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ACES rapport / Institutionen för miljövetenskap och analytisk kemi
Anthropology & Society
A preprint from Stockholm University, the Department of Philosophy
Arbetsliv i omvandling (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Arkiv avhandlingsserie
Asian cultures and modernity
August Strindbergs samlade verk: nationalupplaga
Avhandling i geografi med naturgeografisk inriktning
Avhandling i kvartärgeologi
Avhandlingsserie / Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Avhandlingsserie / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Barockakademiens skriftserie
Basic readings in culture and aesthetics
Bidrag till Kungl. vetenskapsakademiens historia
Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs
Centrum för barnkulturforskning
Centrum för genusstudiers skriftserie
Chinese Culture Series
Coast to Coast-Book
Corpus Troporum
Cynegetica Anglica
Dans - forskning och utveckling
Didactica Slavica
Didactica Slavo-Baltica
Dissertations at the Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD) (Closed down 2018-02-27)
Dissertation series / Stockholm University Demography Unit
Dissertations from the Department of Physical Geography (Closed down 2019-03-15)
Dissertations in Bilingualism
Dissertations in Economics
Dissertations in Physical Geography
Dissertations in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Doctoral thesis from the department of mathematics and science education
Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2011-02-07)
Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik
Doktorsavhandlingar från JMK
Doktorsavhandlingar från Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2011-02-07)
Doktorsavhandlingar i språkdidaktik - Dissertations in Language Education
Eidos: Skrifter från konstvetenskapliga institutionen vid Stockholms universitet
Études de philologie slave
Forskning om teckenspråk (Online)
Forskningsrapport (Centrum för socialvetenskaplig alkohol- och drogforskning)
Forskningsrapporter / Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för franska och italienska: cahiers de la recherche
GEM rapport
Health Equity Studies (Closed down 2022-10-18)
Institutionen för internationell pedagogik, Stockholms universitet
Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie
Kulturgeografiskt seminarium: rapporter, meddelanden, uppsatser från Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Kungl. Vitterhets-, historie- och antikvitetsakademiens handlingar. Antikvariska serien (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Kust till kust-böcker
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Master's degree studies from the Institute of International Education / Stockholm University
Matematikdidaktiska texter
Meddelanden från Avdelningen för slaviska språk
Meddelanden från Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet
Meddelanden från Slaviska institutionen (Closed down 2018-09-23)
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologi och geokemi (Closed down 2010-03-01)
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologiska vetenskaper
MINS: Meddelanden från Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Stockholms universitet
Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad
Monographs/Institute of Latin American Studies
Monograph series / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm
Musikvetenskapliga publikationer
Nordiska museets handlingar (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Phonetic Experimental Research at the Institute of Linguistics, University of Stockholm (PERILUS)
Plants & Ecology
Policy Briefs från Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum
Quaternaria. Ser. A
Rapport / Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Rapporter / Stockholms universitet, Psykologiska institutionen
Rapporter från Arkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet
Rapporter från Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum
Rapporter i matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik
Rapporter om undervisning och lärande i högre utbildning
Rapport från PRIM-gruppen
Rapport i socialt arbete
Report Series / Department of Computer & Systems Sciences
Research Report / Department of Statistics, Stockholm University
Research report / Mathematical Statistics
Research report / Stockholm Environment Institute
Research reports / School of Business, Stockholms universitet
Research Reports in Mathematics
Research Reports in Public Health Sciences
Romanica Stockholmiensia
Schriften des Germanistischen Instituts Universität Stockholm
SCORE rapportserie
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University. (Online)
SICS dissertation series
Skrifter från Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning
Skrifter från forskningsprojektet Flexibilitet som tradition, Ängersjöprojektet (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Skrifter utgivna av Religionshistoriska avdelningen vid Stockholms universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet
Södertörn archaeological studies (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Södertörn doctoral dissertations
Södertörn political studies
Södertörn studies in history
Stockholm Archaelogical Reports
Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law
Stockholm cinema studies
Stockholm contributions in geology
Stockholm East Asian monographs
Stockholm economic studies
Stockholm economic studies. Pamphlet series
Stockholm English Studies
Stockholmer germanistische Forschungen
Stockholm Fashion Studies
Stockholm German and Dutch Studies
Stockholm marine archaeology reports
Stockholm Oriental Studies
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography
Stockholm Slavic Papers
Stockholm Slavic studies
Stockholm Studies in Archaeology
Stockholm studies in Baltic languages
Stockholm studies in classical archaeology
Stockholm studies in comparative religion
Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics
Stockholm studies in economic history
Stockholm studies in educational psychology
Stockholm studies in English
Stockholm studies in ethnology
Stockholm studies in film history
Stockholm studies in Finnish language and literature
Stockholm studies in history
Stockholm studies in history of art
Stockholm studies in history of literature
Stockholm studies in human geography
Stockholm Studies in International Relations
Stockholm studies in linguistics
Stockholm studies in modern philology
Stockholm studies in musicology
Stockholm studies in philosophy
Stockholm studies in politics
Stockholm studies in psychology
Stockholm Studies in Public Health Sciences
Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages
Stockholm studies in Russian literature
Stockholm studies in Scandinavian philology
Stockholm studies in social anthropology
Stockholm studies in social policy and welfare
Stockholm studies in social work
Stockholm studies in sociology
Stockholm studies in statistics
Stockholm studies in theatrical history
Stockholm studies in the history of ideas
Stockholm studies on social mechanisms
Stockholms universitetsbiblioteks rapportserie
Stockholm theatre studies
Stress Research Reports
Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia
Studia Fennica Stockholmiensia
Studia Graeca Stockholmiensia
Studia Graeca Stockholmiensia. Series Neohellenica
Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia
Studia juridica Stockholmiensia
Studia Latina Stockholmiensia
Studier i musikvetenskap
Studier i språkdidaktik – Studies in Language Education
Studier i stads- och kommunhistoria
Studies in classical archaeology (Closed down 2013-04-26)
Studies in comparative and international education
Studies in Curating Art
Studies in educational sciences
Studies in North-European archaeology
Studies in North-European archeology. Series B
SULCIS reports and working papers
Sverige under kalla kriget (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Swedish Institute for Social Research
Thales avhandlingsserie
Theses and papers in archaeology. B
Theses and papers in archeology. New series, A
Theses and papers in North-European archaeology
Theses and papers in osteoarchaeology
Theses and papers in osteology
Theses and papers in scientific archaeology
Working papers (Department of Political Science, Stockholm University)
ACES rapport / Institutionen för miljövetenskap och analytisk kemi
Anthropology & Society
A preprint from Stockholm University, the Department of Philosophy
Arbetsliv i omvandling (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Arkiv avhandlingsserie
Asian cultures and modernity
August Strindbergs samlade verk: nationalupplaga
Avhandling i geografi med naturgeografisk inriktning
Avhandling i kvartärgeologi
Avhandlingsserie / Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Avhandlingsserie / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Barockakademiens skriftserie
Basic readings in culture and aesthetics
Bidrag till Kungl. vetenskapsakademiens historia
Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs
Centrum för barnkulturforskning
Centrum för genusstudiers skriftserie
Chinese Culture Series
Coast to Coast-Book
Corpus Troporum
Cynegetica Anglica
Dans - forskning och utveckling
Didactica Slavica
Didactica Slavo-Baltica
Dissertations at the Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD) (Closed down 2018-02-27)
Dissertation series / Stockholm University Demography Unit
Dissertations from the Department of Physical Geography (Closed down 2019-03-15)
Dissertations in Bilingualism
Dissertations in Economics
Dissertations in Physical Geography
Dissertations in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Doctoral thesis from the department of mathematics and science education
Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2011-02-07)
Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik
Doktorsavhandlingar från JMK
Doktorsavhandlingar från Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet (Closed down 2011-02-07)
Doktorsavhandlingar i språkdidaktik - Dissertations in Language Education
Eidos: Skrifter från konstvetenskapliga institutionen vid Stockholms universitet
Études de philologie slave
Forskning om teckenspråk (Online)
Forskningsrapport (Centrum för socialvetenskaplig alkohol- och drogforskning)
Forskningsrapporter / Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för franska och italienska: cahiers de la recherche
GEM rapport
Health Equity Studies (Closed down 2022-10-18)
Institutionen för internationell pedagogik, Stockholms universitet
Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie
Kulturgeografiskt seminarium: rapporter, meddelanden, uppsatser från Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Kungl. Vitterhets-, historie- och antikvitetsakademiens handlingar. Antikvariska serien (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Kust till kust-böcker
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Master's degree studies from the Institute of International Education / Stockholm University
Matematikdidaktiska texter
Meddelanden från Avdelningen för slaviska språk
Meddelanden från Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet
Meddelanden från Slaviska institutionen (Closed down 2018-09-23)
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologi och geokemi (Closed down 2010-03-01)
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologiska vetenskaper
MINS: Meddelanden från Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Stockholms universitet
Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad
Monographs/Institute of Latin American Studies
Monograph series / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm
Musikvetenskapliga publikationer
Nordiska museets handlingar (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Phonetic Experimental Research at the Institute of Linguistics, University of Stockholm (PERILUS)
Plants & Ecology
Policy Briefs från Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum
Quaternaria. Ser. A
Rapport / Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Rapporter / Stockholms universitet, Psykologiska institutionen
Rapporter från Arkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet
Rapporter från Stockholms universitets Östersjöcentrum
Rapporter i matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik
Rapporter om undervisning och lärande i högre utbildning
Rapport från PRIM-gruppen
Rapport i socialt arbete
Report Series / Department of Computer & Systems Sciences
Research Report / Department of Statistics, Stockholm University
Research report / Mathematical Statistics
Research report / Stockholm Environment Institute
Research reports / School of Business, Stockholms universitet
Research Reports in Mathematics
Research Reports in Public Health Sciences
Romanica Stockholmiensia
Schriften des Germanistischen Instituts Universität Stockholm
SCORE rapportserie
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University
Seminar Paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University. (Online)
SICS dissertation series
Skrifter från Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning
Skrifter från forskningsprojektet Flexibilitet som tradition, Ängersjöprojektet (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Skrifter utgivna av Religionshistoriska avdelningen vid Stockholms universitet
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet
Södertörn archaeological studies (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Södertörn doctoral dissertations
Södertörn political studies
Södertörn studies in history
Stockholm Archaelogical Reports
Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law
Stockholm cinema studies
Stockholm contributions in geology
Stockholm East Asian monographs
Stockholm economic studies
Stockholm economic studies. Pamphlet series
Stockholm English Studies
Stockholmer germanistische Forschungen
Stockholm Fashion Studies
Stockholm German and Dutch Studies
Stockholm marine archaeology reports
Stockholm Oriental Studies
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography
Stockholm Slavic Papers
Stockholm Slavic studies
Stockholm Studies in Archaeology
Stockholm studies in Baltic languages
Stockholm studies in classical archaeology
Stockholm studies in comparative religion
Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics
Stockholm studies in economic history
Stockholm studies in educational psychology
Stockholm studies in English
Stockholm studies in ethnology
Stockholm studies in film history
Stockholm studies in Finnish language and literature
Stockholm studies in history
Stockholm studies in history of art
Stockholm studies in history of literature
Stockholm studies in human geography
Stockholm Studies in International Relations
Stockholm studies in linguistics
Stockholm studies in modern philology
Stockholm studies in musicology
Stockholm studies in philosophy
Stockholm studies in politics
Stockholm studies in psychology
Stockholm Studies in Public Health Sciences
Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages
Stockholm studies in Russian literature
Stockholm studies in Scandinavian philology
Stockholm studies in social anthropology
Stockholm studies in social policy and welfare
Stockholm studies in social work
Stockholm studies in sociology
Stockholm studies in statistics
Stockholm studies in theatrical history
Stockholm studies in the history of ideas
Stockholm studies on social mechanisms
Stockholms universitetsbiblioteks rapportserie
Stockholm theatre studies
Stress Research Reports
Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia
Studia Fennica Stockholmiensia
Studia Graeca Stockholmiensia
Studia Graeca Stockholmiensia. Series Neohellenica
Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia
Studia juridica Stockholmiensia
Studia Latina Stockholmiensia
Studier i musikvetenskap
Studier i språkdidaktik – Studies in Language Education
Studier i stads- och kommunhistoria
Studies in classical archaeology (Closed down 2013-04-26)
Studies in comparative and international education
Studies in Curating Art
Studies in educational sciences
Studies in North-European archaeology
Studies in North-European archeology. Series B
SULCIS reports and working papers
Sverige under kalla kriget (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Swedish Institute for Social Research
Thales avhandlingsserie
Theses and papers in archaeology. B
Theses and papers in archeology. New series, A
Theses and papers in North-European archaeology
Theses and papers in osteoarchaeology
Theses and papers in osteology
Theses and papers in scientific archaeology
Working papers (Department of Political Science, Stockholm University)
Subject / course
Educational program
Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorsprogrammet 60 hp
Språkkonsultprogrammet 180 hp
Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorsprogrammet 60 hp
Språkkonsultprogrammet 180 hp
Thesis level
Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
Student paper first term
Student paper second term
Student paper other
Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
Student paper first term
Student paper second term
Student paper other
Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
Artistic work
Artistic works only
Exclude artistic work
Artistic works only
Exclude artistic work
External cooperation
External cooperation only
Exclude external cooperation
External cooperation only
Exclude external cooperation
Select department
Show departments that are closed down
Stockholm University
Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning (MPC)
Faculty of Humanities
Centre for Medieval Studies
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Archaeological Research Laboratory
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory
Stockholm Numismatic Institute
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern studies
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Department of English
Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Gender Studies
History of Religions
Department of History
Department of Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
General Linguistics
Modern Greek
Multilingualism in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Sign Language
SUBIC - Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre
Department of Media Studies
Cinema Studies
Fashion Studies
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm Bioethics Centre
Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies
Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German
Baltic Languages
Slavic Languages
Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Centre for Research on Bilingualism
Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies
Scandinavian Languages
Department of Teaching and Learning
Royal College of Music in Stockholm
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice (SCILJ)
Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law
Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child
Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre
The European Law Institute
The Institute for Legal Genetics
The Institute for Social Law
The Institute for Value Added Tax Research
The Institute of Intellectual Property Law and Marketing Law
The Institute of Maritime and other Transport Law
The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute
Faculty of Science
Department of Astronomy
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Department of Biology Education
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Geological Sciences
Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK)
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic and Structural Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Meteorology
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute
Department of Organic Chemistry
Department of Physical Geography
Department of Physics
The Manne Siegbahn Laboratory
Department of Zoology
Animal Ecology
Functional Morphology
Population Genetics
Systematic Zoology
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Baltic Nest Institute
The Bergius Botanical Garden Museum
The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI)
The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmo Particle Physics (OKC)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Aging Research Center (ARC), (together with KI)
Department of Child and Youth Studies
The Centre for the Studies of Children's Culture
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Department of Criminology
Department of Economic History and International Relations
Stockholm University Institute for Turkish Studies (SUITS)
Department of Economics
Department of Education
Department of Human Geography
Department of Political Science
Department of Psychology
Biological psychology
Centre for Cultural Evolution
Clinical psychology
Cognitive psychology
Perception and psychophysics
Personality, Social and Developmental Psychology
Psychobiology and epidemiology
Stress Research Institute
Work and organizational psychology
Department of Public Health Sciences
Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS)
Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD)
Department of Social Anthropology
Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (SCORE)
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology
Department of Special Education
Department of Statistics
Institute for International Economic Studies
Stockholm Business School
Management & Organisation
Operations Management
The Institute for Local Government Economics
The Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita)
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab)
Stockholm Environment Institute
University Library
Select department
(*) Marks organisations that are closed down
Show only present organisations
Stockholm University
Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning (MPC)
Faculty of Humanities
Centre for Medieval Studies
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Archaeological Research Laboratory
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory
Stockholm Numismatic Institute
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern studies
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Department of English
Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Gender Studies
History of Religions
Department of History
Department of Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
General Linguistics
Modern Greek
Multilingualism in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Sign Language
SUBIC - Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre
Department of Media Studies
Cinema Studies
Fashion Studies
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm Bioethics Centre
Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies
Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch, and German
Baltic Languages
Slavic Languages
Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Centre for Research on Bilingualism
Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies
Scandinavian Languages
Department of Teaching and Learning
Royal College of Music in Stockholm
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice (SCILJ)
Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law
Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child
Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre
The European Law Institute
The Institute for Legal Genetics
The Institute for Social Law
The Institute for Value Added Tax Research
The Institute of Intellectual Property Law and Marketing Law
The Institute of Maritime and other Transport Law
The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute
Faculty of Science
Department of Astronomy
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Department of Biology Education
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Geological Sciences
Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK)
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic and Structural Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Meteorology
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute
Department of Organic Chemistry
Department of Physical Geography
Department of Physics
The Manne Siegbahn Laboratory
Department of Zoology
Animal Ecology
Functional Morphology
Population Genetics
Systematic Zoology
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Baltic Nest Institute
The Bergius Botanical Garden Museum
The Bolin Centre for Climate Research (together with KTH & SMHI)
The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmo Particle Physics (OKC)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Aging Research Center (ARC), (together with KI)
Department of Child and Youth Studies
The Centre for the Studies of Children's Culture
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Department of Criminology
Department of Economic History and International Relations
Stockholm University Institute for Turkish Studies (SUITS)
Department of Economics
Department of Education
Department of Human Geography
Department of Political Science
Department of Psychology
Biological psychology
Centre for Cultural Evolution
Clinical psychology
Cognitive psychology
Perception and psychophysics
Personality, Social and Developmental Psychology
Psychobiology and epidemiology
Stress Research Institute
Work and organizational psychology
Department of Public Health Sciences
Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS)
Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD)
Department of Social Anthropology
Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (SCORE)
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology
Department of Special Education
Department of Statistics
Institute for International Economic Studies
Stockholm Business School
Management & Organisation
Operations Management
The Institute for Local Government Economics
The Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita)
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab)
Stockholm Environment Institute
University Library
Choose subject
Show subjects that no longer are in use
Agricultural and Veterinary sciences
Agricultural Biotechnology
Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
Plant Biotechnology
Agricultural Science, Forestry and Fisheries
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science
Food Science
Forest Science
Landscape Architecture
Soil Science
Wood Science
Animal and Dairy Science
Other Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Fish and Wildlife Management
Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
Renewable Bioenergy Research
Veterinary Science
Clinical Science
Medical Bioscience
Other Veterinary Science
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Process Engineering
Corrosion Engineering
Other Chemical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Polymer Technologies
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Building Technologies
Construction Management
Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
Geotechnical Engineering
Infrastructure Engineering
Other Civil Engineering
Transport Systems and Logistics
Water Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Communication Systems
Computer Systems
Control Engineering
Embedded Systems
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Signal Processing
Environmental Biotechnology
Diagnostic Biotechnology
Other Environmental Biotechnology
Water Treatment
Environmental Engineering
Energy Systems
Environmental Management
Geophysical Engineering
Marine Engineering
Mineral and Mine Engineering
Ocean and River Engineering
Other Environmental Engineering
Remote Sensing
Industrial Biotechnology
Bio Materials
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Bioengineering Equipment
Bioprocess Technology
Medical Biotechnology
Other Industrial Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Materials Engineering
Composite Science and Engineering
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Other Materials Engineering
Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Other Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Reliability and Maintenance
Tribology (Interacting Surfaces including Friction, Lubrication and Wear)
Vehicle Engineering
Medical Engineering
Medical Equipment Engineering
Medical Ergonomics
Medical Image Processing
Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies
Medical Materials
Other Medical Engineering
Nano Technology
Other Engineering and Technologies
Food Engineering
Interaction Technologies
Media Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Humanities and the Arts
Art History
Literary Composition
Performing Art Studies
Performing Arts
Studies on Film
Visual Arts
History and Archaeology
History of Technology
Languages and Literature
General Language Studies and Linguistics
General Literature Studies
Specific Languages
Specific Literatures
Other Humanities
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Cultural Studies
Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
History of Ideas
History of Religions
Religious Studies
Medical and Health Sciences
Basic Medicine
Cell and Molecular Biology
Immunology in the medical area
Medical Genetics
Medicinal Chemistry
Microbiology in the medical area
Other Basic Medicine
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Social and Clinical Pharmacy
Clinical Medicine
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Cancer and Oncology
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
General Practice
Infectious Medicine
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
Other Clinical Medicine
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
Urology and Nephrology
Health Sciences
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
Medical Ethics
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Occupational Therapy
Other Health Sciences
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Sport and Fitness Sciences
Substance Abuse
Medical Biotechnology
Biomaterials Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
Medical Biotechnology (with a focus on Cell Biology (including Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
Other Medical Biotechnology
Other Medical Sciences
Forensic Science
Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Behavioral Sciences Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Biological Systematics
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Other Biological Topics
Structural Biology
Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Other Chemistry Topics
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Computer and Information Sciences
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
Computer Engineering
Computer Sciences
Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
Human Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Language Technology (Computational Linguistics)
Media and Communication Technology
Other Computer and Information Science
Software Engineering
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Climate Research
Environmental Sciences
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Other Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Physical Geography
Algebra and Logic
Computational Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Other Mathematics
Probability Theory and Statistics
Other Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
Condensed Matter Physics
Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
Other Physics Topics
Subatomic Physics
Social Sciences
Economics and Business
Business Administration
Economic History
Educational Sciences
Pedagogical Work
Law (excluding Law and Society)
Law and Society
Media and Communications
Communication Studies
Human Aspects of ICT
Information Studies
Information Systems, Social aspects
Media Studies
Other Social Sciences
Gender Studies
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Work Sciences
Political Science
Globalisation Studies
Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalisation Studies)
Public Administration Studies
Applied Psychology
Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology)
Social and Economic Geography
Economic Geography
Human Geography
Social Anthropology
Social Psychology
Social Work
Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
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Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
analytisk materialfysik
Animal Ecology
Animal Ecology
Applied Environmental Science
Applied Nuclear Physics
Archaeological Science
Archaeology and Classical Studies
Archaeology with General Specialisation
Art History
Arts, Humanities and Social Science Education
Asian Languages and Cultures
Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography
Automatic Control
Baltic Languages
biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap
Biochemistry towards Bioinformatics
Biochemistry with Emphasis on Theoretical Chemistry
biokemisk farmakologi
Biological Research on Drug Dependence
Biomedical Radiation Science
biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap
Biorganic Chemistry
Business Administration
Byzantine Studies
Cancer Epidemiology
Caring Sciences
Caring Sciences
Cell Biology
Celtic Languages
Chemical Physics
Child and Youth Psychiatry
Child and Youth Studies with Focus on Educational Science
Child and Youth Studies
Cinema Studies
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Classical Languages
Classics with Specialisation in Ancient Greek
Clinical Bacteriology
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical Genetics
Clinical Immunology
Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical Physiology
Clinical Psychology
Computational Linguistics
Computational Mathematics
Computer and Systems Sciences
Computer Science
Computer Systems
Computerized Image Analysis
Computing Science
Conservation Biology
Criminal Law
Cultural Anthropology
Dermatology and Venerology
Developmental Biology
Developmental Neurosciences
Diagnostic Radiology
Didactic Science for Teachers and Teaching Professions
Domestic Sciences
Drug Metabolism
Early Childhood Education
Ecological Botany
Ecology and Evolution
Economic History
Education in Languages and Language Development
Educational Science
Educational Sciences in Arts and Professions
Electricity, Esp The Study Of Transients and Discharges
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Law
Environmental Sciences
European Law
European Law
evolutionär genetik
Family Medicine
Fashion Studies
Financial Law
Finno-Ugric Languages
Forensic Medicine
Functional Zoomorphology
försöksdjursvetenskap/comparative medicine
Gender Studies
General and Historical Geology
General Linguistics
Genetic Toxicology
Geography with Emphasis on Human Geography
Geography, Physical Geography
Geophysics Specialized In Seismology
Geophysics Specialized In Solid Earth
Hans Blix Centre
High Energy Physics
Historical Geology and Paleontology
Historical Osteology
History of Ideas
History of Religion
History Of Sciences and Ideas
Human Anatomy
Human Geography
hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning
indologi särskilt sanskrit
Infectious Diseases
Informatics and System Science
Information Society
Information Systems Security
Information Systems
Inorganic Chemistry
International and Comparative Education
International Education
International Law
International Relations
Ion Physics
Iranian Languages
IT and learning
IT for health
Jämförande indoeuropeisk språkforskning
klinisk sexologi
Knowledge and Communication
konstitutionell rätt
kyrko- och samfundsvetenskap
Language Education
Law and Economics
Law and Information Technology
Legal History
Legal Science, specialisation Criminal Law
Legal Science, specialisation European Law
Legal Science, specialisation Finacial Law
Legal Science, specialisation in Procedural Law
Legal Science, specialisation Jurisprudence
Legal Science, specialisation Private Law
Legal Science, specialisation Public International Law
Legal Science, specialisation Public Law
Legal Science
Lung Medicine
Man-Machine-Interaction (MMI)
Marine and Brackish Water Ecology
Marine Biology
Marine Ecology
Marine Ecotoxicology
Marine Geology
Marine Geoscience
Materials Chemistry
Materials Science
Mathematical Logic
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics Education
Media and Communication Studies
Medical and Physiological Chemistry
Medical Cell Biology
Medical Genetics
Medical Pharmacology
Medical Radiation Physics
Medical Virology
medicin, ssk akuta infektionssjukdomar
medicinsk beteendevetenskap
medicinsk informatik
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Mineral Chemistry, Petrology and Tectonics
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Mobile Life
Modern Greek
Molecular Biology
Molecular Bioscience
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Cellbiology
Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genome Research
Molecular Immunology
Molecular Medicine
Molecular Medicine
morfologisk zoologi med utvecklingsbiologisk inriktning
Music Education
Natural Resources Management
Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicology
Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology
New Testament Exegesis
Nuclear Physics
Numerical Analysis
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Old Testament Exegesis
Organic Chemistry
Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Peace and Conflict Research
Pediatric Surgery
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Pharmacology
Physical and Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Physical Biology
Physical Chemistry
Physical Geography
Physics Of Matter
Physiological Botany
Physiological Mycology
Plant Ecology
Plant Morphology
Plant Physiology
Plant Systematics
Plastic Surgery
Political Science
Population Biology
Population Genetics
Practical Philosophy
Private International Law
Private Law
Procedural Law
Public Health Sciences
Public International Law
Public Law
Quantum Chemistry
Quaternary Geology
Radiation Physics
Rehabilitation Medicine
Roman Law
Romance Languages, General Specialisation
Romance Languages, Specialisation in French
Romance Languages, Specialisation in Italian
Romance Languages, Specialisation in Portuguese
Romance Languages, Specialisation in Spanish
Romance Languages
Scandinavian Languages
Science Education
Scientific Archaeology
Semitic Languages
Sign Language
Signal Processing
Slavic Languages
Social Anthropology
Social Medicine
Social Pharmacy
Social Work
Social Work
Sociological Demography
Software Development
Solid Mechanics
Solid State Physics
Space and Plasma Physics
Space Physics
Special Education with a Focus on Educational Science
Special Education
Structural Biology
Structural Chemistry
Studies In Faiths and Ideologies
Subatomic Physics, Esp Neutron Physics
Subject Learning and Teaching
Surface Biotechnology
Sustainability Science
Swedish as a Second Language for the Deaf
Systematic Botany
Systematic Zoology
Systematic Zoology
Systems Analysis
Systems Ecology
Teaching and Learning with Specialisation in the Arts Education
Teaching and Learning with Specialisation in the Humanities Education
Teaching and Learning with Specialisation in the Social Sciences Education
Theatre Studies
Theoretical Astrophysics
Theoretical Electrotechnics
Theoretical Philosophy
Theoretical Physics
Thoracic and Cardivascular Suregery
Translation Studies
Zoological Cell Biology
Zoological Developmental Biology
Zoological physiology
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