med influencers2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie av Influencer Marketing. I studien analyseras företags arbete med influencers med fokus på arbetsformer och alternativ till genomföranden. I underlaget av studien har intervjuer genomförts dels med företagsledare på ett företag som arbetar med influencers dels med grundare av företag som arbetar aktivt med Influencer Marketing genom att ”matcha” företag med influencers. Syftet med det är bland annat att förklara och förstå begreppet Influencer Marketing och hur det används i praktiken. För att tydligare visa hur olika former av samarbeten kan se ut mellan företag och influencers har blogginlägg och instagraminlägg analyserats bland annat genom text- och bildanalys. Genom dessa analyser har följande slutsatser dragits. Influencer Marketing kan vara en effektiv och framgångsrik metod för till exempel nystartade webbverksamheter då det är ett snabbt, enkelt och sannolikt relativt billigt sätt att öka marknadens kännedom om företaget, kundernas tilltro till produkterna och försäljningen av dessa.

    I dagens medielandskap med helt nya och yngre målgrupper samt ny teknik för att inhämta och sprida information skapas hela tiden nya förutsättningar för nyetablering av verksamheter samtidigt som det är en utmaning för befintliga verksamheter att möta de nya förutsättningarna för konkurrens. För vissa helt nya verksamheter där målgruppen och kunderna i huvudsak eller kanske till och med uteslutande kan nås via sociala medier är Influencer Marketing sannolikt den effektivaste och kanske enda kanalen för att nå framgång i verksamheten. 

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    Influencers - vägen till framgång?
  • 29.
    Arvidsson, Joel
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Coffee, Cocaine and Kidnappings: Swedish media's portrayal of the Colombian conflict2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The Colombian society is heading towards a new political dawn with the signing of the peace accord between the government and the Marxist guerrilla Farc in 2016. The civil war between the guerrilla and the Colombian state broke out in the 1960´s, and has gathered a lot of media attention over the years. This thesis will focus on how Swedish media has portrayed the conflict, and what frames they are using – a frame that is focusing on peace or a frame that focus on war? The study will be carried out with a qualitative content analysis method based on Johan Galtung’s Peace Journalism theory, examining 148 articles published by Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen on the subject of the Colombian conflict during the years 1995, 2002, 2009 and 2017.

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  • 30.
    Avellaneda Cevallos, Diana Alexandra
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Normbrytande reklamfilmer: En receptionsanalys om heterosexuellas attityder till reklammaterial med homosexuellt innehåll2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att genom användning av receptionsanalys studera vad två reklamfilmer som anses vara normbrytande mot den heteronormativa könsordningen kan väcka för uppfattningar hos en heterosexuell publik. I denna studie kommer det dels att undersökas de attityder som kan uppstå när respondenter ser utvalda reklamfilmer och dels diskutera bakomliggande orsaker till deras attityder utifrån respondenternas demografiska faktorer. För att kunna få ett kunskapsunderlag inom detta område kommer jag således att använda mig av olika teorier om bland annat publikforskning, attityder, bakomliggande orsaker för uppfattningar och marknadsföringsknep. Mitt empiriska material kommer att vara i form av kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer med tio bestämda respondenter. Respondenterna kommer i följning att fördelas i två fokusgrupper med hänsyn till respondenternas ålder för att slutligen kunna diskutera för en jämförelse. Grupp 1 består av fem respondenter (3 kvinnor och 2 män) mellan 20-30 år medan grupp 2 består av respondenter mellan 50-60 års ålder (3 män och 2 kvinnor). Könsfördelningen kommer att vara fem kvinnor och fem män.

    Efter genomförd receptionsanalys har det visats att båda fokusgrupperna har haft olika attityder gällande homosexuell framställning i XXL och i Svensk adressändring reklamfilmerna. Grupp 2 visade ha en mindre positiv inställning till homosexualitet i jämförelse mot grupp 1, då respondenterna ansåg att företagen gjorde bra att synliggöra homosexualitet. När det gällde homogenisering av ålder i varje fokusgrupp har det kunna bevisa att ålder har varit en av orsakerna till respondenternas attityder och uppfattningar. Men även att andra demografiska faktorer såsom kön, religion, ursprung har också varit en förklaring till framkallning av attityderna i enskilt respondent. 

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  • 31. Axelsson, Bodil
    et al.
    Becker, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Between Places: The Artist's Work and the Work of Art2012In: Senmoderna reflexioner: Festskrift till Johan Fornäs / [ed] Erling Bjurström, Martin Fredriksson, Ulf Olsson, Ann Werner, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2012, p. 113-123Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter examines the place of art in two concrete ways, first, as the location of the site-specific atrwork involving an artist's drawn-out commute during its production, and second, as a re-location the artwork undergoes as it is displayed in other venues.  The focus is on Sound Machine, by Paris-based artist Esther Shalev-Gerz, initially created for Norrköping's Industrial Landscape, before it began "commuting" to other venues, including Paris and Stockholm.

  • 32.
    Bakke, Sofie
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Gränd Bäck, Sofia
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    En avbetald skuld eller en morgonrock i guld?: En semiotisk analys om hur rikedom framställs i två reklamfilmer från LeoVegas och Svenska Spel2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka hur rikedom framställs och skiljer sig i reklamfilmerna “Jackpotsfesten - 124 miljoner” från spelbolaget LeoVegas och “Lotto - Färjan” från spelbolaget Svenska Spel. Utifrån teorier om semiotiska begrepp och Bourdieus teorier om kapital, smak, habitus och det sociala rummet analyseras framställandet av rikedom i två reklamfilmer från två olika spelbolag. Detta med hjälp av en semiotisk analysmetod, som är en kvalitativ innehållsanalytisk metod. Det utförs även ett kommutationstest där viktiga och betydande paradigm byts ut för att testa deras relevans i reklamernas bild av rikedom.

    Utifrån denna analys kan vi se hur LeoVegas spelreklam framställer rikedom genom att visa upp tecken i form av materiella ting som konnoterar lyx och exklusivitet och i sin tur ett högt ekonomiskt kapital. Vi kan även se hur tydliga tecken på ett högt kulturellt kapital, där den rena smaken ligger i fokus. Svenska Spel visar istället upp rikedom i form av en färja i en exklusiv miljö, samt genom lingvistiska tecken i form av ett berättande, vilket skapar en uppfattning om ett högt ekonomiskt kapital och inte genom lyxiga detaljer.

    Till skillnad från LeoVegas visar Svenska Spel upp en bild av den barbariska smaken och det kulturella kapitalet är något som endast hamnat i bakgrunden. Slutligen ser vi i denna reklamfilm tydliga tecken på en nyrikhet eller en parveny som inte syns i LeoVegas. 

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  • 33.
    Ballmann, Katja
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Brexit in the news: – frames and discourse in the transnational media representation of Brexit2017Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union and the possibility of it, has been discussed in the news with reference to the term ‘Brexit’ extensively for at least the last two years. The role of the media has been an important issue around the Brexit decision, which had its peak in June 2016 with the EU-referendum, where the population of the United Kingdom voted in favour of leaving the EU.

    The given master thesis builds up on these preconditions and aims for a better understanding of the media representation of Brexit on transnational news platforms from Europe and beyond. More precisely, the media output on Deutsche Welle, France 24 and Al Jazeera English after the EU-referendum until the end of the year 2016 is examined and compared to each other. The given form of the study has emerged out of the lack of previous research, where only the role of the media before the EU-referendum and the media output within the United Kingdom have been under investigation. First, a Framing Analysis on a big sample is conducted, where the main frames and the scope of the articles are examined to get a broad picture of the way transnational media reports about the issue. Second, a Critical Discourse Analysis is carried out on a small part of the big sample. In this way, the media output can be investigated more in-depth and the results of both methods complement each other. The results show that even though differences occur, the media representation of Brexit on DW, F24 and AJE are remarkably similar. More similar even than it was expected beforehand. It occurs that the topic ‘Brexit’ is particularly presented with emphasis on the conflictual potential of it, although differences can be found in the application of a national (rather UK) or international context. Furthermore, an uncertainty is present in various elements of the articles on DW, F24 and AJE. The significance of this study is empirically, since knowledge can be generated of Brexit in transnational news. However, also methodological indications are included that can be significant for future research.

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  • 34.
    Barg, Michael
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Ludo-Hermeneutics:The Interpretation of Digital Games Exemplified in the Puzzle Game Portal2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Despite the complexity of the video game, interest is growing by leaps and bounds due to its increasing relevance in entertainment history, but understanding of the medium is still up in the air. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate the knowledge and skill acquisition of people with little or no gaming experience (non-gamers) about the digital 3D puzzle game Portal within the framework of the Hermeneutic Spiral. Using qualitative interviews, supported by gameplay recordings and think-aloud protocols, eight non-gamers aged 21-69 reveal seven categories that determine the complexity of video game understanding and skill acquisition. Results show that skill acquisition is highly individual and depends on previous gaming experiences in terms of game literacy, the language understanding of games. As they form the basis, general expectations determine the next gaming experience which adds to the catalogue of video game understanding and influence the process of skill acquisition.

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  • 35.
    Becker, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Performing the News2013In: Photographies, ISSN 1754-0763, E-ISSN 1754-0771, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 17-28Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Photographs of non-professionals taking pictures are a common feature of contemporary journalism. Drawing on theories of photography as performance and ritual, this article addresses what it means when professionals include these photographing “others” in their images ofnews events. It argues that the image of the amateur, performing photography in the news, shifts and destabilizes journalistic discourse. Using examples from the daily press, the article accounts for these “meta-pictures” as a manifestation of participatory visual culture dating from 9/11, examines specific ways they challenge the authority of the professional andconsiders how they alter the significance of the media event.

  • 36.
    Becker, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Protest in the Photo Essay: Following tradition or breaking new ground?2019In: Membrana, ISSN 2463-8501, Vol. 4, no 2Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The photo essay, a form of visual journalism that arose during the era of the picture magazines, has reemerged as a regular feature of global news channels, including CNN, BBC World, and, notably, Al Jazeera English, recognized for its live reporting of political unrest.  In 2017, a year marked by protest around the world, AJE published over 200 photo-series, including 37 on public protest. An analysis based in a four-year study of protest on screen, revealed that these photo essays share characteristics that in turn distinguish them from video broadcasts of public protests. The photo-reportage on screen, like its classic forerunner in print, employs a variety of visual perspectives and focuses on participants who are often quoted and identified by name. Scenes of public protest are complemented by visual and textual reporting from the private/domestic sphere. This visual strategy, in contrast to the immediacy of video coverage from the streets, supports knowledge of the protest issue and engagement with its participants. 

  • 37.
    Becker, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Protest skozi fotoesej: Slediti tradiciji ali orati ledino?2019In: Fotografija, ISSN 1408-3566, no 88-89, p. 76-81Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The photo essay, a form of visual journalism that arose during the era of the picture magazines, has reemerged as a regular feature of global news channels, including CNN, BBC World, and, notably, Al Jazeera English, recognized for its live reporting of political unrest. In 2017, a year marked by protest around the world, AJE published over 200 photo-series, including 37 on public protest. An analysis based on a four-year study of protest on screen revealed that these photo essays share characteristics that in turn distinguish them from video broadcasts of public protests. The photo-reportage on screen, like its classic forerunner in print, employs a variety of visual perspectives and focuses on participants who are often quoted and identified by name. Scenes of public protest are complemented by visual and textual reporting from the private/domestic sphere. This visual strategy, in contrast to the immediacy of video coverage from the streets, supports knowledge of the protest issue and engagement with its participants.

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  • 38.
    Becker, Karin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Zegache Stories2013Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    What is it like to live in St. Ana Zegache? In March 2013, two workshops in trans-medial storytelling were held with young people and adults from the pueblo, giving them an opportunity to document in their own words and photographs what it is like to live there. Participants were asked to create two brief stories, the first focusing on what they saw as the most important features of the town, and the second a more personal story from their own lives.

  • 39.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Brecevic, Geska Helena
    Transmedial spaces, transmedial stories: Co-creating religious artefacts2013Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper traces a collaboration between Stockholm-based video artists and an artisan workshop in the village of Zegache St. Ana in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the co-production of a video animation of the local patron saint St. Ana, mother of Mary. It examines the narratives of locality, religion and artistic practice that the animation gives rise to as it moves across different media platforms and locales. Religious (re-)inventiveness has played a crucial role in the cultural resilience of the indigenous population of Oaxaca. The venerative practices of Zapotecos, Mixtecos and Nahuas, though firmly Catholic in their faith, have repeatedly challenged the sacrament-orientated hierarchies of the Hispanicized clergy.

    Today the church of Santa Ana Zegache constitutes the artistic, cultural and spiritual landmark of the town. Twenty years ago, this 16th-century building, and all of its artwork, was in ruins. The Community Workshop of Zegache was established to train local women in various techniques of conservation and restoration.  A decade later these local people had restored the the church to its past splendor - a masterpiece of "Indian Baroque" – and the community workshop had grown to 17 members, both men and women.

    In 2008, the Stockholm-based video artists, Performing Pictures started a long-term collaboration with the Zegache artisans. Several inter-active video shrines with animated saints and apparitions are the result of this artistic, cultural and technical exchange. Together they have shaped new outlets for venerative practice that combine crafts with media technology, electronics and animation.

    The paper examines the meaning of these works first, for the artists and artisans, and second, for other residents of Zegache, as they encounter the animated figure of St. Ana in different spaces and media formats. Its point of departure is the production of the video animation of St. Ana in November 2011, and its first local showing as an iPhone app. The second phase of the project involved building a small, solar powered chapel at the entrance of the town, to house the video-animation. Phase three is a workshop in digital story-telling to be carried out in March 2013, asking both children and adults to record their own stories of the meanings St. Ana has for the town. Plans are being developed to extend the project to include members of the Zegache expatriate community living in Oregon.

  • 40.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Brecevic, Geska Helena
    Veneration and Wonder: The politics of making art in an Oaxacan village2014In: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, E-ISSN 2000-4214, Vol. 6Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article examines a 5-year collaboration between the Stockholm-based video artists Performing Pictures and Talleres Comunitarios, a studio based in the Oaxacan town of Santa Ana Zegache where local artisans employ traditional skills in the restoration of religious artifacts. In images and text, we trace the exchange of skills, knowledge, and aesthetic sensibility that took place as these two groups of artists collaborated in producing a series of video animations of venerative objects, against a backdrop of religious, social, and political tensions that characterize everyday life in Zegache. In the article and the accompanying series of three short films, ‘‘Wonder & Veneration 13’’ (http://vimeo. com/album/2682070), we examine how the artists negotiate questions of aesthetics and religious belief as their collaboration unfolds within the context of the Zegache community, where the Talleres contribute skills of carpentry and painting, while Performing Pictures provides skills of film, animation and micro-electronics. The processes and practices involved in creating three works provides the framework for this examination: the first, an animation of the Virgin of Guadalupe as she appears to a simple peasant, and the second, produced 2 years later, an animation of Santa Ana, local patron saint and mother of Maria, as she teaches her daughter to read the scriptures. Whereas both figures are central to the syncretic religious belief of southern Mexico with its challenge to the entrenched authority of the hispanicized clergy, the local figure of Santa Ana carries even more complex meanings for the community of Zegache. These meanings are embodied in the third work we examine, a small solarpowered chapel that the artists built to display the Santa Ana animation. With the mayor’s support and located at the entrance to the town, the chapel embodies a shift of power away from the church, standing as an example of indigenous empowerment in civil society.

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    Veneration and Wonder
  • 41.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Brečević, Geska
    More than a Portrait: Framing the Photograph as Sculpture and Video Animation2018In: Membrana, ISSN 2463-8501, Vol. 5Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This essay traces the resurrection of the fotoescultura, a three-dimensional photographic portrait popular in rural Mexico in the early 20th century, as interpreted in recent works by Performing Pictures, a contemporary Swedish artist duo. The early fotoesculturas were an augmented form of portraiture, commissioned by family members who supplied photographs that artisans in Mexico City converted into framed sculptural portraits for display on family altars. We compare these ‘traditional’ photographic objects with ‘new’ digital forms of video animation on screen and in public space that characterize Performing Pictures' work, and explore how the fotoescultura inspired new incarnations of their series Men that Fall.  At the intersection between the material aspects of a ‘traditional’ vernacular art form and ‘new’ media art, we identify a photographic aesthetic that shifts from seeing and perceiving to physical engagement, and discuss how the frame and its parergon augment the photographic gaze. The essay is accompanied by photos and video stills from Performing Pictures’ film poem Dreaming the Memories of Now (2018), depicting their work with the fotoesculturas.

  • 42.
    Becker, Karin E.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Gestures of Seeing: Amateur Photographers in the News2013Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines the amateur photographer as a common figure in contemporary news photographs, focusing on how the amateur’s gestures signify in journalism’s coverage of media events. Drawing on theories of photography as performance and ritual, I argue that the presence of the non-professional in the news photograph destabilizes journalistic discourse by challenging the role of the professional photographer and by redefining the event and its meanings. This is especially critical in coverage of catastrophic events, when the amateur’s gestures become a form of witnessing, carrying both private and collective meanings for how the event will be understood in the future. I conclude with a discussion of how journalism resolves this challenge by employing the image of the amateur instrumentally as “eyewitness” in a move that retains journalism’s authority while acknowledging the vernacular perspective and the values of participatory media culture.

  • 43.
    Becker, Karin E.
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Hauserman, Nancy
    Street Vendors as Global Entrepreneurs2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines street vendors as entrepreneurs in the mix of urban public life. While current research focuses on specific groups of ‘global peddlers’– particularly migrants  - we trace the diversity of street sellers across geographic locations, from those who manage year-round stalls in fixed places, to those who carry their goods on their backs in cities far from home. For some it is seasonal work, for others it is a way to supplement a steady income, while for others vending is a way to get by.

    Vendors establish connections to other cultures and places, through their wares and their performances in public space.  Many use media including the Internet to market their wares, or to maintain networks and support among vendors. Vending emerges as a cosmopolitan practice, involving commodification of culture and cultural products, that creates links between diverse localities and histories, performed in cities across the globe. 

  • 44.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Frosh, Paul
    Visual Frictions2015Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Visuality is an increasingly contested phenomenon. Rarely stable and never “pure,” the visual is always intertwined with other senses and expressive forms and is often implicated in multiple power relations. Whether as part of social and cultural practices, or as utilized in social scientific inquiry and investigation, the visual exerts a power that continues to challenge and be challenged by other ways of knowing. This power is especially apparent when we consider visuality in its digital manifestations: as visually based media expand their purview across social, cultural, and geographic space we find they are often in “friction” with established norms, structures, and modes of expression.

    In this themed issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, the authors have been invited to explore these issues, under the rubric of “Visual Frictions.”

  • 45.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Frosh, Paul
    Visual Frictions2015In: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, E-ISSN 2000-4214, Vol. 7, no 1, article id 30347Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Visuality is an increasingly contested phenomenon. Rarely stable and never “pure,” the visual is always intertwined with other senses and expressive forms and is often implicated in multiple power relations. Whether as part of social and cultural practices, or as utilized in social scientific inquiry and investigation, the visual exerts a power that continues to challenge and be challenged by other ways of knowing. This power is especially apparent when we consider visuality in its digital manifestations: as visually based media expand their purview across social, cultural, and geographic space we find they are often in “friction” with established norms, structures, and modes of expression. In this themed issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, the authors have been invited to explore these issues, under the rubric of “Visual Frictions.”

  • 46.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Hauserman, Nancy
    Gatuförsäljare som globala entreprenörer2014In: Det globaliserade arbetslivet / [ed] Marinette Fogde, Johanna Övling, Gidlund i samarbete med Arbetets museum , 2014, p. 25-34Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Kautsky, Robert
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Widholm, Andreas
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Watching Football in the Fan Park: Mediatization, Spectatorship and Fan Identity2014In: The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures / [ed] Linda Duits, Koos Zwaan, Stijn Reijnders, Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2014, p. 275-288Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The football fan park, originally a surrogate stadium for fans without tickets, has now become a live venue in its own right, and a new arena in the culture of football fandom. In these sites of exceptionally high media density, football fan identities become increasingly flexible and mobile as participants in these venues interact with an increasingly mediatized social environment. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in FIFA Fan Parks during the 2010 World Cup, we argue that the fan park, as a mediatized space, has become a site where fan identities are constructed in new ways, facilitating a cosmopolitan understanding of football.

  • 48.
    Becker, Karin
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Tovar, Patricia
    Awakening the past, Expressing the present: Stories of photography, migration and belief in a Mexican village2014In: Photographic Powers: Helsinki Photomedia 2014 / [ed] Mika Elo, Marko Karo, Helsinki: Aalto University , 2014, p. 308-333Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    How may the practice of photography shift ways of looking at oneself and at one's community? Can creating visual narratives also support reexamining the past, whereby old pictures and other objects gain new significance? This article addresses these questions in a study of several workshops on transmedial storytelling in the town of St. Ana Zegache, Oaxaca, Mexico. We chose photography as the primary medium for the workshops, based on our interest in the visual vernacular and the relative ease of using simple cameras to acquire first-person accounts of everyday experience. We did not anticipate that participants would seize the opportunity to work across media, to include other objects and images, weaving alternative histories into their stories.

    We found that telling stories through photographs opened possibilities for some participants to reinterpret experiences of the self in relation to place, community and beliefs. This became ‘empowering’ in the moment when each person presented his or her story, sharing this reinterpretation with other workshop participants, simultaneously re-enacting his or her place within the community. Examples included experiences of migration, familial relations, and their own creative practice.

    Old photographs and objects, as repositories of histories and memories, acquired new dimensions when incorporated into contemporary stories.  Participants also reflected on the value of their narratives beyond the immediate community, to people elsewhere who would be interested in the culture of Zegache, and ‘how we live here.’ They saw the digital interface as a network offering the possibility of sharing their stories with an audience from afar. The reflexive power of photography in this context revealed the image as multidimensional, beyond visual representation, encompassing both individual and collective experience.

  • 49.
    Befrits, Lovisa
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    En svensk konstruktion av klimatförändringar: Ramanalys av Svenska Dagbladets bevakning av klimatfrågan2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper concerns the framing of climate change in Svenska Dagbladet, during the period of January 1st to November 30th, 2018. Climate change has been described as the challenge of our time, perhaps even the biggest to ever face humanity. Though Sweden has, for a long time, expressed a general consensus regarding the existence and gravity of climate change the importance of how the question is handled remains. Media plays a crucial role in defining and explaining the issue, including causal interpretations and what ought to be done. The outset of the current study was to explore how one of Sweden’s leading newspapers constructs and represents this issue of climate change. Through a method of framing analysis, using Nisbet’s framing typology, the study examined 69 articles in Svenska Dagbladet within the chosen time frame. Two research questions guided the study: Q1 - Which are the primary frames used in the articles? Does frequency differ among the frames? Q2 - What constitutes each frame? Which defining features and arguments can be identified for each frame? The results show that climate change is portrayed as an advanced crisis with the need for immediate and massive efforts to limit the consequences. The newspaper highlights the importance of lowering individual footprint, the need for a green approach in markets and above all, the pivotal role of the UN and transnational agreements for a global solution. More work is needed within the research field to further investigate the findings concluded in this paper.

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  • 50.
    Behrendtz, Jörgen
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, JMK.
    Convenience begets Capitalism2024In: Fast Capitalism, E-ISSN 1930-014X, Vol. 21, no 1, p. 48-52, article id 6Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Having researched music file-sharing during its heydays in the late 1990s and throughout the 2000s(Skågeby, 2008), there is one thing that has, since the subsequent universal adoption of music streaming,fascinated me: how very quickly we come to the defense of our music streaming service of choice whenit is, in any way, criticized. While admittedly anecdotal, it seems to me that any hint at “bogus capitalistprocesses” is immediately overlooked, and instead, arguments about the perceived ease of accessto a ‘total supply’ of music are put forward; suggestions that algorithmic regimes (Jarke et al., 2024)or ‘software logistics’ (Eriksson, 2019) could be dictating the circulation of culture are not so muchdismissed as accepted as ‘the way it is now’; and proposals that we have now even regressed from thesupposedly ‘free and competitive’ markets of capitalism to digital feudalism (Arditi, 2023), where a fewdata siloed services are providing all our access to music, are perhaps met with a little more frustration,but ultimately also acceptance and internalized convenience. Algorithmic and capitalist regimes arenow so tightly woven together and so ubiquitous that anything else (both future and past) just seemsunnecessary, annoying, and overly laborious.

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